Monitoring and logging

Updated at: 2024-08-28 08:11

The monitoring and logging features ensure the availability of your Network Intelligence Service (NIS) resources and the normal operation and health of your business. Alibaba Cloud provides various monitoring features. You can use these features to continuously collect monitoring data and monitor the usage of cloud resources and business health in real time. This way, you can make quick responses upon receiving alert notifications.

Event center

NIS provides the event center feature to record and notify the information about cloud network resources, such as the execution status of O&M tasks, resource exceptions, and resource status changes. For more information, see Event center.

Health status monitoring

We recommend that you keep track of the health status of your Alibaba Cloud resources so that you can handle exceptions at the earliest opportunity. For more information, go to the Alibaba Cloud Health Status page.

On the Alibaba Cloud Health Status page, you can check the health status of cloud services in each region, and subscribe to Really Simple Syndication (RSS) feeds about service exceptions.

CloudMonitor Basic

NIS is integrated with Alibaba Cloud CloudMonitor Basic. You can use CloudMonitor Basic to monitor the metrics of cloud resources and Internet applications in real time. You can also monitor the execution status of O&M tasks, resource exceptions, and resource status changes in real time. For more information, see Event center. In addition, you can configure alert rules for metrics and specify the methods of sending alert notifications. Alert notifications can be sent by using phone calls, text messages, emails, DingTalk chatbots, and the Alibaba Cloud app. For more information, see Create a system event-triggered alert rule.


NIS is integrated with Alibaba Cloud ActionTrail. ActionTrail allows you to manage operations logs of cloud resources in a centralized manner. ActionTrail records the user logon and resource access operations within your Alibaba Cloud account for security analysis, intrusion detection, resource change tracking, and compliance auditing.

ActionTrail can generate logs for cloud service access and usage by using the Alibaba Cloud Management Console, API operations, and developer tools.

By default, ActionTrail tracks and retains events of the last 90 days. If you need to retain events for a longer period of time, you can create a trail to deliver events to Simple Log Service or OSS. For more information, see Create a trail.

After you create a trail to deliver events to a Logstore of Simple Log Service or an OSS bucket, you can query or analyze the events in the Simple Log Service or OSS console. For more information, see Query events in the Simple Log Service or OSS console.

If you need to trace a historical event, submit a ticket to request the required permissions.

Simple Log Service

NIS is integrated with Alibaba Cloud Log Service. If you enable intra-region traffic analysis for cross-virtual private cloud (VPC) connections, the VPC flow log feature is automatically enabled for the elastic network interfaces (ENIs) connected to VPCs and transit routers. You can use Log Service to collect and handle the log data of intra-region traffic for cloud resources. For more information about how to enable the VPC flow log feature, see Work with the Internet traffic analysis capability. For more information about the flow logs, see Overview of flow logs.

  • On this page (1, O)
  • Event center
  • Health status monitoring
  • CloudMonitor Basic
  • ActionTrail
  • Simple Log Service
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