You can call this operation to query the encryption rules configured for a bucket.
The oss:GetBucketEncryption
permission is required to query the encryption rules configured for a bucket by calling GetBucketEncryption. For more information, see Common examples of RAM policies.
Only the bucket owner or authorized RAM users can query the encryption rules configured for a bucket. If other users try to query the encryption rules configured for the bucket, OSS returns 403. For more information about bucket encryption, see Server-side encryption.
Request structure
Get /? encryption HTTP/1.1
Date: GMT Date
Authorization: SignatureValue
Request headers
A GetBucketEncryption request contains only common request headers. For more information, see Common request headers.
Response headers
The response to a GetBucketEncryption request contains only common response headers. For more information, see Common response headers.
Response elements
Element | Type | Example | Description |
Element | Type | Example | Description |
ServerSideEncryptionRule | Container | N/A | The container that stores server-side encryption rules. Child node: ApplyServerSideEncryptionByDefault |
ApplyServerSideEncryptionByDefault | Container | N/A | The container that stores the default server-side encryption method. Child nodes: SSEAlgorithm and KMSMasterKeyID |
SSEAlgorithm | String | KMS | The default server-side encryption method. Valid values: KMS and AES256 |
KMSMasterKeyID | String | 9468da86-3509-4f8d-a61e-6eab1eac**** | The CMK ID that is used for encryption. This parameter is returned only when the value of SSEAlgorithm is KMS and a CMK ID is specified in the request. In other cases, this parameter is null. |
You can use OSS SDKs for the following programming languages to call GetBucketEncryption:
For information about the ossutil command that corresponds to the GetBucketEncryption operation, see get-bucket-encryption.
Errors codes
Error code | HTTP status code | Description |
Error code | HTTP status code | Description |
AccessDenied | 403 | The error message returned because you do not have permissions to query the encryption rules configured for the bucket. |
NoSuchBucket | 400 | The error message returned because the bucket whose encryption rules you want to query does not exist. |
NoSuchServerSideEncryptionRule | 400 | The error message returned because the no encryption rules are configured for the bucket. |