QRS worker metrics
Metric | Description |
opensearch.ha3suez.qrs.proc_cpu | The CPU utilization. |
opensearch.ha3suez.qrs.proc_mem_rss | The amount of resident set size (RSS) memory that is used. |
opensearch.ha3suez.qrs.proc_mem_used_ratio | The memory usage. |
Query metrics
Metric | Description |
opensearch.ha3suez.qrs.basic.inqpsnormal | The number of standard queries that Query Result Searcher (QRS) processes per second, including error queries. |
opensearch.ha3suez.qrs.basic.inqpsindependentphase1 | The number of independent phase-1 queries that QRS processes per second. |
opensearch.ha3suez.qrs.basic.inqpsindependentphase2 | The number of independent phase-2 queries that QRS processes per second. |
opensearch.ha3suez.qrs.debug.syntaxerrorqps | The number of queries that QRS fails to process per second due to syntax errors such as clause parsing failures and invalid result formats. |
opensearch.ha3suez.qrs.debug.processerrorqps | The number of queries that QRS fails to process per second due to process errors such as the absence of the required processor or processor chain. The value of this metric does not include information about failures that are caused by syntax errors. |
opensearch.ha3suez.qrs.debug.emptyqps | The number of standard queries or independent phase-1 queries that QRS processes and returns empty results per second. |
Query duration metrics
Metric | Description |
opensearch.ha3suez.qrs.basic.requestpoolwaittime | The period of time for which a session waits in the queue of the QRS worker. The value is calculated by subtracting the value of beginSession from that of sessionStart. |
opensearch.ha3suez.qrs.basic.qrssessionlatencynormal opensearch.ha3suez.qrs.basic.qrssessionlatencyindependentphase1 opensearch.ha3suez.qrs.basic.qrssessionlatencyindependentphase2 | The period of time that is required by QRS to process a standard query, independent phase-1 query, or independent phase-2 query. The value is calculated by summing the values of RequestPoolWaitLatency and QrsProcessLatency. |
opensearch.ha3suez.qrs.phase1.waitLatencyPhase1 opensearch.ha3suez.qrs.phase1.waitLatencyPhase2 | The period of time for which QRS waits for asynchronous request results from descendant nodes when QRS performs a phase-1 query or phase-2 query. |
SQL query metrics
Metric | Description |
opensearch.ha3suez.qrs.sql.qps | The number of SQL queries that QRS processes per second, including error queries. |
opensearch.ha3suez.qrs.sql.errorqps | The total number of SQL errors. |
opensearch.ha3suez.qrs.sql.getplanerrorqps | The total number of failures in which QRS failed to generate available iquan plans during SQL queries. |
opensearch.ha3suez.qrs.sql.sqlplanlatency | The period of time that is required by QRS to convert SQL queries to executable graphs. |
opensearch.ha3suez.qrs.sql.plan2graphlatency | The period of time that is required by QRS to convert iquan plans to executable graphs. |
opensearch.ha3suez.qrs.sql.rungraphlatency | The period of time that is required by QRS to process graphs. |
opensearch.ha3suez.qrs.sql.processlatency | The period of time that is required by QRS to process SQL queries. |
opensearch.ha3suez.qrs.sql.sessionlatency | The total period of time that is required by QRS to process SQL queries, including the period of time for which sessions wait for threads and the period of time that is required by QRS to perform the SQL queries. |
opensearch.ha3suez.qrs.sql.formatlatency | The period of time that is required by QRS to format the query result. |
opensearch.ha3suez.qrs.sql.resultsize | The length of the result. |
opensearch.ha3suez.qrs.sql.rowcount | The number of entries in the result. |