This function is used to convert the pixels at a specified position of a raster into polygon objects.
setof record ST_PixelAsPolygons(raster raster_obj,
integer band default 0,
integer pyramid default 0,
boolean exclude_nodata_value default true,
out integer rowsn,
out integer columnsn,
out integer bandsn,
out double value,
out geometry geom);
Parameter | Description |
raster_obj | The raster that you want to query. |
band | The IDs of the bands that you want to query. Valid band IDs start from 0. |
pyramid | The ID of the pyramid level that you want to query. |
exclude_nodata_value | Specifies whether to exclude NoData pixels. |
rowsn | The number of the row in which the pixel resides. |
columnsn | The number of the column in which the pixel resides. |
bandsn | The ID of the band to which the pixel belongs. |
value | The value of the pixel. |
geom | The spatial extent of the pixel. |
WITH tmp AS (
SELECT (ST_PixelAsPolygons(rast, 1)).*
FROM rast_table
WHERE id = 10 )
SELECT rowsn, columnsn, bandsn, value, ST_AsEWKT(geom) FROM tmp WHERE value > 38.0;
100 | 100 | 0 | 43 | SRID=4326;POLYGON((-180 90,-180 89.1,-179.1 89.1,-179.1 90,-180 90))