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ApsaraDB RDS:[Product changes/Feature changes] The baseline I/O performance of the general ESSDs of ApsaraDB RDS instances is increased

Last Updated:Jul 22, 2024

For ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL instances and ApsaraDB RDS for PostgreSQL instances, the baseline IOPS is increased by up to 22,400, and the baseline I/O bandwidth is increased by up to 350 MB/s. The baseline I/O performance includes the performance of baseline IOPS and baseline I/O bandwidth. You do not need to pay additional fees for the increased baseline I/O performance of general Enterprise SSDs (ESSDs), and your workloads on the existing RDS instances that use general ESSDs remain unaffected.

Background information

As the general ESSD technology of ApsaraDB RDS continuously evolves, the baseline I/O performance of general ESSDs of RDS instances that run MySQL and PostgreSQL is significantly increased. The baseline IOPS is increased by up to 22,400, and the baseline I/O bandwidth is increased by up to 350 MB/s.

Applicable scope

The increase applies to the following RDS instances:

  • Existing and new RDS instances that run MySQL and uses general ESSDs

  • Existing and new RDS instances that run PostgreSQL and uses general ESSDs

Effective date

  • General ESSDs of new RDS instances: The increase takes effect from the day on which this announcement is released.

  • General ESSDs of RDS instances whose storage type is changed: The increase takes effect on the RDS instances whose storage type is changed from ESSD to general ESSD from the day on which this announcement is released.

  • General ESSDs of existing RDS instances: The increase takes effect from June 26, 2024.


Performance comparison before and after the increase

The increase in baseline I/O performance of general ESSDs may vary based on the storage capacity of the general ESSDs.

  • In this example, the storage capacity of the RDS instance that uses general ESSDs is greater than or equal to 100 GB.

  • After the baseline I/O performance is increased for an RDS instance with the I/O burst feature enabled, the I/O burst feature is provided based on the increased baseline I/O performance.

Storage capacity of the general ESSD

Baseline before the increase

(the same as that of PL1 ESSDs)

Baseline after the increase


100 GB ≤ Storage capacity < 1,000 GB

I/O bandwidth: 125 MB/s to 350 MB/s

IOPS: 6,800 to 50,000

I/O bandwidth: 225 MB/s to 450 MB/s

IOPS: 13,200 to 56,400

I/O bandwidth: 100 MB/s

IOPS: 6,400

1,000 GB ≤ Storage capacity < 2,000 GB

I/O bandwidth: 350 MB/s

IOPS: 50,000

I/O bandwidth: 500 MB/s

IOPS: 59,600

I/O bandwidth: 150 MB/s

IOPS: 9,600

2,000 GB ≤ Storage capacity < 4,000 GB

I/O bandwidth: 350 MB/s

IOPS: 50,000

I/O bandwidth: 550 MB/s

IOPS: 62,800

I/O bandwidth: 200 MB/s

IOPS: 12,800

4,000 GB ≤ Storage capacity < 16,000 GB

I/O bandwidth: 350 MB/s

IOPS: 50,000

I/O bandwidth: 600 MB/s

IOPS: 66,000

I/O bandwidth: 250 MB/s

IOPS: 16,000

16,000 GB ≤ Storage capacity < 64,000 GB

I/O bandwidth: 350 MB/s

IOPS: 50,000

I/O bandwidth: 700 MB/s

IOPS: 72,400

I/O bandwidth: 350 MB/s

IOPS: 22,400

Usage notes

The baseline I/O performance of general ESSDs is increased at the storage layer. The baseline I/O performance of general ESSDs at the computing layer is not increased. Therefore, the overall performance of an RDS instance varies based on the instance type. The overall throughput and maximum IOPS of an RDS instance are calculated by using the following formulas.

Maximum IOPS

Maximum throughput

min{50000 + IOPS increment,Maximum IOPS for the instance type,IOPS that corresponds to the maximum I/O bandwidth for the instance type,1800 + 50 x Storage capacity of the RDS instance + IOPS increment}

min{350 + I/O bandwidth increment,Maximum IOPS for the instance type,120 + 0.5 x Storage capacity of the RDS instance + I/O bandwidth increment} (Unit: MB/s)


What are general ESSDs?