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Platform For AI:Missing Data Imputation

Last Updated:Jan 06, 2025

Missing data imputation is a method for handling missing data in datasets, aiming to enhance data integrity and model performance by inferring and replacing missing data. Common imputation techniques include filling with minimum, maximum, mean, or custom values. These techniques help mitigate the adverse effects of incomplete data on model training and prediction.

Configure the component

Method 1: Configure the component on the pipeline page

On the pipeline details page in Machine Learning Designer, add the Missing Data Imputation component to the pipeline and configure the parameters described in the following table.




Fields Setting

Columns to Impute

Select the columns for which you want to impute data.

Original Value

The original value of the column for which you want to impute data. Valid values:

  • Null (Numerical and String)

  • Empty String

  • Null and Empty String (String)

  • Custom (String)

Replace With

The new value of the column for which you want to impute data. Valid values:

  • Minimum (Numerical)

  • Maximum (Numerical)

  • Mean (Numerical)

  • Custom (Numerical and String)


Configure a custom replacement policy. The value is in the Column 1, Original value, New value; Column 2, Original value, New value;... format.


This parameter is displayed only if you select Advanced Options.



The number of cores.

Memory Size per Core

The memory size of each core. Unit: MB.

Method 2: Configure the component by using PAI commands

Configure the component parameters by using PAI commands. You can use the SQL Script component to call PAI commands. For more information, see Scenario 4: Execute PAI commands within the SQL script component.

PAI -name FillMissingValues
    -project algo_public



Default value




No default value

The name of the input table.



All partitions

The partitions that are selected from the input table for training. The following formats are supported:

  • Partition_name=value

  • name1=value1/name2=value2: multi-level partitions


If you specify multiple partitions, separate them with commas (,).



No default value

The name of the output table.



No default value

The values that you want to use to impute missing values.

For example, in col1, null, 3.14; col2, empty, hello; col3, empty-null, world, null indicates a null value, and empty indicates an empty string.

  • If you use empty strings, the destination column for which you want to impute missing values must be of the STRING type.

  • If you use a maximum, minimum, or average value, variables can be used and named as max, min, or mean.

  • If you use custom values, user-defined is used in a specified format, such as col4,user-defined,str,str123.



Output Parameter Table 1 that is a non-partitioned table

The name of the output parameter table.



No default value

The name of the input parameter table.



No default value

The lifecycle of the output table. Valid values: [1,3650].



Determined by the system

The number of cores used in computing. The value must be a positive integer.



Determined by the system

The memory size of each core. Unit: MB. Valid values: (1,65536).


  1. Execute the following SQL statements to generate test data:

    drop table if exists fill_missing_values_test_input;
    create table fill_missing_values_test_input(
        col_string string,
        col_bigint bigint,
        col_double double,
        col_boolean boolean,
        col_datetime datetime);
    insert overwrite table fill_missing_values_test_input
            '01' as col_string,
            10 as col_bigint,
            10.1 as col_double,
            True as col_boolean,
            cast('2016-07-01 10:00:00' as datetime) as col_datetime
        union all
                cast(null as string) as col_string,
                11 as col_bigint,
                10.2 as col_double,
                False as col_boolean,
                cast('2016-07-02 10:00:00' as datetime) as col_datetime
        union all
                '02' as col_string,
                cast(null as bigint) as col_bigint,
                10.3 as col_double,
                True as col_boolean,
                cast('2016-07-03 10:00:00' as datetime) as col_datetime
        union all
                '03' as col_string,
                12 as col_bigint,
                cast(null as double) as col_double,
                False as col_boolean,
                cast('2016-07-04 10:00:00' as datetime) as col_datetime
        union all
                '04' as col_string,
                13 as col_bigint,
                10.4 as col_double,
                cast(null as boolean) as col_boolean,
                cast('2016-07-05 10:00:00' as datetime) as col_datetime
        union all
                '05' as col_string,
                14 as col_bigint,
                10.5 as col_double,
                True as col_boolean,
                cast(null as datetime) as col_datetime
    ) tmp;

    Input data:

    | col_string | col_bigint | col_double | col_boolean | col_datetime |
    | 04         | 13         | 10.4       | NULL        | 2016-07-05 10:00:00 |
    | 02         | NULL       | 10.3       | true        | 2016-07-03 10:00:00 |
    | 03         | 12         | NULL       | false       | 2016-07-04 10:00:00 |
    | NULL       | 11         | 10.2       | false       | 2016-07-02 10:00:00 |
    | 01         | 10         | 10.1       | true        | 2016-07-01 10:00:00 |
    | 05         | 14         | 10.5       | true        | NULL         |
  2. Run the following commands:

    drop table if exists fill_missing_values_test_input_output;
    drop table if exists fill_missing_values_test_input_model_output;
    PAI -name FillMissingValues
    -project algo_public
    -Dconfigs="col_double,null,mean;col_string,null-empty,str_type_empty;col_bigint,null,max;col_boolean,null,true;col_datetime,null,2016-07-06 10:00:00"
    drop table if exists fill_missing_values_test_input_output_using_model;
    drop table if exists fill_missing_values_test_input_output_using_model_model_output;
    PAI -name FillMissingValues
    -project algo_public
  3. View the return results.

    • fill_missing_values_test_input_output

      | col_string | col_bigint | col_double | col_boolean | col_datetime |
      | 04         | 13         | 10.4       | true        | 2016-07-05 10:00:00 |
      | 02         | 14         | 10.3       | true        | 2016-07-03 10:00:00 |
      | 03         | 12         | 10.3       | false       | 2016-07-04 10:00:00 |
      | str_type_empty | 11         | 10.2       | false       | 2016-07-02 10:00:00 |
      | 01         | 10         | 10.1       | true        | 2016-07-01 10:00:00 |
      | 05         | 14         | 10.5       | true        | 2016-07-06 10:00:00 |
    • fill_missing_values_test_input_model_output

      | feature    | json       |
      | col_string | {"name": "fillMissingValues", "type": "string", "paras":{"missing_value_type": "null-empty",  "replaced_value": "str_type_empty"}} |
      | col_bigint | {"name": "fillMissingValues", "type": "bigint", "paras":{"missing_value_type": "null",  "replaced_value": 14}} |
      | col_double | {"name": "fillMissingValues", "type": "double", "paras":{"missing_value_type": "null",  "replaced_value": 10.3}} |
      | col_boolean | {"name": "fillMissingValues", "type": "boolean", "paras":{"missing_value_type": "null",  "replaced_value": 1}} |
      | col_datetime | {"name": "fillMissingValues", "type": "datetime", "paras":{"missing_value_type": "null",  "replaced_value": 1467770400000}} |
    • fill_missing_values_test_input_output_using_model

      | col_string | col_bigint | col_double | col_boolean | col_datetime |
      | 04         | 13         | 10.4       | true        | 2016-07-05 10:00:00 |
      | 02         | 14         | 10.3       | true        | 2016-07-03 10:00:00 |
      | 03         | 12         | 10.3       | false       | 2016-07-04 10:00:00 |
      | str_type_empty | 11         | 10.2       | false       | 2016-07-02 10:00:00 |
      | 01         | 10         | 10.1       | true        | 2016-07-01 10:00:00 |
      | 05         | 14         | 10.5       | true        | 2016-07-06 10:00:00 |
    • fill_missing_values_test_input_output_using_model_model_output

      | feature    | json       |
      | col_string | {"name": "fillMissingValues", "type": "string", "paras":{"missing_value_type": "null-empty",  "replaced_value": "str_type_empty"}} |
      | col_bigint | {"name": "fillMissingValues", "type": "bigint", "paras":{"missing_value_type": "null",  "replaced_value": 14}} |
      | col_double | {"name": "fillMissingValues", "type": "double", "paras":{"missing_value_type": "null",  "replaced_value": 10.3}} |
      | col_boolean | {"name": "fillMissingValues", "type": "boolean", "paras":{"missing_value_type": "null",  "replaced_value": 1}} |
      | col_datetime | {"name": "fillMissingValues", "type": "datetime", "paras":{"missing_value_type": "null",  "replaced_value": 1467770400000}} |