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Platform For AI:List of operations by function

Last Updated:Feb 14, 2025
This product(eas/2021-07-01) OpenAPI adopts ROA Signature style. See signature details in Description of the signature mechanism. We have packaged SDKs for common programming languages for developers. Developers can directly call the OpenAPI of this product by downloading the SDK without paying attention to the technical details. If the existing SDK cannot meet the usage requirements, you can connect through the signature mechanism. It will take about 5 working days. Therefore, it is recommended to join our DingTalk service group (78410016550) and sign under the guidance of experts.
Before using the API, you need to prepare your identity account and access key (AccessKey) to effectively access the API through client tools (SDK, CLI, etc.). For details see getAccessKey.


CreateServiceCreateServiceCreates a model service in Elastic Algorithm Service (EAS).
CreateServiceAutoScalerCreateServiceAutoScalerEnables the Autoscaler feature and creates an Autoscaler controller for a service.
CreateServiceCronScalerCreateServiceCronScalerEnables the Cron Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (CronHPA) feature for a service.
CreateServiceMirrorCreateServiceMirrorEnables the traffic mirroring feature for a service. After the feature is enabled, requests received by the service can be mirrored to another service.
CreateAppServiceCreateAppServiceCreates an application service.
DescribeGroupEndpointsDescribeGroupEndpointsObtains a list of endpoints of service groups.
DescribeServiceEndpointsDescribeServiceEndpointsObtains a list of service endpoints.
DescribeServiceSignedUrlDescribeServiceSignedUrlObtains the logon-free URL of the service.
CloneServiceCloneServiceClones a service.
DeleteServiceDeleteServiceDeletes a service.
DeleteServiceLabelDeleteServiceLabelDeletes existing service tags.
DeleteServiceAutoScalerDeleteServiceAutoScalerDeletes the existing Autoscaler controller and disables the Autoscaler feature for a service.
DeleteServiceCronScalerDeleteServiceCronScalerDisables the Cronscaler feature for a service.
DeleteServiceInstancesDeleteServiceInstancesRestarts the instances of a service.
DeleteServiceMirrorDeleteServiceMirrorDisables the traffic mirroring feature for a service.
UpdateServiceUpdateServiceUpdates a model or processor of a service. If only the metadata.instance field is updated, manual scaling can be performed.
UpdateServiceLabelUpdateServiceLabelAdds service tags or updates existing service tags.
StartServiceStartServiceStarts a service.
StopServiceStopServiceStops a running service.
RestartServiceRestartServiceRestarts a service.
UpdateServiceAutoScalerUpdateServiceAutoScalerUpdates the Autoscaler configurations of a service.
UpdateServiceCronScalerUpdateServiceCronScalerUpdates the Cron Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (CronHPA) settings of a service.
DevelopServiceDevelopServiceSwitches a container service to development mode or exits development mode.
CommitServiceCommitServiceCommits the Worker0 container in the custom container service and deploys the container as a new image.
UpdateServiceMirrorUpdateServiceMirrorUpdates the traffic mirroring configurations of a service.
UpdateServiceVersionUpdateServiceVersionUpdates the version of a service or rolls back the service to a specific version.
UpdateServiceSafetyLockUpdateServiceSafetyLockUpdates the safety lock of a service to minimize misoperations on the service.
UpdateServiceInstanceUpdateServiceInstanceUpdates attributes of service instances. Only isolation can be performed for service instances.
UpdateAppServiceUpdateAppServiceUpdates an application service.
ReleaseServiceReleaseServiceSwitch the traffic state or weight of the service.
DescribeServiceDescribeServiceQueries the details about a service.
DescribeServiceAutoScalerDescribeServiceAutoScalerQueries information about the Autoscaler configurations of a service.
DescribeServiceCronScalerDescribeServiceCronScalerQueries the Cron Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (CronHPA) configurations of a service.
DescribeServiceDiagnosisDescribeServiceDiagnosisQueries the diagnostics details of a service.
DescribeServiceInstanceDiagnosisDescribeServiceInstanceDiagnosisQueries the diagnostics details of an instance that runs Elastic Algorithm Service (EAS).
DescribeServiceLogDescribeServiceLogQueries the information about the logs of a service.
DescribeServiceEventDescribeServiceEventQueries information about recent service deployment events.
DescribeServiceMirrorDescribeServiceMirrorQueries details about the traffic mirroring settings of a service.
DescribeGroupDescribeGroupQueries the information about a service group.
DescribeSpotDiscountHistoryDescribeSpotDiscountHistoryQueries the historical prices of preemptible instances. For more information about preemptible instances, see Create and use preemptible instances.
ListServiceInstancesListServiceInstancesQueries instances of a service.
ListServiceVersionsListServiceVersionsQueries the information about the historical versions of a service.
ListServiceContainersListServiceContainersQueries the containers of a service.
ListServicesListServicesLists services.
ListGroupsListGroupsQueries created service groups.

Resource Group

UpdateVirtualResourceUpdateVirtualResourceUpdates the information about a virtual resource group.
ListVirtualResourceListVirtualResourceQueries a list of virtual resource groups for the current user.
DescribeVirtualResourceDescribeVirtualResourceViews the details of a virtual resource group.
DeleteVirtualResourceDeleteVirtualResourceDeletes a virtual resource group that contains no resources or instances.
CreateVirtualResourceCreateVirtualResourceCreates a virtual resource group.
CreateResourceCreateResourceCreates a resource group.
CreateResourceInstancesCreateResourceInstancesCreates instances in a dedicated resource group.
CreateResourceLogCreateResourceLogEnables the LogShipper feature of Log Service for a resource group.
DeleteResourceDeleteResourceDeletes a resource group that contains no resources or instances.
DeleteResourceDLinkDeleteResourceDLinkDisables the virtual private cloud (VPC) direct connection feature for a dedicated resource group.
DeleteResourceInstancesDeleteResourceInstancesDeletes instances in a dedicated resource group. You can delete only pay-as-you-go instances as a regular user.
DeleteResourceLogDeleteResourceLogDisables the LogShipper feature of Log Service for a dedicated resource group.
DeleteResourceInstanceLabelDeleteResourceInstanceLabelDeletes the tags of an instance in a resource group.
UpdateResourceInstanceLabelUpdateResourceInstanceLabelUpdates the tag of an instance in a resource group.
UpdateResourceUpdateResourceUpdates the information about a dedicated resource group. Only the name of a dedicated resource group can be updated.
UpdateResourceDLinkUpdateResourceDLinkUpdates the configurations of a virtual private cloud (VPC) direct connection for a dedicated resource group.
UpdateResourceInstanceUpdateResourceInstanceUpdates the service scheduling status of an instance in a dedicated resource group.
DescribeResourceDescribeResourceQueries the information about a resource group.
DescribeResourceDLinkDescribeResourceDLinkQueries detailed configurations about a virtual private cloud (VPC) direct connection of a dedicated resource group.
DescribeResourceLogDescribeResourceLogQueries the details about the LogShipper configurations of Log Service for a dedicated resource group.
ListResourceInstancesListResourceInstancesQueries a list of instances in a dedicated resource group.
ListResourceInstanceWorkerListResourceInstanceWorkerQueries a list of workers in a resource group.
ListResourcesListResourcesQueries a list of dedicated resource groups for the current user.
ListResourceServicesListResourceServicesQueries a list of services that are deployed in the dedicated resource group.

Benchmark Task

CreateBenchmarkTaskCreateBenchmarkTaskCreates a stress testing task.
DeleteBenchmarkTaskDeleteBenchmarkTaskDeletes a stress testing task.
DescribeBenchmarkTaskDescribeBenchmarkTaskQueries details about the configurations of a stress testing task.
DescribeBenchmarkTaskReportDescribeBenchmarkTaskReportQueries the report of a stress testing task.
ListBenchmarkTaskListBenchmarkTaskQueries a list of stress testing tasks that are created by the current user.
StartBenchmarkTaskStartBenchmarkTaskStarts a stress testing task.
StopBenchmarkTaskStopBenchmarkTaskStops a stress testing task.
UpdateBenchmarkTaskUpdateBenchmarkTaskUpdates a stress testing task.

Private Gateway

DetachGatewayDomainDetachGatewayDomainUnbinds a custom domain name from a private gateway.
AttachGatewayDomainAttachGatewayDomainBinds a custom domain name to a private gateway.
ListGatewayDomainsListGatewayDomainsQueries a list of custom domain names of a private gateway.
ListGatewayListGatewayQueries a list of private gateways.
ListAclPolicyListAclPolicyQueries access control lists (ACLs) created for a private gateway.
DeleteAclPolicyDeleteAclPolicyDeletes an access control list (ACL) for a private gateway. The IP CIDR block that is deleted from the ACL cannot access the private gateway.
CreateAclPolicyCreateAclPolicyCreates an access control list (ACL) for a private gateway. The IP CIDR blocks added to the ACL can access the private gateway.
CreateGatewayCreateGatewayCreates a gateway.
DescribeGatewayDescribeGatewayQueries the details of a private gateway.
UpdateGatewayUpdateGatewayUpdate a private gateway.
CreateGatewayIntranetLinkedVpcCreateGatewayIntranetLinkedVpcCreates an internal endpoint of a private gateway.
ListGatewayIntranetLinkedVpcListGatewayIntranetLinkedVpcQueries a list of the internal endpoints of a private gateway.
ListGatewayIntranetSupportedZoneListGatewayIntranetSupportedZoneObtains the zones supported by a gateway within an intranet.
DeleteGatewayIntranetLinkedVpcDeleteGatewayIntranetLinkedVpcDeletes an internal endpoint of a private gateway.
DeleteGatewayDeleteGatewayDeletes a private gateway.
ListGatewayIntranetLinkedVpcPeerListGatewayIntranetLinkedVpcPeerObtains a list of all VPC peering connections on internal endpoint of a gateway.
CreateGatewayIntranetLinkedVpcPeerCreateGatewayIntranetLinkedVpcPeerCreates a VPC peering connection on an internal endpoint of a gateway.
DeleteGatewayIntranetLinkedVpcPeerDeleteGatewayIntranetLinkedVpcPeerDeletes a VPC peering connection from an internal endpoint of a gateway.


ReinstallTenantAddonReinstallTenantAddonResets tenant configurations.
ListTenantAddonsListTenantAddonsQueries a list of tenant plug-ins.