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Object Storage Service:ossutil commands

Last Updated:Sep 09, 2024

ossutil provides three types of commands: high-level commands, API-level commands, and helper commands.

Command structures

ossutil uses the following command structures, depending on the command type:

ossutil command [argument] [flags]  

ossutil command subcommond [argument] [flags]  

ossutil topic
  • argument: arguments. Arguments are of the string type.

  • flags: options. You can specify an option in the short form of -o[=value] or -o [ value], or in the full form of --options[=value] or --options[ value]. If you specify an exclusive option multiple times, only the last value takes effect.


  • High-level command: ossutil cat oss://bucket/object

  • Multi-level command: ossutil api get-bucket-cors --bucket bucketexample

  • Helper command: ossutil filter


ossutil provides three types of commands:

  • High-level commands

    High-level commands perform common bucket and object tasks, such as creating buckets, deleting buckets, copying data, and modifying object attributes.




    Creates a bucket.


    Deletes a bucket.


    Queries the storage size of the specified bucket or directory (prefix).


    Displays the description of a bucket or object.


    Creates an object whose name ends with a forward slash character (/).


    Appends content to an appendable object.


    Sends object content to the standard output.


    Lists buckets or objects.


    Uploads, downloads, or copies an object.


    Deletes an object.


    Sets object attributes.


    Generates a signed URL for an object.


    Restores a frozen object.


    Reverts an object to the specified version.


    Synchronizes directories or objects from the source to the destination.


    Computes the hash of a file or object.

  • API-level commands

    API-level commands provide direct access to Object Storage Service (OSS) API operations. You can specify parameters of an OSS API operation in the corresponding ossutil command.


The following table describes some of API-level commands. To get a full list of API-level commands, run the ossutil api -h command.




Sets or modifies the access control list (ACL) of a bucket.


Queries the ACL of a bucket.



Creates cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) rules.


Queries CORS rules.


Deletes CORS rules.

  • Helper commands

    Helper commands provide auxiliary support, such as managing configurations and showing help information.




Shows help information.


Creates a configuration file that stores configuration items, such as access credentials.


Updates ossutil to the latest version.


Shows the version of ossutil.


Performs a probe task.

Option types





--option string

  • A string argument can contain letters, digits, symbols, and spaces in the ASCII character set.

  • If a space is included, enclose the space with double quotation marks (").

Example: --acl private



Turn on or off an option.

Example: --dry-run


--option Int

The option takes an unsigned integer as its value.

Example: --read-timeout 10


--option Time

A timestamp (DateTime or Date) in the ISO 8601 format.

Example: --max-mtime 2006-01-02T15:04:05

Size suffix

--option SizeSuffix

The size unit. The default unit is B. Other units include K (KiB), M (MiB), G (GiB), T (TiB), P (PiB), and E (EiB).

--min-size 1024

--min-size 1K

Time unit

--option Duration

The time unit. The default unit is seconds (s). Supported time units are milliseconds (ms), seconds (s), minutes (m), hours (h), days (d), weeks (w), months (M), and years (y).

The numerical value can be a decimal. Example: 1.5d

--min-age 1.5d

String list

--option strings

You can specify an option once or multiple times in a command. You can specify a single value or multiple comma-separated values for each occurrence of the option.

Example: --metadata user=jack,email=ja** --metadata address=china

String array

--option stringArray

You can specify an option once or multiple times in a command. You can specify only one value for each occurrence of the option.

Example: --include *.jpg --include *.txt

Load data from files

In most cases, you specify parameter values directly in command lines. When you need to process complex values, loading values from a file provides more efficiency. When you chain commands, you must specify parameter values by using the standard input. When a parameter can take values by using different methods:

  • If the value starts with file://, data is loaded from the specified file.

  • If the value is -, data is loaded from the standard input.

The following sample command creates a CORS rule by loading the CORS configuration from the cors-configuration.json file:

  "CORSRule": {
    "AllowedOrigin": [""],
    "AllowedMethod": ["PUT","GET"],
    "MaxAgeSeconds": 10000
ossutil api put-bucket-cors --bucket examplebucket --cors-configuration file://cors-configuration.json

The following sample command creates a CORS rule by taking JSON configuration data in the command line:

ossutil api put-bucket-cors --bucket examplebucket --cors-configuration  "{\"CORSRule\":{\"AllowedOrigin\":[\"\"],\"AllowedMethod\":[\"PUT\",\"GET\"],\"MaxAgeSeconds\":10000}}"

The following sample command creates a CORS rule by taking the configuration from the standard input:

cat cors-configuration.json | ossutil api put-bucket-cors --bucket examplebucket --cors-configuration -

Command output control

Output formatting

You can use the --output-format parameter in the du, stat, and ls commands and the subcommands of the api command to format the output. The following table describes the valid values of the --output-format option.




Returns output in the raw format, that is, the format in which the server returns the content.


Returns the output in the JSON format.


Returns the output in the YAML format.

In the following example, the output of the get-bucket-cors command is in the raw format:

ossutil api get-bucket-cors --bucket bucketexample
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

In the following example, the output is formatted in JSON:

ossutil api get-bucket-cors --bucket bucketexample --output-format json
  "CORSRule": {
    "AllowedMethod": [
    "AllowedOrigin": "",
    "MaxAgeSeconds": "10000"
  "ResponseVary": "false"

Output query

ossutil provides a built-in JSON-based output query mechanism. You can use the --output-query value option to query output.


The option applies only to subcommands in the API command set.

The output query feature is based on JMESPath. When you use the output query feature, the output is formatted in JSON, filtered based on JMESPath query expressions, and returned in the specified format. For more information about JMEPath, see JMESPath Specification.

In the following example, the get-bucket-cors command returns only the value of the AllowedMethod parameter:

ossutil api get-bucket-cors --bucket bucketexample --output-query CORSRule.AllowedMethod --output-format json

Friendly output display

ossutil provides the --human-readable option that allows the data sizes and quantities in the output of the du and stat commands to be displayed in a more human-readable way. Specifically, data sizes are displayed in 1024-based KiB, MiB, GiB, TiB, and PiB, and quantities are displayed by using the 1000-based unit abbreviations k, m, g, t, and p.

Example of raw output display

ossutil stat oss://bucketexample
ACL                         : private
AccessMonitor               : Disabled
ArchiveObjectCount          : 2
ArchiveRealStorage          : 10
ArchiveStorage              : 131072
StandardObjectCount         : 119212
StandardStorage             : 66756852803
Storage                     : 66756852813
StorageClass                : Standard
TransferAcceleration        : Disabled

Example of friendly output display

ossutil stat oss://bucketexample --human-readable
ACL                         : private
AccessMonitor               : Disabled
ArchiveObjectCount          : 2
ArchiveRealStorage          : 10
ArchiveStorage              : 131.072k
StandardObjectCount         : 119.212k
StandardStorage             : 66.757G
Storage                     : 66.757G
StorageClass                : Standard
TransferAcceleration        : Disabled

Return codes

When a call to ossutil is made by using a process, the echo information cannot be displayed in real time. When a process run finishes, a return code is displayed based on the result. You can run the following commands to display the return code for the previously executed command and use the return code for troubleshooting.


Run the echo $? command to display the return code of the previously executed command.


Run the echo %errorlevel% command to display the return code of the previously executed command.


Run the echo $? command to display the return code of the previously executed command.

Return code



Indicates success. The request sent to the server was handled successfully and the server returned status code 200.


Indicates a parameter error. For example, the required subcommand or parameter is missing, or the command or parameter is unknown.


Indicates a server error. The command successfully sent the request to the server, but the server returned an error (a status code other than 2xx).


Indicates a non-server-side error during calls to OSS SDK for Go.


Indicates a partial failure in batch processing, for example, by using the cp or rm command.


Indicates an interruption. The command was canceled by using Ctrl+C.