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OpenSearch:Billing of OpenSearch Vector Search Edition for the international site (

Last Updated:Jul 29, 2024

This topic provides an overview of the billing of OpenSearch Vector Search Edition.

Billing method

The following table describes the billing method that is supported by OpenSearch Vector Search Edition.

Billing method



The pay-as-you-go billing method allows you to use resources before you pay for them. The system generates a bill per hour and deducts fees from the balance of your Alibaba Cloud account based on the instance specifications. This billing method is suitable for short-term use. If you no longer need a pay-as-you-go instance, you can release it to reduce costs.

Instance fee

You are charged for OpenSearch Vector Search Edition based on instances. The billable items related to instances include instance rental, Query Result Searcher (QRS) worker usage, Searcher worker usage, Searcher worker storage, index storage, and data update resources.

Total instance fee = Instance rental fee + QRS worker usage fee + Searcher worker usage fee + Searcher worker storage fee + Index storage fee + Data update resource fee

Instance rental fee = Unit price of instance rental × Usage duration in hours

QRS worker usage fee = Unit price of QRS worker usage × Usage duration in hours × Number of QRS workers

Searcher worker usage fee = Unit price of Searcher worker usage × Usage duration in hours × Number of Searcher workers

Searcher worker storage fee = (Total storage space of a Searcher worker - Free storage space of a Searcher worker) × Unit price of storage space × Storage duration in hours × Number of Searcher workers

Index storage fee = Unit price of index storage × Storage duration in hours × (Size of indexes in GB - 100)

Data update fee = (Total number of resources used for data update - Number of free resources available for data update) × Unit price of data update × Usage duration in hours

Note: If the total size of indexes in an instance is smaller than 100 GB, the index storage is free of charge.

Fees for instance rental, QRS worker usage, and Searcher worker usage

Pay-as-you-go instances


Billable item

Worker family

Available specifications

Unit price (USD)


Singapore and Germany (Frankfurt)

Instance rental




Per instance-hour

QRS worker usage

Local SSD

2 CPU cores and 8 GB of memory


Per worker-hour

4 CPU cores and 16 GB of memory


Per worker-hour

8 CPU cores and 32 GB of memory


Per worker-hour

Cloud Disk

2 CPU cores and 8 GB of memory


Per worker-hour

4 CPU cores and 16 GB of memory


Per worker-hour

8 CPU cores and 32 GB of memory


Per worker-hour

Searcher worker usage

Local SSD

2 CPU cores and 16 GB of memory


Per worker-hour

4 CPU cores and 32 GB of memory


Per worker-hour

6 CPU cores and 48 GB of memory


Per worker-hour

8 CPU cores and 64 GB of memory


Per worker-hour

12 CPU cores and 96 GB of memory


Per worker-hour

16 CPU cores and 128 GB of memory


Per worker-hour

Cloud Disk

2 CPU cores and 16 GB of memory


Per worker-hour

4 CPU cores and 32 GB of memory


Per worker-hour

8 CPU cores and 16 GB of memory


Per worker-hour

8 CPU cores and 64 GB of memory


Per worker-hour

12 CPU Cores and 24 GB of Memory


Per worker-hour

12 CPU Cores and 48 GB of Memory


Per worker-hour

16 CPU cores and 32 GB of memory


Per worker-hour

16 CPU cores and 64 GB of memory


Per worker-hour

16 CPU cores and 128 GB of memory


Per worker-hour

24 CPU Cores and 48 GB of Memory


Per worker-hour

  • Recommendations on worker families: If your business requires a low queries per second (QPS) but a large amount of indexes, we recommend that you select an instance type that uses local SSDs. If your business requires a high QPS or the indexes can be stored in the memory, we recommend that you select an instance type that uses cloud disks.

  • Allocation of Searcher workers: After you purchase Searcher workers, you can allocate replicas and data shards for the instance. The number of Searcher workers must be less than the number of Searcher worker replicas multiplied by the number of data shards. You can modify the number of Searcher worker replicas in the Basic Information section on the Instance Details page and modify the number of data shards in the Table Information section on the Table Management page.

  • Space occupied by the system: Each Searcher worker of the Cloud Disk type has a fixed storage space to be occupied by the system. The fixed storage space occupied varies with the Searcher worker specifications. In a Searcher worker that has 2 CPU cores and 16 GB of memory or 4 CPU cores and 32 GB of memory, 2 GB of storage space is occupied by the system. In a Searcher worker that has 8 CPU cores and 64 GB of memory, 3 GB of storage space is occupied by the system. In a Searcher worker that has 16 CPU cores and 128 GB of memory, 5 GB of storage space is occupied by the system. If you use Searcher workers of the Local SSD type, no fixed storage space is occupied by the system.

Searcher worker storage fee

Pay-as-you-go instances


Billable item

Searcher worker family

Searcher workers specifications

Free quota

Quota range

Step size for purchase

Unit price (USD)


Singapore and Germany (Frankfurt)

Searcher worker storage

Local SSD

2 CPU cores and 16 GB of memory

100 GB

[100 GB,200 GB]



Per GB-hour

4 CPU cores and 32 GB of memory

200 GB

[200 GB,600 GB]

6 CPU cores and 48 GB of memory



8 CPU cores and 64 GB of memory

400 GB

[400 GB,800 GB]

12 CPU cores and 96 GB of memory



16 CPU cores and 128 GB of memory

800 GB

[800 GB,1200 GB]

Cloud Disk

2 CPU cores and 16 GB of memory


[100 GB,200 GB]


4 CPU cores and 32 GB of memory


8 CPU cores and 16 GB of memory


8 CPU cores and 64 GB of memory


12 CPU Cores and 24 GB of Memory


12 CPU Cores and 48 GB of Memory


16 CPU cores and 32 GB of memory


16 CPU cores and 64 GB of memory


16 CPU cores and 128 GB of memory


24 CPU Cores and 48 GB of Memory


Index storage fees

In OpenSearch Vector Search Edition, you are charged for index storage based on the size of the indexes.

If the total size of indexes in an instance is smaller than 100 GB, the index storage is free of charge. If the total size of indexes is greater than 100 GB, you are charged for the excess index size based on the unit price of index storage.

Pay-as-you-go instances


Billable item

Unit price (USD)


Singapore and Germany (Frankfurt)

Index storage


Per GB-hour

Data update resource fee

OpenSearch Vector Search Edition charges you for data update based on the number of resources that you use.

OpenSearch provides you with a free quota for data update by data source or table in an instance. Each data source or table is provided a free quota of two resources, and each resource consists of 4 CPU cores and 8 GB of memory for data update. You can also apply to increase the quota, and you are charged for the resources that exceed the quota.

Pay-as-you-go instances


Billable item

Unit price (USD)


Singapore and Germany (Frankfurt)

Number of resources used for data update


Per resource-hour