This topic describes how to use the JindoTable MoveTo command to migrate Hive tables and partitions to OSS-HDFS.
- An E-MapReduce (EMR) cluster of version 3.36.0 or later is created. Alternatively, an EMR cluster of version 5.2.0 is created. EMR V3.39.X and EMR V5.5.X are not supported.
- A partitioned table is created by using the Hive command and data is written to the table. In this example, the table name is set to test_table, the partition name is set to dt, and the partition value is set to value.
- OSS-HDFS is enabled and permissions are granted to access OSS-HDFS. For more information, see Connect non-EMR clusters to OSS-HDFS.
Background information
The MoveTo command can automatically update metadata after the command copies the underlying data. This way, data in a table or partitions can be fully migrated to the destination path. You can configure filter conditions for the MoveTo command to migrate a large number of partitions at the same time. JindoTable also provides some protective measures to ensure data integrity and security when the MoveTo command is used to migrate data.
- Log on to your cluster in SSH mode. For more information, see Log on to a cluster.
- Run the following command to obtain help information:
sudo jindo table -help moveTo
The following output is returned:
<dbName.tableName> The table to move. <destination path> The destination base directory which is always at the same level of a 'table location', where the moved partitions or un-partitioned data would located in. <condition>/-fullTable A filter condition to determine which partitions should be moved, supporting common operators (like '>') and built-in UDFs (like to_date) (UDFs not supported yet...), while -fullTable means that all partitions (or a whole un-partitioned table) should be moved. One but only one option must be specified among -c "<condition>" and -fullTable. <before days> Optional, saying that table/partitions should be moved only when they are created (not updated or modified) more than some days before from now. <parallelism> The maximum concurrency when copying partitions, 1 by default. <OSS storage policy> Storage policy for OSS destination, which can be Standard (by default), IA, Archive, or ColdArchive. Not applicable for destinations other than OSS. NOTE: if you are willing to use ColdArchive storage policy, please make sure that Cold Archive has been enabled for your OSS bucket. -o/-overWrite Overwriting the final paths where the data would be moved. For partitioned tables this overwrites partitions locations which are subdirectories of <destination path>; for un-partitioned table this overwrites the <destination path> itself. -r/-removeSource Let the source data be removed when the corresponding table/partition is successfully moved to the new destination. Otherwise (by default), the source data would be left as it was. -skipTrash Applicable only when [-r/-removeSource] is enabled. If present, source data would be immediately deleted from the file system, bypassing the trash. -e/-explain If present, the command would not really move data, but only prints the table/partitions that would be moved for given conditions. <log directory> A directory to locate log files, '/tmp/<current user>/' by default.
- Command syntax
sudo jindo table -moveTo \ -t <dbName.tableName> \ -d <destination path> \ [-c "<condition>" | -fullTable] \ [-b/-before <before days>] \ [-p/-parallel <parallelism>] \ [-s/-storagePolicy <OSS storage policy>] \ [-o/-overWrite] \ [-r/-removeSource] \ [-skipTrash] \ [-e/-explain] \ [-l/-logDir <log directory>]
- Command description
Parameter Required Description -t <dbName.tableName> Yes The name of the table that you want to migrate. Specify this parameter in the Database name.Table name
format.Separate the database name and the table name with a period (.). The table can be a partitioned table or a non-partitioned table.
-d <destination path> Yes The destination path to which you want to migrate the table. This parameter specifies a table-level path regardless of whether you migrate a specific partition or an entire non-partitioned table. If you migrate a partition, the full path of the partition consists of the destination path and the name of the partition. Example: <destination path>/p1=v1/p2=v2/
.-c "<condition>" | -fullTable No You must specify one of the -c "<condition>"
variables.- If you specify
, the entire partitioned or non-partitioned table is archived. - If you specify
-c "<condition>"
, only the partitions that meet the filter condition are archived. Common operators, such as greater-than signs (>), are supported.For example, if the partition key column is the ds column whose data type is String and you want to archive partitions whose partition names are greater than 'd', use
-c " ds > 'd' "
-b/before <before days> No Only tables or partitions that were created at least a specific number of days ago can be migrated. -p/-parallel <parallelism> No The maximum number of partitions or tables that can be migrated in parallel. -s/-storagePolicy <OSS storage policy> No This parameter is not supported by OSS-HDFS. -o/-overWrite No Specifies whether to forcefully overwrite the destination path. For a partitioned table, only the destination path of the partition that you want to migrate is overwritten. -r/-removeSource No Specifies whether to clear the source path after data is migrated and metadata is updated. For a partitioned table, only the source path of the partition that is migrated is cleared. -skipTrash No Specifies whether to skip the Trash directory when the source path is cleared. Note You must use this parameter together with the -r/-removeSource parameter.-e/-explain No The explain mode. In explain mode, the list of partitions that you want to migrate is displayed, but no data is migrated. -l/-logDir <log directory> No The directory in which log files are stored. Default value: /tmp/<current user>/.
- If you specify
- Command syntax
- Migrate partitions to OSS-HDFS.
Exception handling
If the migration fails with a Conflicts found error, perform the following operations to handle the issue:
- Make sure that no commands other than the JindoTable MoveTo command are run to migrate data to the destination path, such as DistCp and JindoDistCp.
- Delete the destination directory. For non-partitioned tables, delete the table-level directory. For partitioned tables, delete the partition-level directory that conflicts.
- Do not delete the source directory.