Quota Center plans to update the permissions on some API operations for Resource Access Management (RAM) users from 15:00:00 on June 5, 2023. After the updated APIs are published, the update period is six months. The end of the update period is 15:00:00 on December 5, 2023. We recommend that you perform rectifications based on your business requirements during this period.
Change description
Permissions on the following API operations will be updated:
If you have attached the system policy AliyunQuotasFullAccess that is used for permission management in Quota Center to a RAM user, you are not affected by the upgrade.
If you have attached a custom policy to a RAM user to perform operations in Quota Center, you must add the preceding API operations to the custom policy. Otherwise, when you call API operations or visit the Products with General Quotas, API Rate Limits, or Quota Templates page in the Quota Center console after the update period, the system prompts that you are not authorized to perform the operations.
Usage notes
During the update period, API authentication is enabled for new RAM users but is disabled for existing RAM users.
After the update period, API authentication is enabled for both new and existing RAM users.
Make sure that your RAM user has sufficient permissions to perform operations in Quota Center. For example, you can attach the AliyunQuotasReadOnlyAccess policy to grant the read-only permissions or AliyunQuotasFullAccess policy to grant the management permissions to the RAM user. You can also authorize the RAM user to perform the required API operations by attaching a custom policy. For more information, see Authorize a RAM User or Modify the document and description of a custom policy.