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OpenSearch:Demo code for pushing documents and implementing search features

Last Updated:Aug 07, 2023

Configure environment variables


  • The AccessKey pair of an Alibaba Cloud account can be used to access all API operations. We recommend that you use a Resource Access Management (RAM) user to call API operations or perform routine O&M. For information about how to use a RAM user, see Create a RAM user.

  • For information about how to create an AccessKey pair, see Create an AccessKey pair.

  • If you use the AccessKey pair of a RAM user, make sure that the required permissions are granted to the AliyunServiceRoleForOpenSearch role by using your Alibaba Cloud account. For more information, see AliyunServiceRoleForOpenSearch and Access authorization rules.

  • We recommend that you do not include your AccessKey pair in materials that are easily accessible to others, such as the project code. Otherwise, your AccessKey pair may be leaked and resources in your account become insecure.

  • Linux and macOS

    Run the following commands. Replace <access_key_id> and <access_key_secret> with the AccessKey ID and AccessKey secret of the RAM user that you use.

    export ALIBABA_CLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<access_key_id> 
    export ALIBABA_CLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET=<access_key_secret>
  • Windows

    1. Create an environment variable file, add the ALIBABA_CLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_ID and ALIBABA_CLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET environment variables to the file, and then set the environment variables to your AccessKey ID and AccessKey secret.

    2. Restart Windows for the AccessKey pair to take effect.

Create a header file that contains configurations

The configurations that you specify in this header file are used to push and query documents. The configurations include the AccessKey pair, API endpoint, application name, name of the drop-down suggestion model, and options.

$secret = getenv('ALIBABA_CLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET');<?php
// Import the header file.
use OpenSearch\Client\OpenSearchClient;

// Specify your AccessKey pair.
// Obtain the AccessKey ID and AccessKey secret from environment variables. 
// You must configure environment variables before you run this code. For more information, see the "Configure environment variables" section of this topic.
// Specify the AccessKey ID.
$accessKeyId = getenv('ALIBABA_CLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_ID');
// Specify the AccessKey secret.
// Specify the endpoint of the OpenSearch API in your region. You can obtain the endpoint on the details page of the application in the OpenSearch console.
$endPoint = '<region endPoint>';
// Specify the application name.
$appName = '<app name>';
// Specify the name of the drop-down suggestion model.
$suggestName = '<suggest name>';
// Enable the debugging mode.
$options = array('debug' => true);
// Create an OpenSearchClient object.
$client = new OpenSearchClient($accessKeyId, $secret, $endPoint, $options);

Push documents

In the following code, 10 documents are uploaded to an OpenSearch application.

// Import the header file.
use OpenSearch\Client\DocumentClient;
use OpenSearch\Client\SearchClient;
use OpenSearch\Util\SearchParamsBuilder;

// Specify the table to which you want to push documents.
$tableName = 'The table to which you want to push documents';
// Create a DocumentClient object.
$documentClient = new DocumentClient($client);
// Add the documents to be pushed to an array.
$docs_to_upload = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++){
    $item = array();
    $item['cmd'] = 'ADD';
    $item["fields"] = array(
        "id" => $i + 1,
        "name" => "Search for KFC".$i
    $docs_to_upload[] = $item;
// Encode the documents.
$json = json_encode($docs_to_upload);
// Call the push method to push the documents.
$ret = $documentClient->push($json, $appName, $tableName);

// Hibernate the thread for 10 seconds. If you push documents to the primary table of an advanced application, 90% of the documents can be synchronized within 10 seconds and 99% of the documents are available within 10 minutes. However, this is not applicable to document push to secondary tables. 

// Create a SearchClient object.
$searchClient = new SearchClient($client);
// Create a SearchParamsBuilder object.
$params = new SearchParamsBuilder();
// Specify the start parameter in the config clause.
// Specify the hits parameter in the config clause.
// Specify the application for which you want to implement search features.
$params->setAppName('The application name');
// Specify a search query.
$params->setQuery("name: 'Search'");
// Specify the data format of returned results. In this example, the data format is set to FULLJSON.
// Specify a field based on which documents are sorted.
$params->addSort('RANK', SearchParamsBuilder::SORT_DECREASE);
// Run the query and return the results.
$ret = $searchClient->execute($params->build());
// Decode the results that are in the JSON format.
// Display debugging information.
echo $ret->traceInfo->tracer;