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Object Storage Service:mb

Last Updated:Jul 31, 2024

A bucket is a container for objects stored in Object Storage Service (OSS). You must create a bucket before you upload an object to OSS. This topic describes how to create a bucket by using the mb command.

Usage notes

To create a bucket, you must have the oss:PutBucket permission. For more information, see Attach a custom policy to a RAM user.

Command syntax

ossutil mb oss://bucket [flags]






The access control list (ACL) of the bucket. Valid values:

  • private

  • public-read

  • public-read-write



The redundancy type of the bucket. Valid values:

  • Locally redundant storage (LRS): LRS stores multiple copies of your data on multiple storage devices in the same zone. Your data is still accessible if two storage devices are damaged at the same time.

  • Zone-redundant storage (ZRS): ZRS stores multiple copies of your data across multiple zones in the same region. Your data is still accessible even if a zone becomes unavailable.



The ID of the resource group.



The storage class of the bucket. Valid values:

  • Standard: Standard

  • IA: Infrequent Access (IA)

  • Archive: Archive

  • ColdArchive: Cold Archive

  • DeepColdArchive: Deep Cold Archive


For more information, see Command-line options.


  • Create a bucket named examplebucket whose ACL is private.

    ossutil mb oss://examplebucket --acl=private
  • Create a bucket named examplebucket whose ACL is private and resource group is rg-aek27tc****.

    ossutil mb oss://examplebucket --acl=private --resource-group-id rg-aek27tc****