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OpenSearch:Document search demo

Last Updated:Feb 27, 2024

This topic describes the document search demo that shows you how to access an instance of OpenSearch Retrieval Engine Edition to query data by using the SDK. You can perform an SQL query or an Havenask query by using the following methods.

Perform an SQL query by using a constructed query

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

import com.aliyun.ha3engine.Client;
import com.aliyun.ha3engine.models.*;
import com.aliyun.tea.TeaException;

 * @author alibaba
public class SearchDoc {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        Config config = new Config();
        // The username. You can view the username in the API Endpoint section of the Instance Details page.
        // The password. You can change the password in the API Endpoint section of the Instance Details page.
        // The name of the instance. You can view the name in the upper-left corner of the Instance Details page. Example: ha-cn-i7*****605.

        // The endpoint that is used to access the instance. Specify the API endpoint if the instance is accessed over a virtual private cloud (VPC). Specify the public endpoint if the instance is accessed over the Internet.

        Client client = new Client(config);

        try {
            SearchRequestModel searchRequestModel = new SearchRequestModel();
            SearchQuery searchQuery = new SearchQuery();
            SQLQuery sqlQuery = new SQLQuery();
            sqlQuery.setQuery("select * from table_odps");
            Map<String, String> sqlQueryKvpairs = new HashMap<~>();
            sqlQueryKvpairs.put("trace", "INFO");
            sqlQueryKvpairs.put("formatType", "full_json");

            // The request method. Only the GET and POST methods are supported. Default value: GET. If the length of the query exceeds 30 KB, use the POST method.
            SearchResponseModel searchResponseModel = client.Search(searchRequestModel);
            System.out.println("result:" + searchResponseModel.getBody());
        } catch (TeaException e) {
            Map<String, Object> abc = e.getData();

Perform an SQL query by using a query string

import java.util.Map;

import com.aliyun.ha3engine.Client;
import com.aliyun.ha3engine.models.Config;
import com.aliyun.ha3engine.models.SearchQuery;
import com.aliyun.ha3engine.models.SearchRequestModel;
import com.aliyun.ha3engine.models.SearchResponseModel;
import com.aliyun.tea.TeaException;

 * @author alibaba
public class SearchDoc {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        Config config = new Config();
        // The username. You can view the username in the API Endpoint section of the Instance Details page.
        // The password. You can change the password in the API Endpoint section of the Instance Details page.
        // The name of the instance. You can view the name in the upper-left corner of the Instance Details page. Example: ha-cn-i7*****605.

        // The endpoint that is used to access the instance. Specify the API endpoint if the instance is accessed over a VPC. Specify the public endpoint if the instance is accessed over the Internet.

        Client client = new Client(config);

        try {
            SearchRequestModel searchRequestModel = new SearchRequestModel();
            SearchQuery searchQuery = new SearchQuery();
            searchQuery.setSql("query=select * from table_odps&&kvpair=trace:INFO;formatType:full_json");
            // The request method. Only the GET and POST methods are supported. Default value: GET. If the length of the query exceeds 30 KB, use the POST method.
            SearchResponseModel searchResponseModel = client.Search(searchRequestModel);
            System.out.println("result:" + searchResponseModel.getBody());
        } catch (TeaException e) {
            Map<String, Object> abc = e.getData();

Perform a Havenask query by using a constructed query

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

import com.aliyun.ha3engine.Client;
import com.aliyun.ha3engine.models.*;
import com.aliyun.tea.TeaException;

 * @author alibaba
public class SearchDoc {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        Config config = new Config();
        // The username. You can view the username in the API Endpoint section of the Instance Details page.
        // The password. You can change the password in the API Endpoint section of the Instance Details page.
        // The name of the instance. You can view the name in the upper-left corner of the Instance Details page. Example: ha-cn-i7*****605.

        // The endpoint that is used to access the instance. Specify the API endpoint if the instance is accessed over a VPC. Specify the public endpoint if the instance is accessed over the Internet.

        Client client = new Client(config);

        try {
            HaQuery haQuery = new HaQuery();
            // Specify a query clause that contains the index and query content.
            // Specify the name of the cluster to be requested.

            // Specify an aggregate clause.
            ArrayList<HaQueryAggregateClause> aggregateClauses = new ArrayList<>();

            HaQueryAggregateClause agg = new HaQueryAggregateClause();
            agg.setGroupKey("cate_id"); // Specify a field to be aggregated.
            agg.setAggFun("count()"); // Specify an aggregation function.
            agg.setAggFilter("cate_id=1"); // Specify an aggregation filter.
            agg.setRange("0~10"); // Specify an aggregation range.
            agg.setAggSamplerThresHold("5"); // Specify a threshold value for sampled aggregation.
            agg.setAggSamplerStep("5"); // Specify a step size for sampling.
            agg.setMaxGroup("5"); // Specify the maximum number of groups that can be returned.
            // Add one or more Aggregate objects.


            // Configure a distinct clause.
            ArrayList<HaQueryDistinctClause> DistinctClauses = new ArrayList<>();

            HaQueryDistinctClause dist = new HaQueryDistinctClause();
            dist.setDistKey("cate_id"); // Specify the name of a field to be extracted.
            dist.setDistCount(1); // Specify the number of documents that are extracted each time.
            dist.setDistTimes(1); // Specify the number of extraction times.
            dist.setReserved(false); // Specify whether to retain the remaining documents after extraction.
            dist.setUpdateTotalHit(false); // Specify whether to subtract the number of discarded documents from the value of the totalHits parameter if the reserved parameter is set to false.
            dist.setDistFilter("cate_id<=3"); // Specify a filter condition to be used to select documents to be extracted.
            dist.setGrade("1.2"); // Specify a threshold value for distinct extraction.
            // Add one or more Distinct objects. The value of the dist parameter must be unique.

            // Specify a sorting condition.
            ArrayList<HaQuerySortClause> SortList = new ArrayList<>();
            HaQuerySortClause sorter = new HaQuerySortClause();
            // Specify the field that you want to sort.
            // Specify a sorting order. The plus sign (+) specifies an ascending order. The minus sign (-) specifies a descending order.
            // Specify one or more sorting conditions.

            // Create a Config object and use the config clause to configure parameters for paging and for the data format of return results.
            HaQueryconfigClause Queryconfig = new HaQueryconfigClause();
            // Specify a format of return results. Formats such as XML, JSON, and Protobuf are supported.
            // Specify parameters for a custom config object.
            Map<String, String> CustomConfig = new HashMap<>();
            CustomConfig.put("no_summary", "yes");
            CustomConfig.put("qrs_chain", "search");

            // Specify filter conditions.
            // You can specify one or more filter conditions. If you want to specify more than one filter condition, use AND or OR to join the filter conditions.
            // The supported operators are equal to (=), greater than (>), less than (<), less than or equal to (<=), greater than or equal to (>=), and not equal to (!=).
            haQuery.setFilter("id>100 AND id<=1000");

            // Specify parameters in the kvpairs clause.
            Map<String, String> haKvpairs = new HashMap<>();
            haKvpairs.put("duniqfield", "cate_id");

            // Specify a custom query clause.
            Map<String, String> CustomQuery = new HashMap<>();
            CustomQuery.put("searcher_cache", "use:no");

            SearchRequestModel searchRequestModel = new SearchRequestModel();
            SearchQuery searchQuery = new SearchQuery();
            // The request method. Only the GET and POST methods are supported. Default value: GET. If the length of the query exceeds 30 KB, use the POST method.
            SearchResponseModel responseModel = client.Search(searchRequestModel);
            System.out.println("result:" + responseModel.getBody());
        } catch (TeaException e) {
            Map<String, Object> abc = e.getData();

Perform a Havenask query by using a query string

import java.util.Map;

import com.aliyun.ha3engine.Client;
import com.aliyun.ha3engine.models.Config;
import com.aliyun.ha3engine.models.SearchQuery;
import com.aliyun.ha3engine.models.SearchRequestModel;
import com.aliyun.ha3engine.models.SearchResponseModel;
import com.aliyun.tea.TeaException;

 * @author alibaba
public class SearchDoc {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        Config config = new Config();
        // The username. You can view the username in the API Endpoint section of the Instance Details page.
        // The password. You can change the password in the API Endpoint section of the Instance Details page.
        // The name of the instance. You can view the name in the upper-left corner of the Instance Details page. Example: ha-cn-i7*****605.

        // The endpoint that is used to access the instance. Specify the API endpoint if the instance is accessed over a VPC. Specify the public endpoint if the instance is accessed over the Internet.

        Client client = new Client(config);

        try {
            SearchRequestModel haQueryRequestModel = new SearchRequestModel();
            SearchQuery haRawQuery = new SearchQuery();
            // The request method. Only the GET and POST methods are supported. Default value: GET. If the length of the query exceeds 30 KB, use the POST method.
            SearchResponseModel responseModel = client.Search(haQueryRequestModel);
            System.out.println("result:" + responseModel.getBody());
        } catch (TeaException e) {
            Map<String, Object> abc = e.getData();