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Object Storage Service:Get started with ossbrowser

Last Updated:Oct 23, 2024

ossbrowser is a graphical management tool that is provided by Alibaba Cloud to help you easily manage buckets and objects in Object Storage Service (OSS). For example, you can use ossbrowser to create buckets, delete buckets, upload objects, download objects, preview objects, copy objects, move objects, and share objects.

Video tutorial

Watch the following tutorial video to get started with ossbrowser.


Manage objects

You can use ossbrowser to perform the same object-level operations that you can perform in the OSS console. You can follow the on-screen instructions in ossbrowser to manage objects. Before you can manage objects in a bucket, you must click the name of the bucket to view the object list.

  • To perform a specific operation on objects, you must have the required permissions. For more information, see Manage permissions.

  • For more information about a specific operation, see the topic related to the operation in the OSS console.



Upload an object

By default, ossbrowser uses multipart upload and resumable upload to upload an object. The object that you want to upload cannot exceed 48.8 TB in size. If an upload task is interrupted before the upload task is complete, the uploaded portion is stored as parts in the bucket. If you no longer need these parts, you can use one of the following methods to delete the parts to avoid additional storage fees.


If the uploaded object has the same name as an existing object in the bucket, the existing object is overwritten.

Upload a directory

Click the image.png icon to upload a directory.

Download an object

Select the object that you want to download and click Download in the Actions column.


You can also select multiple objects and click Download in the upper part of the object list to download them at a time.

Download a directory

Select the directory that you want to download and click the image.png icon in the upper part of the object list.

List objects

If you click the name of a bucket, objects in the bucket are automatically listed.

Preview an object

Click the name of an object to preview the object.

Copy an object

In the source bucket, select the object that you want to copy and click Copy. In the destination bucket, click Paste.

Move an object

Choose More > Move.


The object that you want to move or copy by using ossbrowser cannot exceed 5 GB in size. To move or copy an object that is larger than 5 GB, we recommend that you use ossutil.

Rename an object

Select the object that you want to rename and choose More > Rename at the top of the object list.

Search for objects

Enter the prefix of the specified object name in the search box at the top of the object list. You can view the objects and folders that match the specified prefix in the bucket root directory.

Restore an object

Select the object that you want to restore and choose More > Restore at the top of the object list.

Delete an object

Select the object and click Remove in the Actions column.

Create a symbolic link for an object

  1. Select the object for which you want to create a symbolic link and choose More > Set Soft Link at the top of the object list.

  2. In the Set Soft Link dialog box, configure the Soft Link File or Folder parameter and click OK.

Manage metadata of an object

  1. Select the object whose metadata you want to manage and choose More > Http Headers at the top of the object list.

  2. In the Http Headers dialog box, configure the metadata headers and click OK.

Share an object

You can share the URL of an object with third parties. This way, the third parties can download or preview the object. To share an object, find the object and click Address in the Actions column to generate a URL.

Configure the ACL of an object

  1. Select the object for which you want to configure ACL and choose More > ACL at the top of the object list.

  2. In the Update ACL dialog box, specify the desired ACL and click OK.