Operations in Object Storage Service (OSS) are implemented by calling OSS API operations. Fees are calculated based on the number of API requests. If your business application requires access to Cold Archive objects, you must restore the Cold Archive objects before you can access the objects. In this case, you are also charged data retrieval fees.
This topic describes the billable items and billing methods of OSS. For more information, visit the OSS pricing page.
Billable items
API operation calling fees include fees for PUT requests, GET requests, and data retrieval requests.
If you want requesters instead of the bucket owner to pay fees for their PUT requests and GET requests to the bucket, you can enable pay-by-requester for the bucket. For more information, see Enable pay-by-requester.
Billable item | Billing rule | Billing cycle | Billing method |
PUT requests (PutRequest) | You are charged for OSS API operations that are called to send PUT requests. For more information about PUT requests, see PUT requests. Note You are not charged for failed requests. Failed requests include requests for which HTTP status codes 4xx or 5xx are returned. | You are billed on an hourly basis. The fees are automatically deducted from the balance of your Alibaba Cloud account. Bills are generally generated after a billing cycle ends. The time when bills are generated is determined by the system. |
GET requests (GetRequest) | You are charged for OSS API operations that are called to send GET requests. For more information about GET requests, see GET requests. Note You are not charged for failed requests. Failed requests include requests for which HTTP status codes 4xx or 5xx are returned. |
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Cold Archive data retrieval requests | A Cold Archive object must be restored before you can access it. The amount of time required to restore a Cold Archive object depends on the object size and the selected restoration priority. You are charged data retrieval fees when you restore a Cold Archive object. The restoration of a Cold Archive object is considered a data retrieval request. The number of requests is independent of the object size. Data retrieval requests are divided into the following types based on different restoration priorities:
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Deep Cold Archive data retrieval requests | A Deep Cold Archive object must be restored before you can access it. The amount of time required to restore a Deep Cold Archive object depends on the object size and the selected restoration priority. You are charged data retrieval fees when you restore a Deep Cold Archive object. The restoration of a Deep Cold Archive object is considered a data retrieval request. The number of requests is independent of the object size. Deep Cold Archive data retrieval requests are divided into the following types based on different restoration priorities:
For more information about PUT and GET requests, see List of operations by function.
PUT requests
PUT requests include requests that are initiated to perform operations such as data upload, data copy, and data deletion by using the OSS API, SDKs, or console.
Request | Description |
PutBucket | Creates a bucket. |
GetBucket (ListObject) or GetBucketV2 (ListObjectsV2) | Lists all objects in a bucket. |
PutBucketACL | Configures an access control list (ACL) for a bucket. |
PutBucketInventory | Configures inventories for a bucket. |
DeleteBucketInventory | Deletes specific inventories that are configured for a bucket. |
PutBucketLogging | Enables logging for a bucket. |
DeleteBucketLogging | Disables logging for a bucket. |
PutBucketWebsite | Enables static website hosting for a bucket and configures redirection rules for the bucket. |
DeleteBucketWebsite | Disables static website hosting for a bucket and deletes the redirection rules configured for the bucket. |
PutBucketReferer | Configures the Referer whitelist and specifies whether requests with empty Referer fields are allowed. |
PutBucketLifecycle | Configures lifecycle rules for a bucket. |
CommitTransition | Configures lifecycle rules to automatically convert the storage classes of objects. Important When an IA, Archive, or Cold Archive object is converted to a Deep Cold Archive object based on lifecycle rules, you are charged higher PUT request fees compared with the PUT request fees when a Standard object is converted to an IA, Archive, Cold Archive, or Deep Cold Archive object. |
ExpireObject | Deletes an object based on lifecycle rules. Important
DeleteBucketLifecycle | Deletes lifecycle rules of a bucket. |
DeleteBucket | Deletes a bucket. |
PutObject | Uploads an object. |
CopyObject | Copies objects to the same bucket or another bucket within the same region. Important You are charged based on the number of PUT requests for the Standard objects. |
AppendObject | Uploads an object by appending the content of the object to an existing object. |
DeleteObject | Deletes a single object |
DeleteMultipleObjects | Deletes multiple objects. |
PutObjectACL | Configures an ACL for an object. |
PostObject | Uploads an object by using an HTML form. |
PutSymlink | Creates a symbolic link. |
RestoreObject | Restores an Archive, Cold Archive, or Deep Cold Archive object. |
InitiateMultipartUpload | Initiates a multipart upload task. |
UploadPart | Uploads an object in parts based on the specified object name and upload ID. |
AbortMultipartUpload | Cancels a multipart upload task and deletes the uploaded parts.
Important |
UploadPartCopy | Copies an object by part. |
ListMultipartUploads | Lists all ongoing multipart upload tasks, which include tasks that are initiated but are not completed or canceled. |
ListParts | Lists all parts that are uploaded by using a specific upload ID. |
PutBucketReplication | Configures data replication rules for a bucket. |
DeleteBucketReplication | Stops a data replication task for a bucket and deletes the data replication rules of the bucket. |
PutBucketCors | Configures cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) for a bucket. |
DeleteBucketCors | Deletes the CORS configurations of a bucket. |
CompleteMultipartUpload | Completes the multipart upload task. |
InitiateBucketWorm | Creates a retention policy for a bucket. |
AbortBucketWorm | Deletes an unlocked retention policy. |
CompleteBucketWorm | Locks a retention policy. |
ExtendBucketWorm | Extends the retention period (days) of objects in a bucket for which a retention policy is locked. |
PutBucketVersioning | Enables versioning for a bucket. |
ListObjectVersions (GetBucketVersions) | Lists the versions of all objects in a bucket, including delete markers. |
PutBucketPolicy | Configures a bucket policy. |
DeleteBucketPolicy | Deletes a bucket policy. |
PutBucketTags | Adds tags to or modifies the tags of a bucket. |
DeleteBucketTags | Deletes tags of a bucket. |
PutBucketEncryption | Configures a data encryption rule for a bucket. |
DeleteBucketEncryption | Deletes a data encryption rule of a bucket. |
PutBucketRequestPayment | Configures request payment settings for a bucket. |
PutObjectTagging | Adds tags to or modifies the tags of an object. |
DeleteObjectTagging | Deletes the tags of an object. |
PutLiveChannel | Creates a LiveChannel. |
DeleteLiveChannel | Deletes a specific LiveChannel. |
PutLiveChannelStatus | Changes the status of a LiveChannel. |
PostVodPlaylist | Generates a playlist used for video on demand (VOD) for a LiveChannel. |
PutStyle | Creates an image style for a bucket. |
ListStyle | Queries all image styles that are created for a bucket. |
DeleteStyle | Deletes an image style from a bucket. |
WriteGetObjectResponse | Configures custom response headers and response data. |
GET requests
GET requests include requests that are initiated to perform read operations on all objects and other information by using the OSS API, OSS SDKs, or the OSS console, except for GetBucket (ListObject) and GetBucketV2 (ListObjectsV2).
Request | Description |
GetBucketAcl | Queries the ACL of a bucket. |
GetBucketLocation | Queries the data center where a bucket is located. |
GetBucketInfo | Queries the information about a bucket. |
GetBucketLogging | Queries the logging configurations of a bucket. |
GetBucketWebsite | Queries the static website hosting configurations of a bucket. |
GetBucketReferer | Queries the Referer configurations of a bucket. |
GetBucketLifecycle | Queries the lifecycle rules of a bucket. |
GetBucketReplication | Queries the data replication rules of a bucket. |
GetBucketReplicationLocation | Queries the regions of the destination bucket to which data can be replicated. |
GetBucketReplicationProgress | Queries the progress of data replication. |
GetBucketInventory | Queries a specific inventory of a bucket. |
ListBucketInventory | Queries all inventories of a bucket. |
GetObject | Downloads an object. |
HeadObject | Queries all metadata of an object. |
GetObjectMeta | Queries some metadata information of an object. |
GetObjectACL | Queries the ACL of an object. |
GetSymlink | Queries symbolic links. |
GetBucketcors | Queries the CORS rules configured for a bucket. |
GetBucketWorm | Queries the retention policies of a bucket. |
GetBucketVersioning | Queries the versioning status of a bucket. |
GetBucketPolicy | Queries the bucket policies of a bucket. |
GetBucketReferer | Queries the Referer configurations of a bucket. |
GetBucketTags | Queries the tags of a bucket. |
GetBucketEncryption | Queries the encryption configurations of a bucket. |
GetBucketRequestPayment | Queries the request payment settings of a bucket. |
DoMetaQuery | Queries objects that meet specific conditions and lists object information based on specific fields and sorting methods. |
GetObjectTagging | Queries the tags of an object. |
ListLiveChannel | Queries the list of LiveChannels. |
GetLiveChannelInfo | Queries the configurations of a specific LiveChannel. |
GetLiveChannelStat | Queries the stream ingest status of a specific LiveChannel. |
GetLiveChannelHistory | Queries the stream ingest history of a specific LiveChannel. |
GetVodPlaylist | Queries the playlist that is generated by the streams ingested to a specific LiveChannel within a specific time range. |
GetStyle | Queries the information about a specific image style of a bucket. |
get_image_info | Queries the basic information about an image. |
get_image_exif | Queries the EXIF data of an image. |
get_image_infoexif | Queries the basic information about and EXIF data of an image. |
ProcessImage | Processes an image. |