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Quick BI:View Alert Information

Last Updated:May 22, 2024

After you configure alerts, you can view the Alert Overview of all metrics on the Metrics page. You can also select a specific metric to view the alert details.

View monitoring and alert overview

Operation platform

Manage pages in the navigation pane

You can click the imageicon in the upper-right corner of the navigation pane and click Metric Monitoring in the application to go to the Metric Monitoring Center. You can view the overview of all metrics.


Chart preview

  • In the dashboard chart preview page, you can click metric Monitoring(①) , the pop-up window shows the current dashboard monitoring alert settings (②). In the upper right corner, click go to the Metric Monitoring Center(③), that is, jump to the metric monitoring management page to view the alert overview information.


  • If you want to view only the monitoring information of the metrics in the current dashboard, you can view the information in the dashboard in the Metric Monitoring dialog box. You can also select a chart granularity from the drop-down list to view the monitoring information of the metrics in the corresponding chart.


Overview of metrics


You can view the alert overview information in the Metric Monitoring Center. In the upper part of the page, you can switch to the I Follow, I Create, and I Have Permissions tab.

  • I Follow: If the push message setting is enabled for metric monitoring, message recipients follow by default. You can click the Unfollow icon in the upper-right corner imageof the corresponding card.

  • Created by Me: displays all metrics that you have created.

  • Permissions: displays all metrics that you have permissions to view.



If you want to quickly lock and view the alert status of a metric, you can enter the name of the metric in the search box in the upper-right corner of the Overview page to search for the metric.



You can click Expand or Collapse in the Filter section. If you want to filter metric alerts by different dimensions, you can click Filter in the upper-right corner of the Overview page to expand the Filter section.

  • If you want to filter only metric alerts in the Abnormal state, you can set Data Status to Abnormal.

  • If you want to monitor metric alerts in a workspace, you can select Target Space, Report Type, and Report.


Metric monitoring card

You can view the Alert Abnormal Data on each metric card.

  • Abnormal Data: If abnormal data is detected during the monitoring of the metric, Alert appears in the upper-left corner of the card. You can view the details when you hover the pointer over the alert.


  • Metric Alert Details: You can click the metric name or click Metric Details in the lower-right corner of the card. The alert details are displayed in a pop-up window.


  • Metric Settings: Click the icon next to the name of the metric. image


  • Follow or unfollow:

    • You can click the imageicon in the upper-right corner of a metric card. After you click Follow, Message Push is automatically enabled. If you do not want to receive push messages, click the imageicon in the upper-right corner and choose More > Reject Message Push.

    • If the push message setting is enabled for the current metric monitoring, message recipients follow by default. You can click the Unfollow icon in the upper-right corner imageof the corresponding card. When the unfollow action takes effect, the message push feature is not disabled. You must manually disable the feature.


View monitoring alert details

On the Metrics Management Center page, you can click the metric name of the metric card or click Metric Details in the lower-right corner of the card. A pop-up window appears on the right side of the page. Alert details


Overview of metric alerts

In the Metric Alert Overview section, you can view Detection History, Metric Exceptions Split by Dimension, and Metric Alert Trend.

Detection history

You can click the imageicon next to Detection Cycle to show the detection history. You can view the Detection Time, Detection Status, and Exception Cause parameters. If you want to view the Abnormal Metric Data at a certain time, you can click Detection Time to view the abnormal data.


Abnormal metric data details

In this section, you can view the Data Details of the metrics that you want to monitor. If you set the Data Details parameter to Split by Dimension, you can view the details of the metrics in different dimensions. You can also select Only see exceptions in the upper-right corner to quickly lock the exception data corresponding to the metric.


Data interpretation

When you view metric exception data, you can click the corresponding data, at the bottom of the details page data interpretation the corresponding the reason for the data exception. Click in the upper right corner go to Source Report you will be redirected to the corresponding report. .
