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OpenAPI Explorer:Endpoints

Last Updated:May 22, 2024

This topic describes the endpoints of the API gateway.


An endpoint is used to access an Alibaba Cloud service. The endpoints of an Alibaba Cloud service consist of public and virtual private cloud (VPC) endpoints. An endpoint specifies information about the service, such as the access protocol, hostname, port, and path. Clients can use the information to access the service. For example, is an endpoint provided by Resource Access Management (RAM).

Public and VPC endpoints

Public endpoints can be accessed globally.

However, VPC endpoints are only accessible within a VPC in the corresponding Alibaba Cloud region.

Benefits of VPC:

  • High security: VPC endpoints can be accessed only from within a VPC. This provides higher security and privacy.

  • Fast response: The internal network environment delivers faster responses than those of public endpoints. In addition, problems such as network latency and bandwidth limitations can be avoided.

  • Low cost: VPC endpoints are accessed over an internal network.

Deployment types and endpoints

Central deployment means that the cloud services of an Alibaba Cloud service are deployed in one region. Regional deployment means that the cloud services of an Alibaba Cloud service are deployed in multiple regions. Regardless of the deployment type, an Alibaba Cloud service provides endpoints for calling the API of the service.

  • The endpoints of a service of the central deployment type are in the following format: <service code> For example, an endpoint of Identity Management Service (IMS) is

  • The endpoints of a service of the regional deployment type are in the following format: <service code>.<region id> For example, is an endpoint of Security Token Service (STS) in the China (Hangzhou) region, and is an endpoint of STS in the China (Beijing) region.

General capabilities


Obtains the AccessKey secret based on accessKeyId that is contained in a request, uses the AccessKey secret to calculate the signature by using the same signing algorithm, and verifies the sender of the request.


Verifies user permissions based on the request parameters and intercepts unauthorized requests.


Limits requests based on access frequency, which can intercept abnormal traffic and ensure the stability of cloud services.


Records request logs of API endpoints for log query and analysis.

Methods to view the supported endpoints of an Alibaba Cloud service

  1. View the Endpoints topic in the API Reference of the service.

  2. Log on to

    OpenAPI Portal, move the pointer over Cloud Products in the top navigation bar, and then search for the service. On the homepage of the service, you can view the supported endpoints.