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Object Storage Service:Configure object tagging

Last Updated:Oct 12, 2023

Object Storage Service (OSS) allows you to configure object tags to classify objects. You can configure lifecycle rules and control access to objects based on tags.

Background information

When you configure object tagging, take note of the following items:

  • You can add tags to an object when and after you upload the object. If you specify the same key for the tag to add as the key of an existing tag of the object, the existing tag is overwritten. For more information about how to add object tags, see PutObjectTagging.

  • To add tags to an object, you must have permissions to call the PutObjectTagging operation.

    You can create a custom policy by using scripts to grant the permissions to RAM users. For more information, see Common examples of RAM policies.

  • The value of the Last-Modified metadata field of an object is not updated when the tags of the object are changed.

  • An object can have up to 10 tags. The tags added to an object must have unique tag keys.

  • A tag key can be up to 128 characters in length. A tag value can be up to 256 characters in length.

  • Tag keys and tag values are case-sensitive.

  • Tag keys and tag values can contain letters, digits, spaces, and the following special characters:

    + - = . _ : /


    If you configure the tags in the HTTP header and the tags contain characters, you must perform URL encoding on the keys and values of the tags.

Object tagging uses a key-value pair to identify objects. For more information about object tags, see Object tagging.

Usage notes

  • In this topic, the public endpoint of the China (Hangzhou) region is used. If you want to access OSS by using other Alibaba Cloud services in the same region as OSS, use an internal endpoint. For more information about the regions and endpoints supported by OSS, see Regions and endpoints.

  • In this topic, an OSSClient instance is created by using an OSS endpoint. If you want to create an OSSClient instance by using custom domain names or Security Token Service (STS), see Initialization.

  • To add a tag to an object, you must have the oss:PutObjectTagging permission. For more information, see Attach a custom policy to a RAM user.

Add tags to an object when you upload the object

  • Add tags to an object when you upload the object by using simple upload

    The following code provides an example on how to add tags to an object when you upload the object by using simple upload:

    # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    import oss2
    from oss2.headers import OSS_OBJECT_TAGGING
    from oss2.credentials import EnvironmentVariableCredentialsProvider
    # Obtain access credentials from environment variables. Before you run the sample code, make sure that the OSS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and OSS_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET environment variables are configured. 
    auth = oss2.ProviderAuth(EnvironmentVariableCredentialsProvider())
    # Specify the endpoint of the region in which the bucket is located. For example, if the bucket is located in the China (Hangzhou) region, set the endpoint to 
    # Specify the name of the bucket. 
    bucket = oss2.Bucket(auth, '', 'examplebucket')
    # Specify the full path of the object. Do not include the bucket name in the full path. Example: exampledir/exampleobject.txt. 
    object_name = 'exampledir/exampleobject.txt'
    # Configure the tagging string. 
    tagging = "k1=v1&k2=v2&k3=v3"
    # If tags contain characters, you must encode the keys and values of the tags by using URL encoding. 
    k4 = "k4+-="
    v4 = "+-=._:/"
    tagging += "&" + oss2.urlquote(k4) + "=" + oss2.urlquote(v4)
    # Add the tagging configurations to the HTTP headers. 
    headers = dict()
    headers[OSS_OBJECT_TAGGING] = tagging
    # Specify the headers when you call the put_object operation so that the tags are added to the object when the object is uploaded. 
    result = bucket.put_object(object_name, 'content', headers=headers)
    print('http response status: ', result.status)
    # Display the tags added to the object. 
    result = bucket.get_object_tagging(object_name)
    for key in result.tag_set.tagging_rule:
        print('tagging key: {}, value: {}'.format(key, result.tag_set.tagging_rule[key]))
  • Add tags to an object when you upload the object by using multipart upload

    The following code provides an example on how to add tags to an object when you upload the object by using multipart upload:

    # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    import os
    import oss2
    from oss2 import SizedFileAdapter, determine_part_size
    from oss2.models import PartInfo
    from oss2.headers import OSS_OBJECT_TAGGING
    from oss2.credentials import EnvironmentVariableCredentialsProvider
    # Obtain access credentials from environment variables. Before you run the sample code, make sure that the OSS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and OSS_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET environment variables are configured. 
    auth = oss2.ProviderAuth(EnvironmentVariableCredentialsProvider())
    # Specify the endpoint of the region in which the bucket is located. For example, if the bucket is located in the China (Hangzhou) region, set the endpoint to 
    # Specify the name of the bucket. 
    bucket = oss2.Bucket(auth, '', 'examplebucket')
    # Specify the full path of the object. Do not include the bucket name in the full path. Example: exampledir/exampleobject.txt. 
    object_name = 'exampledir/exampleobject.txt'
    # Specify the full path of the local file. Example: D:\\localpath\\examplefile.txt. 
    # By default, if you specify only the name of the local file such as examplefile.txt without specifying the local path, the local file is uploaded from the path of the project to which the sample program belongs. 
    filename = 'D:\\localpath\\examplefile.txt'
    total_size = os.path.getsize(filename)
    # Use the determine_part_size method to determine the part size. 
    part_size = determine_part_size(total_size, preferred_size=100 * 1024)
    # Configure the tagging string. 
    tagging = "k1=v1&k2=v2&k3=v3"
    # If tags contain characters, you must encode the keys and values of the tags by using URL encoding. 
    k4 = "k4+-="
    v4 = "+-=._:/"
    tagging += "&" + oss2.urlquote(k4) + "=" + oss2.urlquote(v4)
    # Add the tagging configurations to the HTTP headers. 
    headers = dict()
    headers[OSS_OBJECT_TAGGING] = tagging
    # Initiate a multipart upload task. 
    # Specify the headers when you call the init_multipart_upload operation so that the tags are added to the object that you want to upload. 
    upload_id = bucket.init_multipart_upload(object_name, headers=headers).upload_id
    parts = []
    # Upload the parts. 
    with open(filename, 'rb') as fileobj:
        part_number = 1
        offset = 0
        while offset < total_size:
            num_to_upload = min(part_size, total_size - offset)
            # The SizedFileAdapter(fileobj, size) method generates a new object and recalculates the position from which the append operation starts. 
            result = bucket.upload_part(object_name, upload_id, part_number,
                                        SizedFileAdapter(fileobj, num_to_upload))
            parts.append(PartInfo(part_number, result.etag))
            offset += num_to_upload
            part_number += 1
    # Complete the multipart upload task. 
    result = bucket.complete_multipart_upload(object_name, upload_id, parts)
    print('http response status: ', result.status)
    # Display the tags added to the object. 
    result = bucket.get_object_tagging(object_name)
    for key in result.tag_set.tagging_rule:
        print('tagging key: {}, value: {}'.format(key, result.tag_set.tagging_rule[key]))
    # Verify the result of the multipart upload task. 
    with open(filename, 'rb') as fileobj:
        assert bucket.get_object(object_name).read() ==
  • Add tags to an object when you upload the object by using append upload

    The following code provides an example on how to add tags to an object when you upload the object by using append upload:

    # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    import oss2
    from oss2.headers import OSS_OBJECT_TAGGING
    from oss2.credentials import EnvironmentVariableCredentialsProvider
    # Obtain access credentials from environment variables. Before you run the sample code, make sure that the OSS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and OSS_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET environment variables are configured. 
    auth = oss2.ProviderAuth(EnvironmentVariableCredentialsProvider())
    # Specify the endpoint of the region in which the bucket is located. For example, if the bucket is located in the China (Hangzhou) region, set the endpoint to 
    # Specify the name of the bucket. 
    bucket = oss2.Bucket(auth, '', 'examplebucket')
    # Specify the full path of the object. Do not include the bucket name in the full path. Example: exampledir/exampleobject.txt. 
    object_name = 'exampledir/exampleobject.txt'
    # Configure the tagging string. 
    tagging = "k1=v1&k2=v2&k3=v3"
    # If tags contain characters, you must encode the keys and values of the tags by using URL encoding. 
    k4 = "k4+-="
    v4 = "+-=._:/"
    tagging += "&" + oss2.urlquote(k4) + "=" + oss2.urlquote(v4)
    # Add the tagging configurations to the HTTP headers. 
    headers = dict()
    headers[OSS_OBJECT_TAGGING] = tagging
    # Append the object. Specify the headers when you call the append_object operation so that the tags are added to the object. 
    # Only the tags configured when the object is appended for the first time are added to the object. 
    result = bucket.append_object(object_name, 0, '<yourContent>', headers=headers)
    # Display the tags added to the object. 
    result = bucket.get_object_tagging(object_name)
    for key in result.tag_set.tagging_rule:
        print('tagging key: {}, value: {}'.format(key, result.tag_set.tagging_rule[key]))
  • Add tags to an object when you upload the object by using resumable upload

    The following code provides an example on how to add tags to an object when you upload the object by using resumable upload:

    # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    import oss2
    from oss2.headers import OSS_OBJECT_TAGGING
    from oss2.credentials import EnvironmentVariableCredentialsProvider
    # Obtain access credentials from environment variables. Before you run the sample code, make sure that the OSS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and OSS_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET environment variables are configured. 
    auth = oss2.ProviderAuth(EnvironmentVariableCredentialsProvider())
    # Specify the endpoint of the region in which the bucket is located. For example, if the bucket is located in the China (Hangzhou) region, set the endpoint to 
    # Specify the name of the bucket. 
    bucket = oss2.Bucket(auth, '', 'examplebucket')
    # Specify the full path of the object. Do not include the bucket name in the full path. Example: exampledir/exampleobject.txt. 
    object_name = 'exampledir/exampleobject.txt'
    # Specify the full path of the local file. By default, if you do not specify the full path of the local file, the local file is uploaded from the path of the project to which the sample program belongs. 
    local_file = 'D:\\localpath\\examplefile.txt'
    # Configure the tagging string. 
    tagging = "k1=v1&k2=v2&k3=v3"
    # If tags contain characters, you must encode the keys and values of the tags by using URL encoding. 
    k4 = "k4+-="
    v4 = "+-=._:/"
    tagging += "&" + oss2.urlquote(k4) + "=" + oss2.urlquote(v4)
    # Add the tagging configurations to the HTTP headers. 
    headers = dict()
    headers[OSS_OBJECT_TAGGING] = tagging
    # When the object length is greater than or equal to the value of the multipart_threshold parameter, multipart upload is used. The multipart_threshold parameter is optional. The default value of multipart_threshold is 10 MB. If you do not specify a directory by using the store parameter, the .py-oss-upload directory is created in the HOME directory to store the checkpoint information. 
    # Specify the headers when you call the resumable_upload operation so that the tags are added to the object that you want to upload. 
    oss2.resumable_upload(bucket, object_name, local_file, headers=headers)
    result = bucket.get_object_tagging(object_name)
    for key in result.tag_set.tagging_rule:
        print('object tagging key: {}, value: {}'.format(key, result.tag_set.tagging_rule[key]))

Add tags to or modify the tags of an existing object

If an existing object has no tags or the added tags of the object do not meet your requirements, you can add tags to or modify the tags of the existing object.

The following code provides an example on how to add tags to or modify the tags of an existing object:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import oss2
from oss2.models import Tagging, TaggingRule
from oss2.credentials import EnvironmentVariableCredentialsProvider

# Obtain access credentials from environment variables. Before you run the sample code, make sure that the OSS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and OSS_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET environment variables are configured. 
auth = oss2.ProviderAuth(EnvironmentVariableCredentialsProvider())
# Specify the endpoint of the region in which the bucket is located. For example, if the bucket is located in the China (Hangzhou) region, set the endpoint to 
# Specify the name of the bucket. 
bucket = oss2.Bucket(auth, '', 'examplebucket')
# Specify the full path of the object. Do not include the bucket name in the full path. Example: exampledir/exampleobject.txt. 
object_name = 'exampledir/exampleobject.txt'

# Create a tagging rule. 
rule = TaggingRule()
rule.add('key1', 'value1')
rule.add('key2', 'value2')

# Create tags. 
tagging = Tagging(rule)

# Add the tags to the object. 
result = bucket.put_object_tagging(object_name, tagging)
# Query the HTTP status code. 
print('http response status:', result.status)

Add tags to a specified object version or modify the tags of the object version

If versioning is enabled for a bucket, you can add tags to or modify the tags of a specified version of an object in the bucket by specifying the version ID of the object.

The following code provides an example on how to add tags to a specified version of an object or modify the tags of the object.


For more information about how to obtain version IDs, see List objects.

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import oss2
from oss2.models import Tagging
from oss2.credentials import EnvironmentVariableCredentialsProvider

# Obtain access credentials from environment variables. Before you run the sample code, make sure that the OSS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and OSS_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET environment variables are configured. 
auth = oss2.ProviderAuth(EnvironmentVariableCredentialsProvider())
# Specify the endpoint of the region in which the bucket is located. For example, if the bucket is located in the China (Hangzhou) region, set the endpoint to 
# Specify the name of the bucket. 
bucket = oss2.Bucket(auth, '', 'examplebucket')
# Specify the full path of the object. Do not include the bucket name in the full path. Example: exampledir/exampleobject.txt. 
object_name = 'exampledir/exampleobject.txt'
# Specify the version ID of the object. Example: CAEQMxiBgICAof2D0BYiIDJhMGE3N2M1YTI1NDQzOGY5NTkyNTI3MGYyMzJm****. 
version_id = 'CAEQMxiBgICAof2D0BYiIDJhMGE3N2M1YTI1NDQzOGY5NTkyNTI3MGYyMzJm****'

tagging = Tagging()
# Specify the key and the value of the object tag. In this example, the key is set to owner and the value is set to John. 
tagging.tag_set.add('owner', 'John')
tagging.tag_set.add('type', 'document')

params = dict()
params['versionId'] = version_id

bucket.put_object_tagging(object_name, tagging, params=params)

Add tags to an object when you copy the object

You can use the one of following methods to configure object tagging when you copy an object:

  • Copy: The tag of the source object is copied to the destination object.

  • Replace: The destination object has the tag specified in the request instead of the tag of the source object.

The following examples describe how to add tags to an object smaller than 1 GB in simple copy mode and larger than 1 GB in multipart copy mode:

  • Add tags to an object when you copy the object in simple copy mode

    The following code provides an example on how to add tags to an object smaller than 1 GB when you copy the object in simple copy mode:

    # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    import oss2
    from oss2.credentials import EnvironmentVariableCredentialsProvider
    # Obtain access credentials from environment variables. Before you run the sample code, make sure that the OSS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and OSS_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET environment variables are configured. 
    auth = oss2.ProviderAuth(EnvironmentVariableCredentialsProvider())
    # Specify the endpoint of the region in which the bucket is located. For example, if the bucket is located in the China (Hangzhou) region, set the endpoint to 
    # Specify the name of the bucket. 
    bucket = oss2.Bucket(auth, '', 'examplebucket')
    # Specify the full path of the source object. Do not include the bucket name in the full path. Example: srcexampledir/exampleobject.txt. 
    src_object_name = 'srcexampledir/exampleobject.txt'
    # Specify the full path of the destination object. Do not include the bucket name in the full path. Example: destexampledir1/exampleobject.txt. 
    dest_object_name1 = 'destexampledir1/exampleobject.txt'
    # Specify the full path of the destination object. Do not include the bucket name in the full path. Example: destexampledir2/exampleobject.txt. 
    dest_object_name2 = 'destexampledir2/exampleobject.txt'
    # Configure the tagging string. 
    tagging = "k1=v1&k2=v2&k3=v3"
    # If tags contain characters, you must encode the keys and values of the tags by using URL encoding. 
    k4 = "k4+-="
    v4 = "+-=._:/"
    tagging += "&" + oss2.urlquote(k4) + "=" + oss2.urlquote(v4)
    # Set OSS_OBJECT_TAGGING_COPY_DIRECTIVE to COPY or keep the default value in the HTTP headers, so that the tags of the source object are added to the dest_object_name1 object. 
    bucket.copy_object(bucket.bucket_name, src_object_name, dest_object_name1, headers=headers)
    # Set OSS_OBJECT_TAGGING_COPY_DIRECTIVE to REPLACE in the HTTP headers, so that the tags specified in OSS_OBJECT_TAGGING are added to the dest_object_name2 object. 
    headers[OSS_OBJECT_TAGGING] = tagging
    bucket.copy_object(bucket.bucket_name, src_object_name, dest_object_name2, headers=headers)
    # Display the tags of the src_object_name object. 
    result = bucket.get_object_tagging(src_object_name)
    for key in result.tag_set.tagging_rule:
        print('src tagging key: {}, value: {}'.format(key, result.tag_set.tagging_rule[key]))
    # Display the tags added to the dest_object_name1 object. The tags of the dest_object_name1 object are the same as those of the src_object_name object. 
    result = bucket.get_object_tagging(dest_object_name1)
    for key in result.tag_set.tagging_rule:
        print('dest1 object tagging key: {}, value: {}'.format(key, result.tag_set.tagging_rule[key]))
    # Display the tags added to the dest_object_name2 object. The tags added to the dest_object_name2 object are those specified in OSS_OBJECT_TAGGING. 
    result = bucket.get_object_tagging(dest_object_name2)
    for key in result.tag_set.tagging_rule:
        print('dest2 object tagging key: {}, value: {}'.format(key, result.tag_set.tagging_rule[key]))
  • Add tags to an object when you copy the object in multipart copy mode

    The following code provides an example on how to add tags to an object larger than 1 GB when you copy the object in multipart copy mode:

    # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    import os
    import oss2
    from oss2 import determine_part_size
    from oss2.models import PartInfo
    from oss2.headers import OSS_OBJECT_TAGGING
    from oss2.credentials import EnvironmentVariableCredentialsProvider
    # Obtain access credentials from environment variables. Before you run the sample code, make sure that the OSS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and OSS_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET environment variables are configured. 
    auth = oss2.ProviderAuth(EnvironmentVariableCredentialsProvider())
    # Specify the endpoint of the region in which the bucket is located. For example, if the bucket is located in the China (Hangzhou) region, set the endpoint to 
    # Specify the name of the bucket. 
    bucket = oss2.Bucket(auth, '', 'examplebucket')
    # Specify the full path of the source object. Do not include the bucket name in the full path. Example: srcexampledir/exampleobject.txt. 
    src_object_name = 'srcexampledir/exampleobject.txt'
    # Specify the full path of the destination object. Do not include the bucket name in the full path. Example: destexampledir/exampleobject.txt. 
    dest_object_name = 'destexampledir/exampleobject.txt'
    # Display the size of the source object. 
    head_info = bucket.head_object(src_object_name)
    total_size = head_info.content_length
    print('src object size:', total_size)
    # Use the determine_part_size method to determine the part size. 
    part_size = determine_part_size(total_size, preferred_size=100 * 1024)
    print('part_size:', part_size)
    # Configure the tagging string. 
    tagging = "k1=v1&k2=v2&k3=v3"
    # If tags contain characters, you must encode the keys and values of the tags by using URL encoding. 
    k4 = "k4+-="
    v4 = "+-=._:/"
    tagging += "&" + oss2.urlquote(k4) + "=" + oss2.urlquote(v4)
    # Add the tagging configurations to the HTTP headers. 
    headers = dict()
    headers[OSS_OBJECT_TAGGING] = tagging
    # Initiate a multipart upload task. 
    # Specify the headers when you call the init_multipart_upload operation so that the tags are added to the destination object. 
    upload_id = bucket.init_multipart_upload(dest_object_name, headers=headers).upload_id
    parts = []
    # Upload the parts. 
    part_number = 1
    offset = 0
    while offset < total_size:
        num_to_upload = min(part_size, total_size - offset)
        end = offset + num_to_upload - 1;
        result = bucket.upload_part_copy(bucket.bucket_name, src_object_name, (offset, end), dest_object_name, upload_id, part_number)
        # Save the information about each part.
        parts.append(PartInfo(part_number, result.etag))
        offset += num_to_upload
        part_number += 1
    # Complete the multipart upload task. 
    result = bucket.complete_multipart_upload(dest_object_name, upload_id, parts)
    # Obtain the metadata of the destination object. 
    head_info = bucket.head_object(dest_object_name)
    # Query the size of the destination object. 
    dest_object_size = head_info.content_length
    print('dest object size:', dest_object_size)
    # Compare the size of the destination object with that of the source object. 
    assert dest_object_size == total_size
    # Display the tags of the source object. 
    result = bucket.get_object_tagging(src_object_name)
    for key in result.tag_set.tagging_rule:
        print('src tagging key: {}, value: {}'.format(key, result.tag_set.tagging_rule[key]))
    # Display the tags added to the destination object. 
    result = bucket.get_object_tagging(dest_object_name)
    for key in result.tag_set.tagging_rule:
        print('dest tagging key: {}, value: {}'.format(key, result.tag_set.tagging_rule[key]))                   

Add tags to a symbolic link

The following code provides an example on how to add tags to a symbolic link:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import oss2
from oss2.headers import OSS_OBJECT_TAGGING
from oss2.credentials import EnvironmentVariableCredentialsProvider

# Obtain access credentials from environment variables. Before you run the sample code, make sure that the OSS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and OSS_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET environment variables are configured. 
auth = oss2.ProviderAuth(EnvironmentVariableCredentialsProvider())
# Specify the endpoint of the region in which the bucket is located. For example, if the bucket is located in the China (Hangzhou) region, set the endpoint to 
# Specify the name of the bucket. 
bucket = oss2.Bucket(auth, '', 'examplebucket')
# Specify the full path of the destination object. Do not include the bucket name in the full path. Example: exampledir/exampleobject.txt. 
object_name = 'exampledir/exampleobject.txt'
# Specify the full path of the symbolic link object. Example: shortcut/myobject.txt. 
symlink_name = 'shortcut/myobject.txt'

# Configure the tagging string. 
tagging = "k1=v1&k2=v2&k3=v3"

# If tags contain characters, you must encode the keys and values of the tags by using URL encoding. 
k4 = "k4+-="
v4 = "+-=._:/"
tagging += "&" + oss2.urlquote(k4) + "=" + oss2.urlquote(v4)

# Add the tagging configurations to the HTTP headers. 
headers = dict()
headers[OSS_OBJECT_TAGGING] = tagging

# Create a symbolic link. 
# Specify the headers when you call the put_symlink operation so that the tags are added to the symbolic link. 
result = bucket.put_symlink(object_name, symlink_name, headers=headers)
print('http response status: ', result.status)

# Display the tags added to the symbolic link. 
result = bucket.get_object_tagging(symlink_name)
for key in result.tag_set.tagging_rule:
    print('tagging key: {}, value: {}'.format(key, result.tag_set.tagging_rule[key]))


  • For the complete sample code that is used to configure object tagging, visit GitHub.

  • For more information about the API operation that you can call to configure object tagging, see PutObjectTagging.