Configures the skews of a raster object on the X and Y scales in the spatial reference system.
raster ST_SetSkew(raster raster_obj, float8 skewX, float8 skewY)
raster ST_SetSkew(raster raster_obj, float8 skewXY)
Parameter | Description |
raster_obj | The name of the raster object. |
skewX | The skew of the raster object on the X scale. |
skewY | The skew of the raster object on the Y scale. |
skewXY | The skew of the raster object on the X and Y scales. This parameter specifies the same skew on the X and Y scales. |
UPDATE raster_table
SET rast = ST_SetSkew(rast, 0.3, 0.6)
WHERE id = 2;
select st_skewx(rast), st_skewy(rast)
from raster_table
WHERE id = 2;
st_skewx | st_skewy
0.3 | 0.6