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:Temporarily upgrade the bandwidth of ECS instances

Last Updated:Jul 29, 2024

This topic describes how to use CloudOps Orchestration Service (OOS) to temporarily upgrade the bandwidth of Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances at the scheduled time.

Background information

If you need to temporarily upgrade the bandwidth of ECS instances, you can use the Temporary Bandwidth Upgrade feature of OOS to specify the upgrade time. You can run a temporary bandwidth upgrade task every day or on the specified days each week. After you configure the parameters on the Create Task Temporary Bandwidth Upgrade page, you can view the bandwidth fee for a single cycle in the lower-right corner of the page.


  1. If you upgrade the bandwidth of an ECS instance on the classic network whose original bandwidth is 0 Mbit/s, you need to restart the ECS instance in the ECS console or by calling an ECS API operation for the upgrade to take effect.

  2. You can temporarily upgrade the bandwidth of only ECS instances that use the subscription billing method.

  3. You cannot temporarily upgrade the bandwidth of ECS instances that are associated with elastic IP addresses (EIPs).

  4. You can temporarily upgrade only the public bandwidth that is charged by using the pay-by-bandwidth billing method. You cannot temporarily upgrade the public bandwidth that is charged by using the pay-as-you-go billing method.


  1. Log on to the CloudOps Orchestration Service console.

  2. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Automated Task > Common O&M Tasks. On the Common O&M Tasks page, click Temporary Bandwidth Upgrade. On the Temporary Bandwidth Upgrade page, click Create.

  3. On the Create Task Temporary Bandwidth Upgrade page, configure the Execution Cycle, Start Time, Execution Duration (Hours), End Time, and Maximum Internet Outbound Bandwidth (Mbit/s) parameters. Valid values of the Maximum Internet Outbound Bandwidth (Mbit/s) parameter: 0 to 100. CloudOps Orchestration Service does not verify the value of the Maximum Internet Outbound Bandwidth (Mbit/s) parameter. If the bandwidth value that you specify exceeds the bandwidth limit of an ECS instance, the temporary bandwidth upgrade may fail. You can submit a ticket in the ECS console to increase the bandwidth limit, or specify a bandwidth value that does not exceed the bandwidth limit.

  4. Set the Permissions parameter to Specify RAM Role and Use Permissions Granted to This Role and select a Resource Access Management (RAM) role from the drop-down list.

    In this example, OOSServiceRole is selected.

    If no RAM roles are available, create a RAM role for OOS. For more information, see Use RAM to grant permissions to OOS. You can directly click Create Role to go to the RAM console and create a RAM role for OSS. For more information about the required policy, see the following JSON script:

        "Version": "1",
        "Statement": [
                "Action": "oos:*",
                "Resource": "*",
                "Effect": "Allow"
                "Action": "ram:PassRole",
                "Resource": "*",
                "Effect": "Allow",
                "Condition": {
                    "StringEquals": {
                        "acs:Service": ""
                "Action": [
                "Resource": "*",
                "Effect": "Allow"
  5. Click Select Instances, select Manually Select Instances, and then select one or more ECS instances for which you want to temporarily upgrade the bandwidth.

    You can use different methods such as Manually Select Instances, Specify Instance Tags, and Specify Resource Group to select instances.

  6. Click Advanced(Optional).

    You can set the Rate control type parameter to Concurrency-based Control or Batch-based Control. If you select Concurrency-based Control, you can configure the Concurrency and Error Threshold parameters. For more information about concurrency-related terms, see Loop.

    The Rate control type parameter can be set to Concurrency-based Control or Batch-based Control. In this example, the Rate control type parameter is set to Concurrency-based Control.

  7. View the bandwidth fee in the lower-right corner of the page and click Create.