This topic describes the services that work with the permission audit feature of Resource Access Management (RAM) and the related audit granularities.
RAM code | Service | Audit granularity |
acc | Alibaba Cloud Container Compute Service (ACS) | Service |
actiontrail | ActionTrail | Operation |
adam | Advanced Database & Application Migration (ADAM) | Service |
adcp | Alibaba Cloud Distributed Cloud Container Platform (ACK One) | Service |
adp | Application Delivery Platform | Service |
alb | Application Load Balancer (ALB) | Service |
alidns | Alibaba Cloud DNS (DNS) | Service |
alimail | Alibaba Mail | Service |
aliyuncvc | Cloud Video Conferencing | Service |
apigateway | API Gateway | Service |
baas | Blockchain as a Service (BaaS) | Service |
bpstudio | Cloud Architect Design Tools (CADT) | Service |
cassandra | ApsaraDB for Cassandra | Service |
cdn | Alibaba Cloud CDN (CDN) | Service |
cen | Cloud Enterprise Network (CEN) | Service |
clickhouse | ApsaraDB for ClickHouse | Service |
cloudbox | CloudBox | Service |
cloudphone | Elastic Cloud Phone (ECP) | Service |
cloudsso | CloudSSO | Service |
companyreg | ICP Filing | Service |
composer | Logic Composer | Service |
computenest | Compute Nest | Service |
computenestsupplier | Compute Nest | Service |
config | Cloud Config | Operation |
cs | Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) | Service |
dbfs | Database File System (DBFS) | Service |
dcdn | Dynamic Content Delivery Network (DCDN) | Service |
dds | ApsaraDB for MongoDB | Service |
dms | Data Management (DMS) | Service |
docmind | Document Mind | Service |
domain | Domain Names | Service |
drds | PolarDB for Xscale (PolarDB-X) | Service |
eais | Elastic Accelerated Computing Instances | Service |
ebs | Elastic Block Storage (EBS) | Service |
eci | Elastic Container Instance | Service |
ecs | Elastic Compute Service (ECS) | Service |
ehpc | Elastic High Performance Computing (E-HPC) | Service |
eipanycast | Elastic IP Address (EIP) | Service |
emasdevops | Enterprise Mobile Application Studio (EMAS) | Service |
ens | Edge Node Service (ENS) | Service |
es-serverless | Elasticsearch | Service |
ess | Auto Scaling | Service |
ga | Global Accelerator (GA) | Service |
gdb | Graph Database | Service |
governance | Cloud Governance Center (CGC) | Service |
gpdb | AnalyticDB for PostgreSQL | Service |
hbase | ApsaraDB for HBase | Service |
hdr | Hybrid Disaster Recovery | Service |
hitsdb | Lindorm | Service |
hologram | Hologres | Service |
ims | Identity Management Service (IMS) | Service |
kvstore | Tair (Redis® OSS-compatible) | Service |
lindorm | Lindorm | Service |
nis | Network Intelligence Service | Service |
nlb | Network Load Balancer (NLB) | Service |
nls | Intelligent Speech Interaction | Service |
ocr | OCR | Service |
oos | CloudOps Orchestration Service (OOS) | Service |
opt | Optimization Solver | Service |
pcdn | P2P CDN (PCDN) | Service |
polardb | PolarDB | Service |
polardbx | PolarDB for Xscale (PolarDB-X) | Service |
privatelink | PrivateLink | Service |
pubdns | DNS | Service |
pvtz |
| Service |
quotas | Quota Center | Operation |
ram |
| Operation |
rds | ApsaraDB RDS | Service |
resourcecenter | Resource Center | Operation |
resourcemanager | Resource Management | Operation |
resourcesharing | Resource Sharing | Operation |
rocketmq | ApsaraMQ for RocketMQ 5.0 | Service |
ros | Resource Orchestration Service (ROS) | Service |
servicecatalog | Service Catalog | Service |
slb | Classic Load Balancer (CLB) | Service |
smartag | Smart Access Gateway (SAG) | Service |
smc | Server Migration Center | Service |
sts | Security Token Service (STS) | Service |
tag | Tag service | Service |
vpc |
| Service |
yundun-aegis | Security Center | Service |
yundun-antiddosbag | Anti-DDoS | Service |
yundun-bastionhost | Bastionhost | Service |
yundun-cloudauth | ID Verification | Service |
yundun-cloudfirewall | Cloud Firewall | Service |
yundun-dbaudit | DataBase Audit | Service |
yundun-ddos | Anti-DDoS | Service |
yundun-ddoscoo | Anti-DDoS | Service |
yundun-greenweb | Content Moderation | Service |
yundun-hsm | Cloud Hardware Security Module | Service |
yundun-idaas | Identity as a Service (IDaaS) | Service |
yundun-sas | Security Center | Service |
yundun-sddp | Data Security Center (DSC) | Service |
yundun-waf |
| Service |