Obtains the stream pushing record of a LiveChannel.
Request syntax
GET /ChannelName?live&comp=history HTTP/1.1
Date: GMT date
Host: BucketName.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com
Authorization: SignatureValue
Response element
Element | Type | Description |
LiveChannelHistory | Container | \Specifies the container that stores the response to the GetLiveChannelHistory request. Sub-node: LiveRecord Parent node: None |
LiveRecord | Container | Specifies the container that stores a stream pushing record. Sub-node: StartTime, EndTime, and RemoteAddr Parent node: LiveChannelHistory |
StartTime | String | Indicates the time when the client starts to push the stream. The value of this parameter is in ISO8601 format. Sub-node: None Parent node: LiveRecord |
EndTime | String | Indicates the time when the client stops to push the stream. The value of this parameter is in ISO8601 format. Sub-node: None Parent node: LiveRecord |
RemoteAddr | String | Indicates the IP address of the client that pushes the stream. Sub-node: None Parent node: LiveRecord |
Detail analysis
A maximum of 10 records of the streams recently pushed to the specified LiveChannel is returned.
Request example
GET /test-channel?live&comp=history HTTP/1.1
Date: Thu, 25 Aug 2016 07:00:12 GMT
Host: test-bucket.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com
Authorization: OSS qn6q**************:77Dv****************
Response example
HTTP/1.1 200
content-length: 1892
server: AliyunOSS
connection: close
x-oss-request-id: 57BE977CB92475920B0022FB
date: Thu, 25 Aug 2016 07:00:12 GMT
content-type: application/xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>