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Object Storage Service:Install ossutil

Last Updated:Nov 19, 2024

ossutil allows you to efficiently manage objects in Object Storage Service (OSS). For example, you can use ossutil to upload large objects, download objects, and delete objects whose names contain a specific prefix. ossutil supports the following OSs: Windows, Linux, and macOS. You need to download and install an ossutil version that suits your OS.


Latest version: 2.0.4-beta.10251600

Download ossutil

Download link

SHA-256 checksum

Linux x86 32bit


Linux x86 64bit


Linux ARM 32bit


Linux ARM 64bit


macOS x86 64bit


macOS ARM 64bit


Windows x86 32bit


Windows x86 64bit


Install ossutil


  1. Install ossutil.

    1. Download the ossutil package.

      curl -o

      The command downloads ossutil for a 64-bit Linux x86 system. To download ossutil for another system, see Download ossutil.

    2. Go to the directory in which the ossutil package is stored and execute the following unzip command:

    3. Enter the ossutil-2.0.4-beta.10251600-linux-amd64 directory.

      cd ossutil-2.0.4-beta.10251600-linux-amd64
    4. Execute the following command in the current directory.

      chmod 755 ossutil
    5. Execute the following command for global invocation of ossutil.

      sudo mv ossutil /usr/local/bin/ && sudo ln -s /usr/local/bin/ossutil /usr/bin/ossutil
    6. Execute the following command. If a version number is returned, the installation is successful.

      ossutil version
  2. Configure ossutil.

    1. Execute the following command to configure ossutil:

      ossutil config
    2. Configure the path of the configuration file.

      Please enter the config file name,the file name can include path(default /root/.ossutilconfig, carriage return will use the default file. If you specified this option to other file, you should specify --config-file option to the file when you use other commands):

      By default, ossutil uses ~/.ossutilconfig as the configuration file. If you specify a different configuration file, you must add the -c option to specify the configuration file every time you execute a command. For example, if you save the configuration file as /home/config, add the -c option in the following format when you execute the ls command:

      ossutil ls oss://examplebucket -c /home/config
    3. Provide configuration information such as the endpoint, AccessKey ID, and AccessKey secret from prompts. For information on creating AccessKeys and obtaining Endpoints, see Obtain an AccessKey pair and Regions, endpoints and open ports. For more configuration sets, see Configuration file settings.

  3. Execute the following command to check whether ossutil is installed and configured:


    If a list of ossutil commands are displayed, ossutil is installed and configured.


  1. Install ossutil.

    1. Click Windows x86 64bit or Windows x86 32bit to download the ossutil installation package based on the configurations of your computer.

    2. Decompress the ossutil package.

    3. Go to the directory in which the ossutil package is stored.

      cd ossutil-v1.7.19-windows-amd64
  2. Configure ossutil.

    1. Execute the following command to configure ossutil:

      ossutil config
    2. Configure the path of the configuration file.

      Please enter the config file name,the file name can include path(default "C:\Users\issuser\.ossutilconfig", carriage return will use the default file. If you specified this option to other file, you should specify --config-file option to the file when you use other commands):

      By default, ossutil uses ~\.ossutilconfig as the configuration file. If you specify a different configuration file, you must add the -c option to specify the configuration file every time you execute a command. For example, if you save the configuration file as c:\ossutil\config, add the -c option in the following format when you execute the ls command:

      ossutil ls oss://examplebucket -c c:\ossutil\config
    3. Configure the AccessKey ID, AccessKey Secret, and Region parameters. For more information, see Configuration file settings.

  3. Execute the following command to check whether ossutil is installed and configured:


    If a list of ossutil commands are displayed, ossutil is installed and configured.


  1. Install ossutil.

    1. Download the ossutil package.

      curl -o

      The command downloads ossutil for a 64-bit macOS ARM system. For more information about how to download ossutil for other operating systems, see Download ossutil.

    2. Go to the directory in which the ossutil package is stored and execute the following unzip command:

    3. Enter the ossutil-2.0.4-beta.10251600-mac-arm64 directory.

      cd ossutil-2.0.4-beta.10251600-mac-arm64
    4. Execute the following command in the current directory.

      chmod 755 ossutil
    5. Execute the following command for global invocation of ossutil.

      sudo mv ossutil /usr/local/bin/ && sudo ln -s /usr/local/bin/ossutil /usr/bin/ossutil
    6. Execute the following command. If a version number is returned, the installation is successful.

      ossutil version
  2. Configure ossutil.

    1. Execute the following command to configure ossutil:

      ossutil config
    2. Configure the path of the configuration file.

      Please enter the config file name,the file name can include path(default "/Users/user/.ossutilconfig", carriage return will use the default file. If you specified this option to other file, you should specify --config-file option to the file when you use other commands): 

      By default, ossutil uses ~/.ossutilconfig as the configuration file. If you specify a different configuration file, you must add the -c option to specify the configuration file every time you execute a command. For example, if you save the configuration file as /home/config, add the -c option in the following format when you execute the ls command:

      ossutil ls oss://examplebucket -c /home/config
    3. Follow the on-screen instructions to specify the display language of ossutil. Enter CH or EN. By default, ossutil is displayed in the language that is used by the OS. The configuration takes effect after you execute the config command.

    4. Configure parameters, such as Endpoint, and AccessKey ID, and AccessKey Secret. For more information, see Configuration file settings.

  3. Execute the following command to check whether ossutil is installed and configured:


    If a list of ossutil commands are displayed, ossutil is installed and configured.