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ApsaraDB RDS:Release notes for the database proxy version

Last Updated:Oct 16, 2024

ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL upgrades the database proxy version at irregular intervals. This topic describes the release notes for the database proxy version of ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL. This helps you understand the new features, optimizations, and bug fixing of each database proxy version.


View the database proxy version

  • View the current database proxy version. In the Basic Information section of the Database Proxy page, check the value of the Proxy Version parameter.


  • View the version to which you can upgrade the database proxy: Click Upgrade to the right of Proxy Version and check the value of the Available Upgrade parameter.

  • If the database proxy uses the latest version, the Upgrade button is not displayed.

  • You can also call an API operation to query the database proxy version. For more information, see Query database proxy settings.

Release notes for the database proxy version


The following table contains only the mainstream dedicated proxy versions rather than all dedicated proxy versions. The database proxy version that you use may not be included in the table.

Database proxy version



  • New features:

    The minimum number of retained instances can be configured.

  • Bug fixes:

    • The bug that the bandwidth of a single connection is limited in high-latency networks is fixed.

    • The bug that loads may become unbalanced across nodes after the recovery of faulty nodes is fixed.


Bug fixes:

  • The bug that loads may be imbalanced in read/write splitting mode due to specific persistent connections is fixed.

  • The bug that out of memory (OOM) errors occur when you execute the SHOW WHERE statement in the database proxy version of 2.9.1 is fixed.


  • New features:

    • The connection pooling and latency threshold settings can be configured for a database proxy endpoint that is set to read-only.

    • Persistent connections are supported when primary/secondary switchovers are performed for failovers on an RDS instance.

    • Persistent connections are optimized to support transactions that are not written at the READ COMMITTED isolation level.

  • Bug fixes:

    • The bug that the thread id already exists error is reported due to thread ID rotation is fixed. This way, thread IDs are not rotated if possible.

    • The following bug is fixed: When you execute the KILL QUERY statement on the read-only routing endpoint of an RDS instance to kill a query, the execution is not broadcast and the query fails to be killed.


New features:

The version is upgraded to 2.3.15.


Make sure that the minor engine version of the RDS instance is 20240131 or later. For more information, see Update the minor engine version.


Bug fixes:

  • The bug that a session becomes unresponsive upon the execution of a KILL statement is fixed.

  • The bug that a session cannot be killed on a read-only node with a weight of 0 is fixed.

  • The bug that the bandwidth of a single connection is limited in high-latency networks is fixed.

  • The bug that the loads may become unbalanced across nodes after the recovery of faulty nodes is fixed.

  • The bug that a task flow fails due to the unresponsive MHD thread is fixed.

  • The bug that a memory leak occurs in scenarios involving short-lived connections is fixed.

  • The bug that the force_node syntax does not take effect is not fixed.


  • New features:

    The number of failed persistent connections can be monitored.

  • Bug fixes:

    • The bug that JDBC errors are reported when the database engine version of an RDS instance is upgraded from MySQL 5.7 to MySQL 8.0 is fixed.

    • The bug that the connections to an RDS cluster that runs MySQL 5.6 fail to be authenticated due to the RDS cluster being locked is fixed.

    • The bug that the proxy protocol becomes ineffective following a rapid restart of an RDS instance that runs MySQL 5.7 after a shutdown is fixed.

    • The bug that errors are returned for requests during the restoration of individual databases and tables is fixed.


New features:

Persistent connections are supported when automatic switchovers occur on an RDS instance.


Bug fixes:

The bug that the client is disconnected from your RDS instance after the connection pooling feature is enabled is fixed because this version is compatible with the session tracker in MySQL 8.0.33.


Bug fixes:

  • The bug that the proxy endpoint is unavailable when the dual-write prevention feature of the database proxy fails to identify the primary RDS instance is fixed. The error codes for the dual-write prevention feature of the database proxy are added. When the feature is triggered, the client receives the related error code.

  • The bug that the authentication of the proxy endpoint fails if the host specified for a database account is a CIDR block is fixed.

  • The bug that the first read request in a transaction is forwarded to a read-only RDS instance when transaction splitting is disabled is fixed.


New features:

The dual-write prevention feature of the database proxy is added to prevent data write errors when two primary RDS instances exist during failovers. When you enable the dual-write prevention feature, if multiple primary RDS instances exist in your database system, the proxy endpoint is unavailable.


Bug fixes:

  • The bug that new connections fail because a large number of connections are established to the database is fixed.

  • The bug that response time (RT) jitters are caused by internal scheduled tasks is fixed.


  • Performance improvements:

    • The performance of the database proxy is optimized in scenarios in which tremendous authentication events occur.

    • The account authentication feature is optimized. When authentication events with invalid accounts occur, global throttling is changed to account-based throttling.

  • Bug fixes:

    • The bug that the transaction status is lost when a transaction is split is fixed.

    • The bug that environment variables are not reset in transaction-level connection pools is fixed.

    • The bug that the prepared statement feature fails to be disabled for distributed transactions (XA transactions) is fixed.

    • Several internal exceptions are fixed.


  • New features:

    MySQL utf8mb3 encoding is supported.

  • Bug fixes:

    The bug that a routing error is reported for the SELECT FOR UPDATE statement because a large number of prepared statement parameters exist is fixed.


  • Performance improvements:

    The performance of parsing INSERT statements when a proxy is used is optimized.

  • Bug fixes:

    The bug that some clients are incompatible with SSL is fixed.


Bug fixes:

  • The bug that out of memory (OOM) errors occur on the database proxy when authentication fails is fixed.

  • The bug that the database proxy may stop responding in multi-endpoint scenarios is fixed.


  • New features:

    • The SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID() statement can be executed after the INSERT statement to obtain the unique ID of a sharded table.

    • The FOUND_ROWS function is supported.

    • The requests for running the COM_STATISTICS command can be routed to read-only RDS instances.

    • The transaction-level connection pooling feature is optimized.

    • The requests for calling the GEO function can be routed to read-only RDS instances.

    • A few internal metrics are added to monitor the performance of RDS instances.

  • Bug fixes:

    • The bug that causes requests to be routed to locked RDS instances is fixed.

    • The bug that causes routing errors due to the incorrect parsing of some statements is fixed.

    • The bug that causes failures in running the stmt_exec command is fixed.

    • The bug that causes failures in executing the LOAD DATA INFILE statement is fixed.


Bug fixes:

A few internal bugs are fixed.


  • New features:

    • The Force Node Connection feature is provided to route all requests to a specified node. For example, the /*force_proxy_internal*/set force_node = 'pi-123'; setting specifies that all requests over a specified connection are routed to the pi-123 node.


      If the specified node is faulty, the set force node 'pi-123' is not found, please check. error is returned.

    • The Force Node Query feature is provided to route a specified request to a specified node. For example, the /*force_node='pi-123'*/ show processlist; setting specifies that a specified request is routed to the pi-123 node.


      If the specified node is faulty, the "'force hint server node is not found, please check'." error is returned.

    • A few internal metrics are added to monitor the performance of RDS instances.

  • Bug fixes:

    • The bug that causes requests to be routed to read-only RDS instances is fixed. This bug is triggered if the statements in the requests contain the MODE keyword.

    • The bug that causes unbalanced loads is fixed.


  • New features:

    SSL encryption can be enabled for dedicated proxy endpoints.

  • Bug fixes:

    • The bug that causes exceptions in establishing SSL connections to an RDS instance is fixed. This bug is triggered if the RDS instance runs MySQL 8.0.

    • The bug that prevents the enabled dedicated proxies from properly routing new requests to an RDS instance is fixed. This bug is triggered if the RDS instance is restored from an abnormal state to a normal state.


  • New features:

    • The SHOW FULL PROCESSLIST statement is supported.

    • The syntax for XA transactions is supported.

  • Bug fixes:

    • The bug that causes errors in executing the SHOW PROCESSLIST statement on an RDS instance is fixed. This bug is triggered if the RDS instance runs MySQL 8.0.

    • A few bugs that affect the transaction connection pool feature are fixed.

    • A few bugs that cause connection failures are fixed.


  • New features:

    The transaction connection pool feature is supported. For more information, see Set the connection pool type of an ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL instance.

  • Bug fixes:

    • The bug that prevents new requests over the previous persistent connections to an RDS instance from being routed to the RDS instance is fixed. This bug is triggered if the RDS instance is restored from an abnormal state to a normal state. This bug is fixed by optimizing the mechanism that is used to balance loads among persistent connections.

    • The bug that prevents the PREPARE statement from being sent in unicast mode is fixed by optimizing the syntax of the PREPARE statement.

    • The bug that causes failures in connecting MySQL 5.7 databases to MySQL 5.6 databases is fixed. This bug is triggered if the Deprecate EOF feature is enabled.

    • The bug that causes disconnections to an RDS instance is fixed. This bug is triggered if stored procedures are invoked to modify the RDS instance.

    • The bug that causes a client to report the Packets out of order error is fixed. This bug is triggered if the size per line of large packets in a result set exceeds 16 MB.

    • The bug that prevents the timely termination of transactions on a read-only RDS instance is fixed. This bug is triggered if the transactions are started by the SET autocommit=0 statement.

    • The bug that causes a statement to be routed to a read-only RDS instance is fixed. This bug is triggered if LOCK IN SHARE MODE is specified in the statement.

    • The bug that causes the SELECT handler FROM abc statement to be routed to a read-only RDS instance is fixed. This bug is triggered if FOR UPDATE is specified in the statement.

    • The bug that causes failures in authenticating a user from more than one host is fixed.


Bug fixes:

A few bugs that affect the session connection pool feature are fixed.


  • New features:

    • The root account is granted the permissions to establish connections.

    • SSL connections are supported.

  • Bug fixes:

    • The bug that causes failures in running the change user command is fixed.

    • The bug that causes failures in running the load file command is fixed.

    • The bug that causes a client to report the Exception: Packets out of order error is fixed. This error occurs if the client receives packets that are in an abnormal sequence.

    • The bug that causes a read-only RDS instance to disconnect when its primary RDS instance becomes abnormal is fixed.


  • New features:

    The /*FORCE_SLAVE*/ and /*FORCE_MASTE*/ hints are supported.

  • Bug fixes:

    • The bug that causes the system to return garbled characters is fixed. This bug is triggered if the value of the charset parameter is invalid.

    • The bug that causes the system to return an invalid string for the MySQL version is fixed.


Related operations




Queries the details of a database proxy.