Databases may be unstable because the execution plan of SQL statements is constantly changing. Alibaba Cloud provides the statement outline feature to make stable execution plans by using optimizer and index hints. The DBMS_OUTLN package can be installed to use the statement outline feature.


The RDS instance version is one of the following:

  • MySQL 8.0
  • MySQL 5.7

Feature design

The statement outline feature supports the following types of hints provided by MySQL 8.0.

  • Optimizer hint

    Optimizer hints are classified by scope and object, and are divided into various types, such as global level hint, table level hint, index level hint, and JOIN_ORDER hint. For more information, see Optimizer Hints.

  • Index hint

    Index hints are classified by scope and type. For more information, see Index Hints.

Introduction to the outline table

AliSQL uses a system table named outline to store hints. The instance system automatically creates the table when the system is started. You can refer to the following statements that create the outline table.
​CREATE TABLE `mysql`.`outline` (
  `Id` bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `Schema_name` varchar(64) COLLATE utf8_bin DEFAULT NULL,
  `Digest` varchar(64) COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL,
  `Digest_text` longtext COLLATE utf8_bin,
  `Scope` enum('','FOR JOIN','FOR ORDER BY','FOR GROUP BY') CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci DEFAULT '',
  `State` enum('N','Y') CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Y',
  `Position` bigint(20) NOT NULL,
  `Hint` text COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL,
) /*! 50100 TABLESPACE `mysql` */ ENGINE=InnoDB

The following table describes the parameters.

Parameter Description
Id The ID of the outline table.
Schema_name The name of the database.
Digest The 64-byte hash string calculated from Digest_text during the hash calculation.
Digest_text The digest of the SQL statement.
  • The hint type of optimizer hints is OPTIMIZER.
  • The hint type of index hints is USE INDEX, FORCE INDEX, or IGNORE INDEX.
Scope This parameter is only specified for index hints. Valid values:

An empty string indicates index hints of all types.

State Specifies whether to enable the statement outline.
  • For optimizer hints, the Position parameter is the position of the keyword in query blocks because all optimizer hints are applied to query blocks. The value of Position indicates the order of the keyword that is applied by hints. The valid values of Position starts from 1.
  • For index hints, the Position parameter is the position of the table. The value of Position indicates the order of the table that is applied by hints. The valid value starts from 1.
  • For optimizer hints, Hint indicates an integrated hint string, such as /*+ MAX_EXECUTION_TIME(1000) */.
  • For index hints, Hint indicates a list of index names, such as ind_1,ind_2.

Manage the statement outline

AliSQL provides six management interfaces in the DBMS_OUTLN package. They are described as follows:
  • add_optimizer_outline
    Adds optimizer hints. The statement is as follows:
    Note You can enter either of the Digest or Query SQL statements. If you enter the query statement, DBMS_OUTLN calculates the values of Digest and Digest_text.


    CALL DBMS_OUTLN.add_optimizer_outline("outline_db", '', 1, '/*+ MAX_EXECUTION_TIME(1000) */',
                                          "select * from t1 where id = 1");
  • add_index_outline
    Adds index hints. The statement is as follows:
    Note You can enter either of the Digest or Query SQL statements. If you enter the query statement, DBMS_OUTLN calculates the values of Digest and Digest_text.


    call dbms_outln.add_index_outline('outline_db', '', 1, 'USE INDEX', 'ind_1', '',
                                    "select * from t1 where t1.col1 =1 and t1.col2 ='xpchild'");
  • preview_outline
    Queries the status of the SQL statement matching the statement outline, which can be used for manual verification. The statement is as follows:


    ​mysql> call dbms_outln.preview_outline('outline_db', "select * from t1 where t1.col1 =1 and t1.col2 ='xpchild'");
    | SCHEMA     | DIGEST                                                           | BLOCK_TYPE | BLOCK_NAME | BLOCK | HINT                |
    | outline_db | b4369611be7ab2d27c85897632576a04bc08f50b928a1d735b62d0a140628c4c | TABLE      | t1         |     1 | USE INDEX (`ind_1`) |
    1 row in set (0.00 sec)​
  • show_outline
    Displays the in-memory hit rate of the statement outline. The statement is as follows:


    ​mysql> call dbms_outln.show_outline();
    | ID   | SCHEMA     | DIGEST                                                           | TYPE      | SCOPE | POS  | HINT                                                  | HIT  | OVERFLOW | DIGEST_TEXT                                                                         |
    |   33 | outline_db | 36bebc61fce7e32b93926aec3fdd790dad5d895107e2d8d3848d1c60b74bcde6 | OPTIMIZER |       |    1 | /*+ SET_VAR(foreign_key_checks=OFF) */                |    1 |        0 | SELECT * FROM `t1` WHERE `id` = ?                                                   |
    |   32 | outline_db | 36bebc61fce7e32b93926aec3fdd790dad5d895107e2d8d3848d1c60b74bcde6 | OPTIMIZER |       |    1 | /*+ MAX_EXECUTION_TIME(1000) */                       |    2 |        0 | SELECT * FROM `t1` WHERE `id` = ?                                                   |
    |   34 | outline_db | d4dcef634a4a664518e5fb8a21c6ce9b79fccb44b773e86431eb67840975b649 | OPTIMIZER |       |    1 | /*+ BNL(t1,t2) */                                     |    1 |        0 | SELECT `t1` . `id` , `t2` . `id` FROM `t1` , `t2`                                   |
    |   35 | outline_db | 5a726a609b6fbfb76bb8f9d2a24af913a2b9d07f015f2ee1f6f2d12dfad72e6f | OPTIMIZER |       |    2 |  /*+ QB_NAME(subq1) */                                |    2 |        0 | SELECT * FROM `t1` WHERE `t1` . `col1` IN ( SELECT `col1` FROM `t2` )               |
    |   36 | outline_db | 5a726a609b6fbfb76bb8f9d2a24af913a2b9d07f015f2ee1f6f2d12dfad72e6f | OPTIMIZER |       |    1 | /*+ SEMIJOIN(@subq1 MATERIALIZATION, DUPSWEEDOUT) */  |    2 |        0 | SELECT * FROM `t1` WHERE `t1` . `col1` IN ( SELECT `col1` FROM `t2` )               |
    |   30 | outline_db | b4369611be7ab2d27c85897632576a04bc08f50b928a1d735b62d0a140628c4c | USE INDEX |       |    1 | ind_1                                                 |    3 |        0 | SELECT * FROM `t1` WHERE `t1` . `col1` = ? AND `t1` . `col2` = ?                    |
    |   31 | outline_db | 33c71541754093f78a1f2108795cfb45f8b15ec5d6bff76884f4461fb7f33419 | USE INDEX |       |    2 | ind_2                                                 |    1 |        0 | SELECT * FROM `t1` , `t2` WHERE `t1` . `col1` = `t2` . `col1` AND `t2` . `col2` = ? |
    7 rows in set (0.00 sec)​

    The following table describes the HIT and OVERFLOW parameters.

    Parameter Description
    HIT The number of times that the statement outline finds the destination query block or table.
    OVERFLOW The number of times that the statement outline does not find the destination query block or table.
  • del_outline
    Deletes a statement outline from the memory and the table. The statement is as follows:


    ​mysql> call dbms_outln.del_outline(32);
    Note If the statement outline that you want to delete does not exist, the system displays a corresponding error. You can execute the SHOW WARNINGS; statement to view the error message.
    ​mysql> call dbms_outln.del_outline(1000);
    Query OK, 0 rows affected, 2 warnings (0.00 sec)
    mysql> show warnings;
    | Level   | Code | Message                                      |
    | Warning | 7521 | Statement outline 1000 is not found in table |
    | Warning | 7521 | Statement outline 1000 is not found in cache |
    2 rows in set (0.00 sec)​
  • flush_outline
    If you modify the statement outline in the outline table, you need to execute the following statement so that the statement outline takes effect again. The statement is as follows:


    mysql> update mysql.outline set Position = 1 where Id = 18;
    Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
    Rows matched: 1  Changed: 1  Warnings: 0
    ​mysql> call dbms_outln.flush_outline(); 
    Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)​

Feature test

There are two methods to verify whether the statement outline takes effect.
  • Use the preview_outline interface.
    mysql> call dbms_outln.preview_outline('outline_db', "select * from t1 where t1.col1 =1 and t1.col2 ='xpchild'");
    | SCHEMA     | DIGEST                                                           | BLOCK_TYPE | BLOCK_NAME | BLOCK | HINT                |
    | outline_db | b4369611be7ab2d27c85897632576a04bc08f50b928a1d735b62d0a140628c4c | TABLE      | t1         |     1 | USE INDEX (`ind_1`) |
    1 row in set (0.01 sec)
  • Execute the EXPLAIN statement.
    mysql> explain select * from t1 where t1.col1 =1 and t1.col2 ='xpchild';
    | id | select_type | table | partitions | type | possible_keys | key   | key_len | ref   | rows | filtered | Extra       |
    |  1 | SIMPLE      | t1    | NULL       | ref  | ind_1         | ind_1 | 5       | const |    1 |   100.00 | Using where |
    1 row in set, 1 warning (0.00 sec)
    mysql> show warnings;
    | Level | Code | Message                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 |
    | Note  | 1003 | /* select#1 */ select `outline_db`.`t1`.`id` AS `id`,`outline_db`.`t1`.`col1` AS `col1`,`outline_db`.`t1`.`col2` AS `col2` from `outline_db`.`t1` USE INDEX (`ind_1`) where ((`outline_db`.`t1`.`col1` = 1) and (`outline_db`.`t1`.`col2` = 'xpchild')) |
    1 row in set (0.00 sec)