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Quick BI:Create an Ad Hoc Analysis

Last Updated:May 11, 2024

If your data is complex and frequently modified, and you require data in different scenarios, you can use ad hoc Analysis to view and download data in a flexible manner. This topic describes how to create an Ad Hoc Analysis in the Quick BI console.

Methods that you can use to create an Ad Hoc Analysis

When a switchover is performed at the Quick BI console, and use one of the following methods to create an Ad Hoc Analysis.

You can use one of the following methods to create an Ad Hoc Analysis:

  • Method 1: Create an Ad Hoc Analysis from Quick Start on the Workbench tab out of a workspace


  • Method 2: Create an Ad Hoc Analysis in the left-side navigation pane of the Workbench tab in a workspace


  • Method 3: Create an Ad Hoc Analysis on the Ad Hoc Analysis page in a workspace


    If you create an Ad Hoc Analysis by using one of the preceding methods, the dataset that you select is a dataset in the current workspace by default. imageFor more information about how to change a dataset, see Select a dataset.

  • Method 4: Create an Ad Hoc Analysis on the Datasets page


  • Method 5: Create a dashboard on the dataset edit pageimage

    After you create an ad hoc analysis for entry 4 and entry 5 from an existing dataset, the data panel on the left directly loads the corresponding dimensions and measures based on this dataset. You can directly drag and drop the value table area to view the data. image