In addition to using the HTTP Authorization header to provide authentication information, you can use query string parameters to authenticate requests if you want to use a URL to express a request. This way, you can grant users temporary access permissions on specific Object Storage Service (OSS) resources without exposing your access credentials. This topic describes how to include a V4 signature in a URL.
Use OSS SDKs to automatically implement V4 signatures
OSS SDKs support the automatic implementation of V4 signatures. We recommend that you use OSS SDKs to initiate requests. This eliminates the need to manually calculate signatures. For more information about how to sign requests by using the V4 signature algorithm when you use OSS SDKs for different programming languages, see the sample code of OSS SDKs. The following table provides references to the sample code used to sign requests by using the V4 signature algorithm when you use OSS SDKs for different programming languages.
SDK | Example | Sample code |
Java | ||
PHP | ||
Node.js | ||
Browser.js | ||
Python | ||
Go | ||
C++ | ||
C |
URL signing
For readability, the fields in the
parameter in the preceding URL are separated by forward slashes (/). When you initiate a request, URI-encode the forward slashes(/)
in the URL to convert them into%2F
. Example:&x-oss-credential=<AccessKeyId>%2F20241203%2Fcn-hangzhou%2Foss%2Faliyun_v4_request
Query string parameters
The signature version and the algorithm used to calculate the signature. Set the value to OSS4-HMAC-SHA256.
The credentials that you can use to calculate the signature. Format:
AccessKeyId: the AccessKey ID in the AccessKey pair.
date: the date when the request was initiated.
region: the region in which the requested resource resides.
oss: the name of the requested service. Set the value to oss.
aliyun_v4_request: the description of the signature version in the request. Set the value to aliyun_v4_request.
The time when the URL was signed. The time follows the ISO 8601 standard. To avoid time differences, an offset of 15 minutes after the URL was signed is allowed.
NoteThe time is used as the timestamp for the string to sign. The value must be the same as that of the date field in the derived signing key.
The validity period of the signed URL. Unit: seconds. Minimum value: 1. Maximum value: 604800.
The headers that you want to add to calculate the signature. For example, you can add the host header. This way, the domain name from which the request is initiated cannot be changed.
The following items describe the requirements for constructing the header:
All headers in the x-oss-additional-headers parameter must be in lowercase letters.
All headers in the x-oss-additional-headers parameter must be sorted in alphabetical order.
All headers in an array are separated by semicolons (;) to obtain a string.
The description of the signature verification. The x-oss-signature parameter is not included in the signature calculation.
The security token issued by Security Token Service (STS). This parameter is required only when you use a security token to calculate a signature for the URL.
Signature calculation process
The method used to calculate a signature for a URL is similar to the method used to calculate a signature for the Authorization header. The following items describe the differences between the two methods:
header that describes a payload hash is not used to calculate a signature for a URL. When you create a signed URL, you cannot evaluate the payload content. Instead, UNSIGNED-PAYLOAD is used.If a key in the query string parameters of a signed URL is the same as a header to be signed but their values are different, an error is reported. If a key has multiple values, all values of the key are compared at the same time. If the values are different, an error is reported.
If you use the access credentials obtained from STS to access OSS resources in a signed URL, you must add the x-oss-security-token parameter to the query string of the URL.
The x-oss-signature parameter in the query string is not included in the signature calculation.
Step 1: Create a canonical request
Step 2: Create a string to sign
Step 3: Calculate the signature
Signature calculation example
In this example, a signed URL is created. You can share the signed URL to third-party users to allow the users to upload data to OSS. The following section describes how to include a V4 signature in the URL.
To include a V4 signature in a URL, perform the following steps:
Create a canonical request.
String resourcePath = "exampleobject"; String endpoint = ""; String queryString = "x-oss-additional-headers=host&" + "x-oss-credential=" + accesskeyid + "%2F" + dateStr + "%2Fcn-hangzhou%2Foss%2Faliyun_v4_request&" + "x-oss-date=" + dateTimeStr + "&" + "x-oss-expires=86400&" + "x-oss-signature=" + signature + "&" + "x-oss-signature-version=OSS4-HMAC-SHA256"; String urlStr = endpoint + "/" + resourcePath + "?" + queryString; URL url = new URL(urlStr);
Create a string to sign.
String stringToSign = "OSS4-HMAC-SHA256\n" + dateTimeStr + "\n" + dateStr + "/cn-hangzhou/oss/aliyun_v4_request\n" + DigestUtils.sha256Hex(canonicalRequest);
Calculate the signature.
Calculate the signing key.
NoteFor readability, the following example describes the Base64-encoded value of the signing key.
dateKey = hmacsha256(("aliyun_v4" + accesskeysecret).getBytes(), dateStr); dateRegionKey = hmacsha256(dateKey, "cn-hangzhou"); dateRegionServiceKey = hmacsha256(dateRegionKey, "oss"); signingKey = hmacsha256(dateRegionServiceKey, "aliyun_v4_request");
Calculate the signature.
result = hmacsha256(signingKey, stringToSign); String signature = BinaryUtil.toHex(result); signature:eee300fa39f52127a02af5f9bb86c0fd8b6776fc19101d9a6a7982c9d0edcc04
Add the signature to the URL.
String resourcePath = "exampleobject"; String endpoint = ""; String queryString = "x-oss-additional-headers=host&" + "x-oss-credential=" + accesskeyid + "%2F" + dateStr + "%2Fcn-hangzhou%2Foss%2Faliyun_v4_request&" + "x-oss-date=" + dateTimeStr + "&" + "x-oss-expires=86400&" + "x-oss-signature=" + signature + "&" + "x-oss-signature-version=OSS4-HMAC-SHA256"; String urlStr = endpoint + "/" + resourcePath + "?" + queryString; URL url = new URL(urlStr); System.out.println("url:" + url);
Complete sample code used to obtain a V4 signed URL
The parameters provided in the preceding signature calculation example are used to describe the complete process of obtaining a V4 signed URL by using OSS SDK for Java.
This example is only used to demonstrate how a V4 signed URL is calculated. To use this example, replace the example parameters with the required parameters. For example, replace the path of the bucket with the actual path of your bucket and replace the cn-hangzhou value of the region parameter with the actual region.
import com.aliyun.oss.common.utils.BinaryUtil;
import org.apache.commons.codec.digest.DigestUtils;
import javax.crypto.Mac;
import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec;
import java.time.ZonedDateTime;
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;
import java.util.TimeZone;
public class Demo {
* Signature calculation tool
* @return url
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
// Before you run the sample code, make sure that the OSS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and OSS_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET environment variables are configured.
String accesskeyid = System.getenv().get("OSS_ACCESS_KEY_ID");
String accesskeysecret = System.getenv().get("OSS_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET");
// Query and display the current time in the ISO 8601 standard.
ZonedDateTime now ="UTC").toZoneId());
String dateStr = now.format(DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyyMMdd"));
String dateTimeStr = now.format(DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyyMMdd'T'HHmmss'Z'"));
// Step 1: Create a canonical request.
String canonicalRequest =
"GET\n" +
"/examplebucket/exampleobject\n" +
"x-oss-additional-headers=host&x-oss-credential=" + accesskeyid + "%2F" + dateStr + "%2Fcn-hangzhou%2Foss%2Faliyun_v4_request&x-oss-date=" + dateTimeStr + "&x-oss-expires=86400&x-oss-signature-version=OSS4-HMAC-SHA256\n" +
"\n" +
"\n" +
"host\n" +
System.out.println("canonicalRequest:" + canonicalRequest);
// Step 2: Create a string to sign.
String stringToSign = "OSS4-HMAC-SHA256\n" +
dateTimeStr + "\n" +
dateStr + "/cn-hangzhou/oss/aliyun_v4_request\n" +
// Step 3: Calculate the signature.
byte[] dateKey = hmacsha256(("aliyun_v4" + accesskeysecret).getBytes(), dateStr);
byte[] dateRegionKey = hmacsha256(dateKey, "cn-hangzhou");
byte[] dateRegionServiceKey = hmacsha256(dateRegionKey, "oss");
byte[] signingKey = hmacsha256(dateRegionServiceKey, "aliyun_v4_request");
byte[] result = hmacsha256(signingKey, stringToSign);
String signature = BinaryUtil.toHex(result);
System.out.println("signature:" + signature);
// Step 4: Add the signature to the URL.
String resourcePath = "exampleobject";
String endpoint = "";
String queryString = "x-oss-additional-headers=host&" +
"x-oss-credential=" + accesskeyid + "%2F" + dateStr + "%2Fcn-hangzhou%2Foss%2Faliyun_v4_request&" +
"x-oss-date=" + dateTimeStr + "&" +
"x-oss-expires=86400&" +
"x-oss-signature=" + signature + "&" +
String urlStr = endpoint + "/" + resourcePath + "?" + queryString;
URL url = new URL(urlStr);
System.out.println("url:" + url);
public static byte[] hmacsha256(byte[] key, String data) {
try {
// Initialize the HMAC key specification, set the algorithm to HMAC-SHA256, and use the provided key.
SecretKeySpec secretKeySpec = new SecretKeySpec(key, "HmacSHA256");
// Obtain a Mac instance and use the getInstance method to set the algorithm to HMAC-SHA256.
Mac mac = Mac.getInstance("HmacSHA256");
// Use the key to initialize the Mac instance.
// Calculate the HMAC value. Use the doFinal method to receive the data to be calculated and return the calculation results in arrays.
byte[] hmacBytes = mac.doFinal(data.getBytes());
return hmacBytes;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Failed to calculate HMAC-SHA256", e);
Sample output:
If the file in which the generated signed URL is stored is in the TXT format, garbled characters may appear when you preview the file online. For more information, see What do I do if garbled characters appear when I preview an object in the TXT format online?
For more information about how to automatically generate a signed URL and use the signed URL to download an object, see Share objects with object URLs.