Authorization rules for management operations
POP action | Action description | RAM action | Resource pattern |
CreateABTestGroup | Creates a test group. | opensearch:CreateApp | apps/$appGroupName |
DeleteABTestGroup | Deletes a test group. | opensearch:DeleteApp | apps/$appGroupName |
ListABTestGroups | Queries test groups. | opensearch:ListApp | apps/$appGroupName |
ListABTestMetrics | Queries data reports. | opensearch:DescribeApp | apps/$appGroupName |
DescribeABTestGroup | Queries the details of a test group. | opensearch:DescribeApp | apps/$appGroupName |
UpdateABTestGroup | Modifies a test group. | opensearch:UpdateApp | apps/$appGroupName |
CreateABTestExperiment | Creates a test. | opensearch:CreateApp | apps/$appGroupName |
DeleteABTestExperiment | Deletes a test. | opensearch:DeleteApp | apps/$appGroupName |
ListABTestExperiments | Queries tests. | opensearch:ListApp | apps/$appGroupName |
DescribeABTestExperiment | Queries the details of a test. | opensearch:DescribeApp | apps/$appGroupName |
UpdateABTestExperiment | Modifies test parameters. | opensearch:UpdateApp | apps/$appGroupName |
CreateABTestScene | Creates a test scenario. | opensearch:CreateApp | apps/$appGroupName |
DeleteABTestScene | Deletes a test scenario. | opensearch:DeleteApp | apps/$appGroupName |
ListABTestScenes | Queries test scenarios. | opensearch:ListApp | apps/$appGroupName |
DescribeABTestScene | Queries the details of a test scenario. | opensearch:DescribeApp | apps/$appGroupName |
UpdateABTestScene | Modifies the information about a test scenario. | opensearch:UpdateApp | apps/$appGroupName |
ListABTestFixedFlowDividers | Queries the flow_divider whitelist. | opensearch:ListApp | apps/$appGroupName |
UpdateABTestFixedFlowDividers | Updates the flow_divider whitelist. | opensearch:UpdateApp | apps/$appGroupName |
UpdateSuggestionDictionary | Changes multiple values in the drop-down suggestions whitelist or blacklist at a time. | opensearch:WriteSuggest | suggestions/$suggestionIdentity |
ListSuggestionModels | Queries models for a drop-down suggestion. | opensearch:DescribeSuggest | suggestions/$suggestionIdentity |
ListDeployedAlgorithmModels | Queries algorithm models that have been deployed. | opensearch:DescribeApp | apps/$appGroupName |
ListApps | Queries all application versions. | opensearch:ListApp | apps/* |
CreateAppGroup | Creates an application. | opensearch:CreateAppGroup | app-groups/* |
DescribeAppGroupDataReport | Queries the data quality report of an application. | opensearch:DescribeApp | apps/$appGroupName |
RemoveAppGroup | Deletes an application. | opensearch:RemoveAppGroup | app-groups/$appGroupName |
ListAppGroupErrors | Queries the error logs of an application. | opensearch:ListAppGroupErrors | app-groups/$appGroupName |
ListAppGroups | Queries applications. | opensearch:ListAppGroup | app-groups/* |
ListAppGroupMetrics | Queries the data reports of an application. | opensearch:ListAppGroupMetric | app-groups/$appGroupName |
RenewAppGroup | Renews an application. | opensearch:UpdateApp | apps/$appGroupName |
DescribeAppGroup | Queries the details of an application. | opensearch:DescribeAppGroup | app-groups/$appGroupName |
ReplaceAppGroupCommodityCode | Converts a service-based application to an instance-based application. | opensearch:UpdateApp | apps/$appGroupName |
ModifyAppGroup | Modifies the attributes of an application or switches to an online application. | opensearch:ModifyAppGroup | app-groups/$appGroupName |
ModifyAppGroupQuota | Modifies the application quota. | opensearch:updateAppGroupQuota | app-groups/$appGroupName |
CreateApp | Creates an application version. | opensearch:CreateApp | app-groups/$appGroupName |
RemoveApp | Deletes an application version. | opensearch:RemoveApp | app-groups/$appGroupName |
DescribeApps | Queries application versions. | opensearch:ListApp | app-groups/$appGroupName |
DescribeApp | Queries the details of an application version. | opensearch:DescribeApp | app-groups/$appGroupName |
DescribeAppStatistics | Queries the statistical result of an application version. | opensearch:DescribeAppStatistics | app-groups/$appGroupName |
UpdateFetchFields | Updates the default display fields of an application version. | opensearch:UpdateApp | apps/$appGroupName |
CreateDataCollection | Enables the data collection feature of an application. | opensearch:WriteDataCollection | apps/$appGroupName |
RemoveDataCollection | Disables the data collection feature. | opensearch:WriteDataCollection | apps/$appGroupName |
ListDataCollections | Queries the data collection list of an application. | opensearch:ListDataCollections | apps/$appGroupName |
DescribeDataCollection | Queries the data collection details of an application. | opensearch:DescribeDataCollection | apps/$appGroupName |
CreateFirstRank | Creates a rough sort expression for an application version. | opensearch:WriteFirstRank | apps/$appGroupName |
RemoveFirstRank | Deletes a rough sort expression of an application version. | opensearch:WriteFirstRank | apps/$appGroupName |
ListFirstRanks | Queries the rough sort expressions of an application version. | opensearch:ListFirstRank | apps/$appGroupName |
DescribeFirstRank | Queries the details of a rough sort expression of an application version. | opensearch:DescribeFirstRank | apps/$appGroupName |
ModifyFirstRank | Modifies a rough sort expression of an application version. | opensearch:WriteFirstRank | apps/$appGroupName |
PushInterventionDictionaryEntries | Modifies intervention entries. | opensearch:WriteInterventionDictionary | intervention-dictionaries/$dictionaryName |
ListInterventionDictionaryEntries | Queries intervention entries. | opensearch:DescribeInterventionDictionary | intervention-dictionaries/$dictionaryName |
CreateInterventionDictionary | Creates an intervention dictionary. | opensearch:WriteInterventionDictionary | intervention-dictionaries/* |
RemoveInterventionDictionary | Deletes an intervention dictionary. | opensearch:WriteInterventionDictionary | intervention-dictionaries/$dictionaryName |
ListInterventionDictionaries | Queries the intervention dictionaries of a user. | opensearch:ListInterventionDictionaries | intervention-dictionaries/* |
ListInterventionDictionaryNerResults | Queries the named entity recognition (NER) results. | opensearch:DescribeInterventionDictionary | intervention-dictionaries/$dictionaryName |
ListInterventionDictionaryRelatedEntities | Queries the resources associated with an intervention dictionary. | opensearch:DescribeInterventionDictionary | intervention-dictionaries/$dictionaryName |
DescribeInterventionDictionary | Queries the details of an intervention dictionary. | opensearch:DescribeInterventionDictionary | intervention-dictionaries/$dictionaryName |
ListSlowQueryCategories | Queries the optimization suggestions for slow queries. | opensearch:ListOptimizerSlowQueryCategories | apps/$appGroupName |
StartSlowQueryAnalyzer | Immediately starts slow query analysis. | opensearch:WriteOptimizerSlowQueryCategories | apps/$appGroupName |
ListSlowQueryQueries | Queries slow queries. | opensearch:ListOptimizerSlowQueries | apps/$appGroupName |
DisableSlowQuery | Disables slow queries. | opensearch:WriteOptimizerSlowQuery | apps/$appGroupName |
EnableSlowQuery | Enables slow queries. | opensearch:WriteOptimizerSlowQuery | apps/$appGroupName |
DescribeSlowQueryStatus | Queries the status that indicates whether slow queries are enabled or disabled. | opensearch:DescribeOptimizerSlowQuery | apps/$appGroupName |
DeleteModel | Deletes a model. | opensearch:WriteAlgorithm | apps/$appGroupName |
DescribeModel | Queries the details of a model. | opensearch:DescribeAlgorithm | apps/$appGroupName |
ListModels | Queries models. | opensearch:DescribeAlgorithm | apps/$appGroupName |
GetModelProgress | Queries the model training progress. | opensearch:DescribeAlgorithm | apps/$appGroupName |
GetValidationError | Queries the details of data verification errors. | opensearch:DescribeAlgorithm | apps/$appGroupName |
GetValidationReport | Queries data verification reports. | opensearch:DescribeAlgorithm | apps/$appGroupName |
CreateModel | Creates a model. | opensearch:WriteAlgorithm | apps/$appGroupName |
ModifyModel | Modifies model configurations. | opensearch:WriteAlgorithm | apps/$appGroupName |
CreateQueryProcessor | Creates a query analysis rule. | opensearch:WriteQueryProcessor | apps/$appGroupName |
RemoveQueryProcessor | Deletes a query analysis rule. | opensearch:WriteQueryProcessor | apps/$appGroupName |
ListQueryProcessors | Queries query analysis rules. | opensearch:ListQueryProcessor | apps/$appGroupName |
DescribeQueryProcessor | Queries the details of a query analysis rule. | opensearch:DescribeQueryProcessor | apps/$appGroupName |
ModifyQueryProcessor | Modifies a query analysis rule. | opensearch:WriteQueryProcessor | apps/$appGroupName |
RemoveQuotaReviewTask | Withdraws the ticket that is submitted to apply for the application quota. | opensearch:UpdateApp | apps/$appGroupName |
ListQuotaReviewTasks | Queries the tickets that are submitted to apply for application quotas. | opensearch:DescribeApp | apps/$appGroupName |
CreateScheduledTask | Creates a scheduled task for an application. | opensearch:CreateScheduledTask | app-groups/$appGroupName |
RemoveScheduledTask | Deletes a scheduled task of an application. | opensearch:RemoveScheduledTask | app-groups/$appGroupName |
ListScheduledTasks | Queries the scheduled tasks of an application. | opensearch:ListScheduledTask | app-groups/$appGroupName |
DescribeScheduledTask | Queries the details of a scheduled task of an application. | opensearch:DescribeScheduledTask | app-groups/$appGroupName |
ModifyScheduledTask | Modifies a scheduled task of an application. | opensearch:ModifyScheduledTask | app-groups/$appGroupName |
CreateSecondRank | Creates a fine sort expression for an application version. | opensearch:WriteSecondRank | apps/$appGroupName |
RemoveSecondRank | Deletes a fine sort expression of an application version. | opensearch:WriteSecondRank | apps/$appGroupName |
ListSecondRanks | Queries the fine sort expressions of an application version. | opensearch:ListSecondRank | apps/$appGroupName |
DescribeSecondRank | Queries the details of a fine sort expression of an application version. | opensearch:DescribeSecondRank | apps/$appGroupName |
ModifySecondRank | Modifies a fine sort expression of an application version. | opensearch:WriteSecondRank | apps/$appGroupName |
ListSortExpressions | Queries the sort expressions of an application version. | opensearch:ListSortExpression | apps/$appGroupName |
CreateSuggestion | Creates a drop-down suggestion. | opensearch:WriteSuggest | suggestions/$suggestionIdentity |
DeleteSuggestion | Deletes a drop-down suggestion. | opensearch:WriteSuggest | suggestions/$suggestionIdentity |
ListSuggestions | Queries drop-down suggestions. | opensearch:ListSuggest | suggestions/$suggestionIdentity |
ListSuggestionMetrics | Queries drop-down suggestion reports. | opensearch:DescribeSuggest | suggestions/$suggestionIdentity |
StartSuggestionTrainer | Immediately starts to train models. | opensearch:WriteSuggest | suggestions/$suggestionIdentity |
DescribeSuggestion | Queries the details of drop-down suggestions. | opensearch:DescribeSuggest | suggestions/$suggestionIdentity |
UpdateSuggestionCurrentModel | Switches to the online drop-down suggestion model. | opensearch:WriteSuggest | suggestions/$suggestionIdentity |
UpdateSummaries | Modifies the summary of an application version. | opensearch:WriteSummary | apps/$appGroupName |
PushUserAnalyzerEntries | Modifies the entries of a custom analyzer. | opensearch:WriteUserAnalyzer | user-analyzers/$analyzerName |
ListUserAnalyzerEntries | Queries the entries of a custom analyzer. | opensearch:DescribeUserAnalyzer | user-analyzers/$analyzerName |
CreateUserAnalyzer | Creates a custom analyzer. | opensearch:CreateUserAnalyzer | user-analyzers/$analyzerName |
DeleteUserAnalyzer | Deletes a custom analyzer. | opensearch:DeleteUserAnalyzer | user-analyzers/$analyzerName |
ListUserAnalyzers | Queries the custom analyzers of a user. | opensearch:ListUserAnalyzers | user-analyzers/* |
DescribeUserAnalyzer | Queries the details of a custom analyzer. | opensearch:DescribeUserAnalyzer | user-analyzers/$analyzerName |
Authorization rules for traffic operations
POP action | Action description | RAM action | Resource pattern |
PushDoc | Pushes documents. | opensearch:PushDoc | acs:opensearch:$regionId:$accountId:apps/$appGroupName |
SearchApp | Retrieves documents. | opensearch:SearchApp | acs:opensearch:$regionId:$accountId:apps/$appGroupName |
SearchSuggest | Retrieves drop-down suggestions. | opensearch:SearchSuggest | acs:opensearch:$regionId:$accountId:suggestions/$suggestionIdentity |