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PolarDB:Check whether an IMCI is created for a table in an SQL statement

Last Updated:Nov 14, 2023

The dbms_imci.check_columnar_index() stored procedure can parse the SQL statement that you enter, obtain all columns used in the SQL statement, and check whether an In-Memory Column Index (IMCI) is valid for these columns.

  • If the columns for which the IMCI is invalid are involved in an SQL statement, the stored procedure returns the database names, table names, and names of the columns.

  • If the IMCI is valid for all columns in the SQL statement, the stored procedure returns an empty result set.


  • Your PolarDB cluster uses one of the following versions:

    • A cluster of PolarDB for MySQL 8.0.1 whose revision version is or later.

    • A cluster of PolarDB for MySQL 8.0.2 whose revision version is or later.

  • You have the read (SELECT) permissions on the specified table.







The SQL statement to be parsed.

  • The SQL statement must be a valid SELECT statement. Other DML statements such as INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE are not supported. If the SELECT statement contains errors, error messages are returned. For example, a nonexistent column is involved.

  • The value of query_string must be a string and cannot be a variable value or a query result.

Usage notes

  • The stored procedure is case-sensitive.

  • When you use the stored procedure to parse an SQL statement and add the database name before the table name in the SQL statement, the database name is used. If no database name is added before the table name in the SQL statement, you must execute the use db_name statement to switch to the database that contains the table in the SQL statement and then execute the stored procedure.

  • Although no length limit is set for SQL statements, the length of SQL statements that are sent from the client to the database is limited by the thread_stack parameter for parsing SQL statements and parameters such as max_allowed_packet.

  • If the IMCI does not support the data types of the columns in the SQL statement, an error message is returned when the stored procedure is called.

  • The SELECT statement can be the parameterized form of a prepared statement. However, the PREPARE... FROM keyword cannot be added.

  • If the SQL statement contains characters that need to be escaped, such as 'or ", you must escape the characters based on MySQL syntax. Sample code:

    • Replace ' in the SQL statement with ''.

      call dbms_imci.check_columnar_index('select t1.a from t1 where t1.b = ''some_string''');
    • Replace " in the SQL statement with "".

      call dbms_imci.check_columnar_index("select t1.a from t1 where t1.b = ""some_string""");

    For more escape rules, see MySQL documentation.


The t1, t2, and t3 tables are used in the following examples. Call the stored procedure to check whether the IMCI is valid for all columns in the SQL statement.

  1. Execute the following statement to switch to the test database:

    use test;
  2. Execute the following statements to create the t1, t2, and t3 tables. The IMCI is valid for all columns in the t3 table.

    create table t1 (a int, b int) engine = innodb;
    create table t2 (a int, b int) engine = innodb;
    create table t3 (a int, b int) engine = innodb comment 'columnar=1';
  3. Call the stored procedure to check whether the IMCI is valid for all columns in the SQL statement.

    • The SQL statement uses columns in the t1 and t2 tables.

      call dbms_imci.check_columnar_index('select count(t1.a) from t1 inner join t2 on t1.a = t2.a group by t1.b');

      Sample result:

      | test         | t1         | a           |
      | test         | t1         | b           |
      | test         | t2         | a           |
      3 rows in set (0.01 sec)

      The SQL statement uses the t1.a, t1.b, and t2.a columns, and the IMCI is invalid for the three columns. Therefore, the stored procedure returns the database names, table names, and names of the three columns.

    • The columns in the SQL statement belong to the t3 table.

      call dbms_imci.check_columnar_index('select a, b from t3');

      Sample result:

      Empty set (0.00 sec)

      The IMCI is valid for all columns in the t3 table. Therefore, the stored procedure returns an empty result set.