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Object Storage Service:View options, View options

Last Updated:Aug 19, 2024

This topic describes how to run the -h command to view all options supported by ossutil.


For ossutil 1.6.16 and later, you can directly use ossutil as the binary name in the command line. You do not need to update the binary name based on the operating system. For ossutil earlier than 1.6.16, you need to update the binary name based on the operating system. For more information, see ossutil command reference.

Command syntax

ossutil -h

To view the options supported by a command, run the ossutil help [command] command, such as ossutil help cp.

Common options

The following table describes the common options that can be added to most commands supported by ossutil.



-c, --config-file

The path of the configuration file of ossutil. When ossutil is started, it reads the configuration file. When you manage buckets that belong to different Alibaba Cloud accounts, you can generate multiple configuration files and specify one of the configuration files as the default configuration file. When you manage a bucket that belongs to another Alibaba Cloud account, you can use the -c option to specify the configuration file.

-e, --endpoint

The endpoints of buckets. When you manage buckets across regions, you can use this option to specify the endpoints of the buckets. For more information about the endpoints of each region, see Regions and endpoints.

-i, --access-key-id

The AccessKey ID that is used to access Object Storage Service (OSS). When you manage buckets that belong to different Alibaba Cloud accounts, you can use this option to specify the AccessKey IDs.

-k, --access-key-secret

The AccessKey secret that is used to access OSS. When you manage buckets that belong to different Alibaba Cloud accounts, you can use this option to specify the AccessKey secrets.

-p, --password

The AccessKey secret that is used to access OSS. When you use this option in a command, ossutil reads the AccessKey secret that is entered by using the keyboard and ignores the AccessKey secret that is specified by using other methods.


Generates the ossutil.log file in the current working directory. This option is empty by default, which specifies that no log files are generated.

Valid values:

  • info: ossutil displays operation logs.

    ossutil [command] --loglevel=info
  • debug: ossutil displays logs that contain HTTP requests and responses and the original signature strings, which can be used to locate problems.

    ossutil [command] --loglevel=debug

--proxy-host, --proxy-user, and --proxy-pwd

If your environment requires a proxy server to access the service, you must use the three options to specify the information of the proxy server.

  • --proxy-host: specifies the URL of the proxy server. This option supports HTTP, HTTPS, and SOCKS5.

  • --proxy-user: specifies the username that is used to access the proxy server. This option is empty by default.

  • --proxy-pwd: specifies the password that is used to access the proxy server. This option is empty by default.

After you specify the information of the proxy server by using the three options, ossutil uses the proxy server to access OSS.

ossutil ls oss://bucket1 --proxy-host http://47.88.**.**:3128 --proxy-user test --proxy-pwd test


The type of your credentials. Valid values:

  • AK: The AccessKey ID and AccessKey secret are used for authentication.

  • StsToken: A Security Token Service (STS) token is used for authentication.

  • RamRoleArn: The AssumeRole method of Resource Access Management (RAM) is used for authentication.

  • EcsRamRole: The EcsRamRole method in an Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance is used for password-free authentication.

If you do not configure this option, the default authentication logic is used.


The role name in EcsRamRole mode for authentication.


The validity period of the token obtained by using AssumeRole in RamRoleArn mode for authentication. Default value: 3600. Unit: seconds.


The Alibaba Cloud Resource Name (ARN) of the RAM role in RamRoleArn mode for authentication.


The session name in RamRoleArn mode for authentication.


The timeout period for the client to read data. Default value: 1200. Unit: seconds.


The timeout period for the client to connect to the server. Default value: 120. Unit: seconds.


The region where STS is connected. Example: cn-hangzhou. For more information about all regions supported by STS, see Endpoints.

If you do not configure this option, the STS endpoint used for authentication in RamRoleArn mode is


Specifies that the digital certificate of the server is not verified.


The value of the User-Agent header. If you specify a value for this option, the value is automatically added to the end of the User-Agent value that is specified by ossutil. If you want to view the complete value of User-Agent in logs, use the --loglevel debug option together with this option.

Other options

The following table describes the options included in ossutil commands other than the preceding common options.



-s, --short-format

Displays items in the short format. If you do not specify this option, the long format is used.


The object size threshold for using resumable upload. Default value: 104857600 (100 MB). Valid values: 0 to 9223372036854775807. Unit: bytes.


The access control list (ACL).


The byte range of the object to download. Bytes are numbered starting from 0.

  • You can specify a range. For example, 3-9 specifies a range from byte 3 (inclusive) to byte 9 (inclusive).

  • You can specify the field from which the download starts. For example, 3- specifies a range from byte 3 (inclusive) to the end of the object (inclusive).

  • You can specify the field at which the download ends. For example, -9 specifies a range from byte 0 (inclusive) to byte 9 (inclusive).


Specifies all versions of an object.


The algorithm that is used for data verification. Valid values:

  • crc64 (default)

  • md5

-v, --version

Displays the ossutil version.

-u, --update

Specifies an update operation.


The value of the Origin header in an HTTP request.


The upload method that is used in the probe command. Valid values:

  • normal (default): The object is uploaded by using simple upload.

  • append: The object is uploaded by using append upload.

  • multipart: The object is uploaded by using multipart upload.


The encryption method for the bucket. Valid values:

  • KMS: The keys managed by Key Management Service (KMS) are used for encryption and decryption (SSE-KMS).

  • AES256: The keys managed by OSS are used for encryption and decryption (SSE-OSS).


Specifies that objects that meet the specified conditions are listed. For example, a value of *.jpg specifies that all JPG objects in the bucket are listed.

For more information, see Options --include and --exclude.


Specifies that objects that do not meet the specified conditions are listed. For example, a value of *.txt specifies that all TXT objects in the bucket are not listed.

For more information, see Options --include and --exclude.

-r, --recursive

Specifies recursive operations. If you configure this option, the operation is performed on all condition-matched objects in a bucket. If you do not configure this option, the operation is performed only on the object specified in the URL.


The address of the network whose connectivity you want to check. ossutil runs the ping command to check the network connectivity between your local computer and the specified address.

Default value:


The customer master key (CMK) ID to use for encryption in KMS.


The version ID of the object.


The position from which the list operation starts. Object versions whose IDs are alphabetically after the value of marker are listed. You can configure this option only after versioning is enabled for the bucket.

-m, --multipart

Specifies that the operation is performed on the incomplete multipart upload tasks in the bucket.

-d, --directory

Specifies that only objects and subdirectories in the current directory are returned.


The payer of the request. If you set this option to requester, the pay-by-requester mode is enabled.


The maximum upload speed. Default value: 0 (unlimited). Unit: KB/s.


The maximum download speed. Default value: 0 (unlimited). Unit: KB/s.


The number of retries after an error occurs when the command is run. Default value: 10. Valid values: 1 to 500.


A retry is performed immediately when an error occurs.


Specifies that ossutil checks the network connectivity between your local computer and the bucket by using the URL of an object to download the object from the bucket.

-j, --jobs

The number of concurrent tasks that can be performed across multiple objects. Valid values: 1 to 10000. Default value: 3.

-a, --all-type

Specifies that the operation is performed on the objects and incomplete multipart upload tasks in the bucket.


Specifies that the Referer field cannot be empty.


The HTTP request method. Valid values: PUT, GET, and DELETE.


Specifies the directory in which the output objects are located. Output objects include the report objects that are generated due to errors that occur when you run the cp command to copy multiple objects at the same time.

By default, the directory for output objects is ossutil_output in the current directory.


Specifies the metadata of an object in the [header:value#header:value...] format. Example: Cache-Control:no-cache#Content-Encoding:gzip.


The object name in the probe command.


The timestamp in Linux or UNIX. Objects whose last modified time is later than the timestamp are ignored.


The maximum number of results to return.

-L, --language

The language that ossutil uses. Default value: CH. Valid values:

  • CH: Chinese. If you want to set this option to CH, make sure that your system supports UTF-8 encoding.

  • EN: English.


Deletes buckets, objects, or parts.

-b, --bucket

Specifies that the command is run to delete a bucket. This option applies only when you delete a bucket.


Disables CRC-64 in data transmission. By default, CRC-64 is enabled when you use ossutil to transfer data.


Checks the network connectivity between your local computer and the bucket by uploading a local file to the bucket.


The part size in bytes. By default, ossutil calculates an appropriate part size based on the object size. You can configure this option to optimize performance or meet special requirements. Valid values: 1 to 9223372036854775807.


The timeout period for a signed URL. Valid values: 0 to 9223372036854775807. Default value: 60. Unit: seconds.


The directory in which the checkpoint information of the resumable upload, download, or copy task is stored. If the task fails, ossutil automatically creates a directory named .ossutil_checkpoint and saves the checkpoint information in the directory. If the task is successful, ossutil deletes the directory. If you specify a checkpoint directory, make sure that the directory can be deleted.


The object URL.


The position from which the list operation starts. Buckets, objects, or parts whose names are alphabetically after the marker are listed.

-f, --force

Specifies that the operation is forcibly performed without a prompt for confirmation.


The directory in which you want to store the snapshots of uploaded objects and downloaded objects. If you configure this option, ossutil reads the snapshot information from the specified directory and performs an incremental upload or download when objects are uploaded or downloaded.

  • The --snapshot-path option is used to accelerate the incremental upload or download of multiple objects. This option cannot be used to copy objects. This option can be used when a large number of objects are uploaded and no other users modify the objects in OSS between the two uploads.

  • The --snapshot-path option records the last modified time of uploaded or downloaded objects in your local computer. Then, the recorded time is used to determine which objects can be skipped next time the objects are uploaded or downloaded. Therefore, when you use this option, make sure that the involved objects in OSS are not modified between the two uploads or downloads. In other scenarios in which objects are updated in OSS between the two uploads or downloads, use the --update option to perform incremental upload or to download multiple objects at the same time.

  • ossutil does not automatically delete snapshot information from the directory specified by snapshot-path. You can delete snapshot information that you no longer use.

  • Additional overheads are required to read and write snapshot information. We recommend that you do not use this option in scenarios in which the number of objects to upload or download is small, network conditions are good, or other users need to perform operations on the objects. In these scenarios, you can use the --update option instead to perform an incremental upload or download.

  • You can configure both the --update and --snapshot-path options in a command. ossutil determines whether to skip an object in an upload task or a download task based on the snapshots stored in the directory specified by the --snapshot-path option. If no snapshots are generated for the object, ossutil determines whether to skip the object based on the --update option.


Specifies the timestamp in Linux or UNIX. If you configure this option, objects whose last modified time is earlier than the timestamp are ignored.


The storage class of an object. Valid values:

  • Standard (default): This storage class is suitable for objects that are frequently accessed.

  • IA: This storage class is suitable for data that is infrequently accessed, such as data accessed once or twice a month. Infrequent Access (IA) objects have a minimum storage period of 30 days and a minimum billable size of 64 KB. You can access IA objects in real time. You are charged for data retrieval fees when you access IA objects.

  • Archive: This storage class is suitable for data that needs to be stored for a long period of time. Archive objects have a minimum storage period of 60 days and a minimum billable size of 64 KB. You must restore an Archive object before you can access the object. The restoration takes approximately 1 minute. You are charged data retrieval fees when you restore Archive objects.

  • ColdArchive: This storage class is suitable for long-term storage of data that is barely accessed. Cold Archive objects have a minimum storage period of 180 days and a minimum billable size of 64 KB. You must restore a Cold Archive object before you can access the object. The amount of time required to restore a Cold Archive object varies based on the object size and the restoration mode. You are charged data retrieval fees when you restore Cold Archive objects.

-t, --sts-token

Specifies the STS token that is used to access OSS. This option is required only when you use STS to allow temporary access to OSS. The value of this option overwrites the configurations in the configuration file. For more information about how to generate an STS token, see Authorized third-party upload.


The number of concurrent operations to perform on a single object. Valid values: 1 to 10000. By default, ossutil automatically sets a value for this option based on the operation type and object size.


The partition that you want to download. The value of this option is in the partition number:the total number of partitions format. For example, the value 1:5 specifies that the object is split into five partitions and that the current command downloads partition 1. Partitions are numbered starting from 1. Partitioning rules for objects are determined by ossutil based on the built-in algorithm. This option splits an object into multiple partitions that can be concurrently downloaded by multiple ossutil commands. Each ossutil command downloads its own partition.


The name of the bucket.


The encoding type that you want to use for encoding the key that follows oss://bucket_name. Valid value: url. If you do not configure this option, the key is not encoded.


The value of the Origin header in an HTTP request. The value of this option specifies the source domain from which a cross-origin request is sent.


The value of the Access-Control-Request-Method header in an HTTP request. Valid values: GET, PUT, POST, DELETE, and HEAD.


The value of the Access-Control-Request-Headers header in an HTTP request. The value of this option specifies the headers that you need to add to the request. The headers do not include common request headers. To specify multiple headers, separate the headers with commas (,) and enclose the headers with double quotation marks (" "). Example: --acr-headers "header1,header2,header3".


The position from which the list operation starts. Parts whose upload IDs are alphabetically after the marker are listed.

-h, --help

Displays help information for a specified command.


The access speed over HTTP in sign commands. Unit: bit/s.

Default value: 0. A value of 0 specifies that the access speed is unlimited.

Valid values: 819200 to 838860800 (100 KB/s to 100 MB/s).


The local IP address of ossutil in the cp command. After you configure this option, ossutil accesses OSS by using the specified IP address.


The subdirectory to which the symbolic link points is uploaded. By default, subdirectories are not uploaded. The probe command can be used to check whether an object or a directory to which the symbolic link points is also a symbolic link.


Specifies that only objects in the current directory are uploaded, downloaded, or copied. Subdirectories and objects in the subdirectories in the current directory are ignored.


Specifies that no OSS object is generated for the directory to upload, but the directory is maintained in the directory structure in the OSS console. If you delete all objects in the directory, the directory is also deleted.


The items to be checked by using the probe command. Valid values:

  • upload-speed: ossutil checks the upload bandwidth.

  • download-speed: ossutil checks the download bandwidth.

  • cycle-symlink: ossutil checks whether a symbolic link in the local file directory points to itself.


The redundancy type of the bucket. Valid values:

  • LRS (default): If you set the redundancy type of a bucket to locally redundant storage (LRS), OSS stores the copies of each object across different devices within the same zone. This way, OSS ensures data reliability and availability even if two storage devices are damaged at the same time.

  • ZRS: If you set the redundancy type of a bucket to zone-redundant storage (ZRS), OSS stores multiple copies of your data across multiple zones in the same region. Your data is still accessible even if a zone becomes unavailable.


Specifies that forward slashes (/) in a URL are not encoded.


Specifies that all objects in the subdirectory to which the symbolic link points and the subdirectory to which the symbolic link points are ignored during object upload.


The object tag when you upload or copy an object. Example: "abc=1&bcd=2&……".


An error throws an exception, which terminates the command. Specifies that errors are not ignored for batch operations.


The unit of the obtained total size of objects within the specified bucket or directory. Valid values: KB, MB, GB, and TB. If you do not configure this option, the total size of obtained objects is measured in bytes by default.


This option is available in ossutil version 1.7.3 and later.

Options --include and --exclude

Left-to-right application of conditions

A rule can contain multiple conditions specified by --include and --exclude. After these conditions are configured, ossutil evaluates the conditions from left to right to obtain the final results. If the test.txt object exists in a directory for which the operation takes effect, whether the object is one of the final matches varies based on rule configurations.

  • Rule 1: --include "*test*" --exclude "*.txt". ossutil first evaluates the --include "*test*" condition and includes the test.txt object in the results because the object is a match. Then, ossutil evaluates the --exclude "*.txt" condition, finds that the test.txt object is a match because the object name contains ".txt", and then excludes the object from the results. The test.txt object is excluded from the final results.

  • Rule 2: --exclude "*.txt" --include "*test*". ossutil first evaluates the --exclude "*.txt" condition and excludes the test.txt object from the results because the object is a match. Then, ossutil evaluates the--include "*test*" condition, finds that the test.txt object is a match because the object name contains "test", and then includes the object in the results. The test.txt object is included in the final results.

  • Rule 3: --include "*test*" --exclude "*.txt" --include "te?t.txt". ossutil first evaluates the --include "*test*" condition, finds that the test.txt object is a match, and then includes the object in the results. Then, ossutil evaluates the --exclude "*.txt" condition, finds that the test.txt object is a match because the object name contains "txt", and excludes the object from the results. Finally, ossutil evaluates the --include "te?t.txt" condition, and finds that the test.txt object is a match, and then includes the object in the results. The test.txt object is included in the final results.

Usage notes

  • Asterisk (*): matches any number of characters. For example, *.txt matches all TXT files.

  • Question mark (?): matches a single character. For example, abc?.jpg matches all JPG objects whose names are "abc" followed by a single character, as in abc1.jpg.

  • [sequence]: matches characters in a sequence. For example, abc[1-5].jpg match JPG objects whose names are "abc" followed by a number in sequence [1-5]. The objects include abc1.jpg, abc2.jpg, abc3.jpg, abc4.jpg, and abc5.jpg.

  • [!sequence]: matches characters outside a sequence. For example, abc[!0-7].jpg matches objects other than abc0.jpg, abc1.jpg, abc2.jpg, abc3.jpg, abc4.jpg, and abc5.jpg, abc6.jpg, and abc7.jpg.


A directory cannot be specified in the --include or --exclude option. For example, ossutil cp oss://examplebucket/destfolder/ localfolder/ --include dir// triggers the--include or --exclude does not support format containing dir info error.