To help you better understand the features and performance of economy ApsaraDB RDS instances, Alibaba Cloud renames the economy product type to the YiTian product type on June 25, 2024. The renaming does not involve feature changes or affect your online experience. YiTian ApsaraDB RDS instances provide the same services as economy ApsaraDB RDS instances.
Effective time
June 25, 2024
You can view the effect of the product type renaming in the ApsaraDB RDS console.
Change description
To help you better understand the features and performance of economy ApsaraDB RDS instances, Alibaba Cloud renames the economy product type to the YiTian product type. The YiTian product type corresponds to the underlying architecture of ApsaraDB RDS, which is ARM. The new name highlights the advantages of the ARM architecture that uses Alibaba Cloud-developed YiTian chips.