This topic describes how to calculate signatures in Ruby on the server, configure upload callback, and use form upload to upload data to OSS.
- The domain name of the application server is accessible over the Internet.
- The application server has Ruby 2.0 or later installed. To view the Ruby version, run the ruby -v command.
- The browser on the PC supports JavaScript.
Step 1: Configure the application server
- Download the application server source code that is in Ruby.
- Ubuntu 16.04 is used in the example. Decompress the source code to the /home/aliyun/aliyun-oss-appserver-ruby directory.
- Go to the directory. Open the appserver.rb file that contains the source code. Modify the following snippet:
# Enter your AccessKey ID. $access_key_id = '<yourAccessKeyId>' # Enter your AccessKey secret. $access_key_secret = '<yourAccessKeySecret>' # Set $host to a value that is in the format of bucketname.endpoint. $host = ''; # Specify the URL of the application server to which an upload callback request is sent. Replace the IP address and port number with your actual information. $callback_url = ""; # Specify the prefix for the name of the object you want to upload. $upload_dir = 'user-dir-prefix/'
- $access_key_id: Enter your AccessKey ID.
- $access_key_secret: Enter your AccessKey secret.
- $host: The format is https://bucketname.endpoint. Example: For more information about endpoints, see the "Endpoint" section of the Terms topic.
- $callback_url: Specify the URL of the application server to which an upload callback request is sent. This URL is used to communicate between the application server and OSS. After you upload an object, OSS uses the URL to send information about object upload to the application server. In this example, specify
. - $upload_dir: Specify the prefix for the name of the object. You can also leave this parameter unspecified.
Step 2: Configure the client
- Download the client source code package.
- Decompress the package to a directory. The D:\aliyun\aliyun-oss-appserver-js directory is used in the example.
- Go to the directory, open the upload.js file, and find the following code:
// serverUrl specifies the URL of the application server that returns signature information and upload policies. Replace the sample IP address and port number with actual values in your business scenario. serverUrl = ''
- Set
to the URL of the application server that returns information such as the signature and upload policies to the client. In this example, specifyserverUrl = ''
Step 3: Modify CORS configurations
When you use form upload to upload data from the client to OSS, the client includes the Origin
header in the request and sends the request to OSS by using the browser. OSS verifies the request message that includes the Origin
header for cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) verification. To use the POST method, configure CORS rules for a bucket.
- Log on to the OSS console.
- In the left-side navigation pane, click Buckets. On the Buckets page, click the name of the desired bucket.
- In the left-side navigation tree, choose .
- Click Create Rule and configure the parameters. The following figure shows the parameters. Note To ensure data security, we recommend that you specify the actual domain name from which you want OSS to allow requests in Sources. For more information about CORS configurations, see Configure CORS.
Step 4: Send an upload callback request
- Start the application server. In the /home/aliyun/aliyun-oss-appserver-ruby directory, run the ruby appserver.rb 1234 command to start the application server.Note Replace the IP address and port number with the IP address and port number of the application server that you configured.
- Start the client.On the PC, open the index.html file in the directory that contains the client source code.Important The index.html file may be incompatible with Internet Explorer 10 or earlier. If you encounter any problems when you use Internet Explorer 10 or earlier, you must perform debugging.
- Upload an object.Click Select File. Select the file of a specified type. Click Upload. After the object is uploaded, the content returned by the callback server is displayed.
Core code analysis of the application server
The source code of the application server is used to implement the signature-based upload and upload callback.
- Signature-based upload
During signature-based upload, the application server responds to the GET message that is sent from the client. An example of the snippet:
def get_token() expire_syncpoint = + $expire_time expire = response.headers['expire'] = expire policy_dict = {} condition_arrary = array_item = array_item.push('starts-with') array_item.push('$key') array_item.push($upload_dir) condition_arrary.push(array_item) policy_dict["conditions"] = condition_arrary policy_dict["expiration"] = expire policy = hash_to_jason(policy_dict) policy_encode = Base64.strict_encode64(policy).chomp; h = OpenSSL::HMAC.digest('sha1', $access_key_secret, policy_encode) hs = Digest::MD5.hexdigest(h) sign_result = Base64.strict_encode64(h).strip() callback_dict = {} callback_dict['callbackBodyType'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'; callback_dict['callbackBody'] = 'filename=${object}&size=${size}&mimeType=${mimeType}&height=${imageInfo.height}&width=${imageInfo.width}'; callback_dict['callbackUrl'] = $callback_url; callback_param = hash_to_jason(callback_dict) base64_callback_body = Base64.strict_encode64(callback_param); token_dict = {} token_dict['accessid'] = $access_key_id token_dict['host'] = $host token_dict['policy'] = policy_encode token_dict['signature'] = sign_result token_dict['expire'] = expire_syncpoint token_dict['dir'] = $upload_dir token_dict['callback'] = base64_callback_body response.headers["Access-Control-Allow-Methods"] = "POST" response.headers["Access-Control-Allow-Origin"] = "*" result = hash_to_jason(token_dict) result end get '/*' do puts "********************* GET " get_token() end
- Upload callback
During upload callback, the application server responds to the POST message that is sent from OSS. An example of the snippet:
post '/*' do puts "********************* POST" pub_key_url = Base64.decode64(get_header('x-oss-pub-key-url')) pub_key = get_public_key(pub_key_url) rsa = authorization = Base64.decode64(get_header('authorization')) req_body = if request.query_string.empty? then auth_str = CGI.unescape(request.path) + "\n" + req_body else auth_str = CGI.unescape(request.path) + '?' + request.query_string + "\n" + req_body end valid = rsa.public_key.verify(, authorization, auth_str) if valid #body({'Status' => 'OK'}.to_json) body(hash_to_jason({'Status' => 'OK'})) else halt 400, "Authorization failed!" end end
For more information, see the "(Optional) Step 4: Sign the callback request" section of the Callback topic.