The SQL detail feature in PolarDB for MySQL is used to perform detailed audit on the update and lock operations for databases and tables and automatically evict audit records.

Background information

Updates (such as creating columns and indexes, adding columns and indexes, or deleting columns and indexes) and lock operations on databases and tables affect your business. The audit logs of relevant operations are critical to O&M personnel, who require usernames, client IP addresses, start time, and end time of such operations.

The audit log feature can be globally enabled and all SQL statements are audited. The audit overheads are very high. Sometimes even additional components are required to store records.

PolarDB for MySQL provides the SQL detail feature to perform detailed audit on the update and lock operations for databases and tables. This feature captures relevant records when a SQL statement starts to be executed and stores audit records in the system table. You can specify the retention period of audit records based on your business requirements. Records that exceed this retention period are automatically evicted. This feature incurs very low audit overheads. The storage capacity of a single audit record is 1 KB. For example, if the database table is updated 1,024 times in a single day and the retention period of audit records is 30 days, only 30 MB of storage space is consumed.


Your PolarDB for MySQL cluster meets one of the following requirements:
  • A cluster of PolarDB for MySQL 8.0.1 whose revision version is or later.
  • A cluster of PolarDB for MySQL 8.0.2 whose revision version is or later.
For information about how to view the version of your cluster, see Query the engine version.


You can configure the following parameters in the console to enable the SQL detail feature and set the retention period of audit records. For more information about how to set parameters, see Specify cluster and node parameters.
loose_awr_sqldetail_enabledGlobalSpecifies whether to enable the SQL detail feature. Default value: OFF. Valid values:
  • OFF
  • ON
loose_awr_sqldetail_switchGlobalThe operation type of the audit record. Valid values:
  • ddl: specifies whether to record DDL operations. Default value: ON. Valid values:
    • ON
    • OFF
  • lock_db_table: specifies whether to record LOCK DB and LOCK TABLE operations. Default value: ON. Valid values:
    • ON
    • OFF
loose_awr_sqldetail_retentionGlobalThe retention period of audit records. Records that exceed this retention period are automatically evicted.

Valid values: 0 to 18446744073709551615. Default value: 2592000. Unit: seconds.

Table format

The sys.hist_sqldetail system table is built in PolarDB for MySQL to store audit records. This table is automatically created when the system starts. You do not need to manually create the table. The table is in the following format:
CREATE TABLE `hist_sqldetail` (
  `Id` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `State` varchar(16) COLLATE utf8mb4_bin DEFAULT NULL,
  `Thread_id` bigint(20) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
  `Host` varchar(60) COLLATE utf8mb4_bin NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  `User` varchar(32) COLLATE utf8mb4_bin NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  `Client_ip` varchar(60) COLLATE utf8mb4_bin DEFAULT NULL,
  `Db` varchar(64) COLLATE utf8mb4_bin DEFAULT NULL,
  `Sql_text` mediumtext COLLATE utf8mb4_bin NOT NULL,
  `Server_command` varchar(32) COLLATE utf8mb4_bin DEFAULT NULL,
  `Sql_command` varchar(64) COLLATE utf8mb4_bin DEFAULT NULL,
  `Start_time` timestamp(6) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
  `Exec_time` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL,
  `Wait_time` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL,
  `Error_code` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `Rows_sent` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL,
  `Rows_examined` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL,
  `Rows_affected` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL,
  `Logical_read` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL,
  `Phy_sync_read` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL,
  `Phy_async_read` bigint(20) DEFAULT NULL,
  `Process_info` text COLLATE utf8mb4_bin,
  `Extra` text COLLATE utf8mb4_bin,
  `Create_time` timestamp(6) NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(6),
  KEY `i_start_time` (`Start_time`),
  KEY `i_update_time` (`Update_time`)
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_bin;
The following table describes the parameters in the system table.
IdThe auto-increment ID.
StateThe state in which the operation was recorded.
Thread_idThe ID of the thread that executes the SQL statement.
HostThe user who executes the SQL statement.
UserThe username that is used to execute the SQL statement.
Client_ipThe IP address of the client that is used to execute the SQL statement.
DbThe name of the database on which the SQL statement is executed.
Sql_textThe SQL statement that is executed.
Server_commandThe server command that is used to execute the SQL statement.
Sql_commandThe type of the SQL statement.
Start_timeThe time when the SQL statement started to be executed.
Exec_timeThe execution duration of the SQL statement. Unit: microseconds.
Wait_timeThe waiting time before the SQL statement is executed. Unit: microseconds.
Error_codeThe error code.
Rows_sentThe number of returned rows.
Rows_examinedThe number of scanned rows.
Rows_affectedThe number of affected rows.
Logical_readThe number of logical reads.
Phy_sync_readThe number of physical synchronous reads.
Phy_async_readThe number of physical asynchronous reads.
Process_infoThe processing information, which is an extended field.
ExtraAdditional information, which is an extended field.
Create_timeThe time when the record was created.
Update_timeThe time when the record was updated.


  1. Set the loose_awr_sqldetail_enabled parameter to ON in the console and execute the following statement on the database.
    create table t(c1 int);
    Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.02 sec)
    create table t(c1 int);
    ERROR 1050 (42S01): Table 't' already exists
    alter table t add column c2 int;
    Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.02 sec)
    Records: 0  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0
    lock tables t read;
    Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
    unlock tables;
    Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
    insert into t values(1, 2);
    Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
  2. Execute the following statement to view the audit records in the sys.hist_sqldetail table:
    select * from sys.hist_sqldetail\G
    Sample result:
    *************************** 1. row ***************************
                Id: 1
             State: FINISH
         Thread_id: 18
              Host: localhost
              User: root
                Db: test
          Sql_text: create table t(c1 int)
    Server_command: Query
       Sql_command: create_table
        Start_time: 2023-01-13 16:18:21.840435
         Exec_time: 17390
         Wait_time: 318
        Error_code: 0
         Rows_sent: 0
     Rows_examined: 0
     Rows_affected: 0
      Logical_read: 420
     Phy_sync_read: 0
    Phy_async_read: 0
      Process_info: NULL
             Extra: NULL
       Create_time: 2023-01-13 16:18:22.391407
       Update_time: 2023-01-13 16:18:22.391407
    *************************** 2. row ***************************
                Id: 2
             State: FINISH
         Thread_id: 18
              Host: localhost
              User: root
                Db: test
          Sql_text: create table t(c1 int)
    Server_command: Query
       Sql_command: create_table
        Start_time: 2023-01-13 16:18:22.416321
         Exec_time: 822
         Wait_time: 229
        Error_code: 1050
         Rows_sent: 0
     Rows_examined: 0
     Rows_affected: 0
      Logical_read: 55
     Phy_sync_read: 0
    Phy_async_read: 0
      Process_info: NULL
             Extra: NULL
       Create_time: 2023-01-13 16:18:23.393071
       Update_time: 2023-01-13 16:18:23.393071
    *************************** 3. row ***************************
                Id: 3
             State: FINISH
         Thread_id: 18
              Host: localhost
              User: root
                Db: test
          Sql_text: alter table t add column c2 int
    Server_command: Query
       Sql_command: alter_table
        Start_time: 2023-01-13 16:18:34.123947
         Exec_time: 16420
         Wait_time: 245
        Error_code: 0
         Rows_sent: 0
     Rows_examined: 0
     Rows_affected: 0
      Logical_read: 778
     Phy_sync_read: 0
    Phy_async_read: 0
      Process_info: NULL
             Extra: NULL
       Create_time: 2023-01-13 16:18:34.394067
       Update_time: 2023-01-13 16:18:34.394067
    *************************** 4. row ***************************
                Id: 4
             State: FINISH
         Thread_id: 18
              Host: localhost
              User: root
                Db: test
          Sql_text: lock tables t read
    Server_command: Query
       Sql_command: lock_tables
        Start_time: 2023-01-13 16:19:49.891559
         Exec_time: 145
         Wait_time: 129
        Error_code: 0
         Rows_sent: 0
     Rows_examined: 0
     Rows_affected: 0
      Logical_read: 0
     Phy_sync_read: 0
    Phy_async_read: 0
      Process_info: NULL
             Extra: NULL
       Create_time: 2023-01-13 16:19:50.399585
       Update_time: 2023-01-13 16:19:50.399585
    *************************** 5. row ***************************
                Id: 5
             State: FINISH
         Thread_id: 18
              Host: localhost
              User: root
                Db: test
          Sql_text: unlock tables
    Server_command: Query
       Sql_command: unlock_tables
        Start_time: 2023-01-13 16:19:56.924648
         Exec_time: 98
         Wait_time: 0
        Error_code: 0
         Rows_sent: 0
     Rows_examined: 0
     Rows_affected: 0
      Logical_read: 0
     Phy_sync_read: 0
    Phy_async_read: 0
      Process_info: NULL
             Extra: NULL
       Create_time: 2023-01-13 16:19:57.400294
       Update_time: 2023-01-13 16:19:57.400294
    The preceding result shows that, the SQL detail feature only stores the audit records for DDL, LOCK DB, and LOCK TABLE operations, but not for DML operations. In addition, the SQL detail function records all captured information to the system table when the SQL statement starts to be executed, and automatically updates information such as the state after the SQL statement is executed.