Request | Description |
PutBucket | Creates a bucket. |
ListObjects (GetBucket) and ListObjectsV2 (GetBucketV2) | Lists all objects. Note You are billed for ListObjects (GetBucket) and ListObjectsV2 (GetBucketV2) in the PUT request category. ListObjects (GetBucket) and ListObjectsV2 (GetBucketV2) usage is included in the PUT request usage. For more information, see API operation calling fees. |
PutBucketACL | Configures an access control list (ACL) for a bucket. |
PutBucketInventory | Configures inventories for a bucket. |
DeleteBucketInventory | Deletes inventories that are configured for a bucket. |
PutBucketLogging | Enables logging for a bucket. |
DeleteBucketLogging | Disables logging for a bucket. |
PutBucketWebsite | Enables static website hosting for a bucket and configures redirection rules for the bucket. |
DeleteBucketWebsite | Disables static website hosting for a bucket and deletes the redirection rules configured for the bucket. |
PutBucketReferer | Configures the Referer whitelist and specifies whether requests with empty Referer fields are allowed. |
PutBucketLifecycle | Configures lifecycle rules for a bucket. |
CommitTransition | Converts the storage class of objects to IA, Archive, Cold Archive, or Deep Cold Archive based on lifecycle rules. |
ExpireObject | Deletes an object based on lifecycle rules. |
DeleteBucketLifecycle | Deletes lifecycle rules that are configured for a bucket. |
DeleteBucket | Deletes a bucket. |
PutObject | Uploads an object. |
CopyObject | Copies objects to the same bucket or to another bucket within the same region. |
AppendObject | Uploads an object by appending the content of the object to an existing object. |
DeleteObject | Deletes a single object. |
DeleteMultipleObjects | Deletes multiple objects. |
PutObjectACL | Configures an ACL for an object. |
PostObject | Uploads an object by using an HTML form. |
PutSymlink | Creates a symbolic link. |
RestoreObject | Restores Archive, Cold Archive, or Deep Cold Archive objects. |
InitiateMultipartUpload | Initiates a multipart upload task. |
UploadPart | Uploads an object by part based on the specified object name and the upload ID. |
AbortMultipartUpload | Cancels a multipart upload task and deletes uploaded parts. |
UploadPartCopy | Copies an object by part. |
PutBucketReplication | Configures data replication rules for a bucket. |
DeleteBucketReplication | Stops a data replication task for a bucket and deletes the data replication rules configured for the bucket. |
PutBucketCors | Configures cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) for a bucket. |
DeleteBucketCors | Deletes CORS configurations of a bucket. |
CompleteMultipartUpload | Completes a multipart upload task. |
InitiateBucketWorm | Creates a retention policy for a bucket. |
AbortBucketWorm | Deletes an unlocked retention policy. |
CompleteBucketWorm | Locks a retention policy. |
ExtendBucketWorm | Extends the retention period (days) of objects in a bucket for which a retention policy is locked. |
PutBucketVersioning | Enables versioning for a bucket. |
PutBucketPolicy | Configures a bucket policy. |
DeleteBucketPolicy | Deletes a bucket policy. |
PutBucketTags | Adds tags to or modifies the tags of a bucket. |
DeleteBucketTags | Deletes tags of a bucket. |
PutBucketEncryption | Configures a data encryption rule for a bucket. |
DeleteBucketEncryption | Deletes a data encryption rule configured for a bucket. |
PutBucketRequestPayment | Configures request payment settings for a bucket. |
PutObjectTagging | Adds tags to or modifies tags of an object. |
DeleteObjectTagging | Deletes tags of an object. |
PutLiveChannel | Creates a LiveChannel. |
DeleteLiveChannel | Deletes a LiveChannel. |
PutLiveChannelStatus | Changes the status of a LiveChannel. |
PostVodPlaylist | Generates a playlist that is used for video on demand (VOD) for a LiveChannel. |