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Network Intelligence Service:GetNetworkReachableAnalysis

Last Updated:Sep 13, 2024

Obtains the results of network reachability analysis.

Operation description

GetNetworkReachableAnalysis is an asynchronous operation. After a request is sent, the system returns a request ID and runs the task in the background. You can query the state of the task for analyzing network reachability.

  • The init state indicates that the task is in progress.
  • The finish state indicates that the task is complete. In this state, you can obtain the analysis result.


OpenAPI Explorer automatically calculates the signature value. For your convenience, we recommend that you call this operation in OpenAPI Explorer.

Authorization information

The following table shows the authorization information corresponding to the API. The authorization information can be used in the Action policy element to grant a RAM user or RAM role the permissions to call this API operation. Description:

  • Operation: the value that you can use in the Action element to specify the operation on a resource.
  • Access level: the access level of each operation. The levels are read, write, and list.
  • Resource type: the type of the resource on which you can authorize the RAM user or the RAM role to perform the operation. Take note of the following items:
    • The required resource types are displayed in bold characters.
    • If the permissions cannot be granted at the resource level, All Resources is used in the Resource type column of the operation.
  • Condition Key: the condition key that is defined by the cloud service.
  • Associated operation: other operations that the RAM user or the RAM role must have permissions to perform to complete the operation. To complete the operation, the RAM user or the RAM role must have the permissions to perform the associated operations.
OperationAccess levelResource typeCondition keyAssociated operation
  • NetworkReachableAnalysis

Request parameters


The ID of the region for which you want to obtain the result of network reachability analysis.


The ID of the task for analyzing network reachability. You can call the CreateNetworkRearchableAnalysis operation to obtain the ID of the task for analyzing network reachability.


Response parameters


The network path ID.


The ID of the task for analyzing network reachability.


The state of the task for analyzing network reachability. Valid values:

  • init: The task is in progress.
  • finish: The task is complete.
  • error: An analysis error occurred.
  • timeout: The task timed out.

The result of network reachability analysis, which includes the network topology, error codes of network unreachability, and rules of network unreachability.

{ "errorCode": "", "networkAclData": { "networkAclItems": [ ] }, "nraId": "nra-f2c8701a36424094****", "requestId": "B931F8A0-620E-5230-B77F-3BD7F612****", "routeData": { "routeItems": [ ] }, "securityGroupData": { "policy": "accept", "securityGroupItems": [ { "description": "default_sg_access_rule", "matchedRule": { "bizProtocol": "ALL", "creatingTime": "2022-11-10T03:24:49Z", "description": "", "destinationCidr": "", "destinationGroupId": "sg-wz980j96p8y99co5****", "direction": "egress", "policy": "Accept", "portRange": "-1/-1", "priority": "1", "sourceCidr": "", "sourceGroupId": "" }, "policy": "accept", "resourceId": "eni-wz92ce4saz1jzazg****", "securityGroupId": "sg-wz980j96p8y99co5****" }, { "description": "user_acl_drop_rule", "matchedRule": { "bizProtocol": "", "creatingTime": "", "description": "", "destinationCidr": "", "destinationGroupId": "", "direction": "", "policy": "", "portRange": "", "priority": "", "sourceCidr": "", "sourceGroupId": "" }, "policy": "", "resourceId": "eni-wz97vry93t6z4lbd****", "securityGroupId": "sg-wz980j96p8y99co****" } ], "securityGroupReportId": "sgr-4479d23bb37241aab****" }, "status": "security_group_checking_target", "topologyData": { "positive": { "linkList": [ { "id": "i-wz91dk7bor557hp93zyv-->eni-wz92ce4saz1jzazg****", "source": "i-wz91dk7bor557hp9****", "target": "eni-wz92ce4saz1jzazg****" }, { "id": "eni-wz92ce4saz1jzazgi13d-->vsw-wz9slpwdcppwfrnee****", "source": "eni-wz92ce4saz1jzazg****", "target": "vsw-wz9slpwdcppwfrnee****" }, { "id": "vsw-wz9slpwdcppwfrneebcrp-->eni-wz97vry93t6z4lbd****", "source": "vsw-wz9slpwdcppwfrnee****", "target": "eni-wz97vry93t6z4lbd****" }, { "id": "eni-wz97vry93t6z4lbdgmfi-->i-wz91dk7bor557hp9****", "source": "eni-wz97vry93t6z4lbd****", "target": "i-wz91dk7bor557hp9****" } ], "nodeList": [ { "aZone": "cn-shenzhen-d", "bizInsId": "i-wz91dk7bor557hp9****", "id": "i-wz91dk7bor557hp9****", "level": 1, "matchedRoute": { "nextHopSet": [ ] }, "nodeType": "VM", "regionNo": "cn-shenzhen-st3-a01", "regionNoAlias": "cn-shenzhen", "trafficLogs": [ ] }, { "aZone": "cn-shenzhen-d", "bizInsId": "i-wz91dk7bor557hp9****", "id": "i-wz91dk7bor557hp9****", "level": 3, "matchedRoute": { "nextHopSet": [ ] }, "nodeType": "VM", "regionNo": "cn-shenzhen-st3-a01", "regionNoAlias": "cn-shenzhen", "trafficLogs": [ ] }, { "aZone": "cn-shenzhen-d", "bizInsId": "vsw-wz9slpwdcppwfrnee****", "cidr": "", "id": "vsw-wz9slpwdcppwfrnee****", "level": 2, "matchedRoute": { "nextHopSet": [ ] }, "nodeType": "VSW", "regionNo": "cn-shenzhen-st3-a01", "regionNoAlias": "cn-shenzhen", "trafficLogs": [ ] }, { "bizInsId": "eni-wz92ce4saz1jzazg****", "id": "eni-wz92ce4saz1jzazg****", "ip": "", "mac": "00:XXXX:3e:16:7c:50", "matchedRoute": { "nextHopSet": [ ] }, "nodeType": "ENI", "regionNo": "cn-shenzhen-st3-a01", "regionNoAlias": "cn-shenzhen", "status": "InUse", "trafficLogs": [ ] }, { "bizInsId": "eni-wz97vry93t6z4lbd****", "id": "eni-wz97vry93t6z4lbd****", "ip": "", "mac": "00:XXXX:3e:14:70:c2", "matchedRoute": { "nextHopSet": [ ] }, "nodeType": "ENI", "regionNo": "cn-shenzhen-st3-a01", "regionNoAlias": "cn-shenzhen", "status": "InUse", "trafficLogs": [ ] } ] }, "reverse": { "revLinkList": [ { "id": "i-wz91dk7bor557hp93zys-->eni-wz97vry93t6z4lbd****", "source": "i-wz91dk7bor557hp9****", "target": "eni-wz97vry93t6z4lbd****" }, { "id": "eni-wz97vry93t6z4lbdgmfi-->vsw-wz9slpwdcppwfrnee****", "source": "eni-wz97vry93t6z4lbd****", "target": "vsw-wz9slpwdcppwfrnee****" }, { "id": "vsw-wz9slpwdcppwfrneebcrp-->eni-wz92ce4saz1jzazg****", "source": "vsw-wz9slpwdcppwfrnee****", "target": "eni-wz92ce4saz1jzazg****" }, { "id": "eni-wz92ce4saz1jzazgi13d-->i-wz91dk7bor557hp9****", "source": "eni-wz92ce4saz1jzazg****", "target": "i-wz91dk7bor557hp9****" } ], "revNodeList": [ { "aZone": "cn-shenzhen-d", "bizInsId": "i-wz91dk7bor557hp9****", "id": "i-wz91dk7bor557hp9****", "level": 1, "nodeType": "VM", "regionNo": "cn-shenzhen-st3-a01", "regionNoAlias": "cn-shenzhen", "revMatchedRoute": { "revNextHopSet": [ ] } }, { "aZone": "cn-shenzhen-d", "bizInsId": "i-wz91dk7bor557hp9****", "id": "i-wz91dk7bor557hp9****", "level": 3, "nodeType": "VM", "regionNo": "cn-shenzhen-st3-a01", "regionNoAlias": "cn-shenzhen", "revMatchedRoute": { "revNextHopSet": [ ] } }, { "aZone": "cn-shenzhen-d", "bizInsId": "vsw-wz9slpwdcppwfrnee****", "cidr": "", "id": "vsw-wz9slpwdcppwfrnee****", "level": 2, "nodeType": "VSW", "regionNo": "cn-shenzhen-st3-a01", "regionNoAlias": "cn-shenzhen", "revMatchedRoute": { "revNextHopSet": [ ] } }, { "bizInsId": "eni-wz97vry93t6z4lbd****", "id": "eni-wz97vry93t6z4lbd****", "ip": "", "mac": "00:XXXX:3e:14:70:c2", "nodeType": "ENI", "regionNo": "cn-shenzhen-st3-a01", "regionNoAlias": "cn-shenzhen", "revMatchedRoute": { "revNextHopSet": [ ] }, "status": "InUse" }, { "bizInsId": "eni-wz92ce4saz1jzazg****", "id": "eni-wz92ce4saz1jzazg****", "ip": "", "mac": "00:XXXX:3e:16:7c:50", "nodeType": "ENI", "regionNo": "cn-shenzhen-st3-a01", "regionNoAlias": "cn-shenzhen", "revMatchedRoute": { "revNextHopSet": [ ] }, "status": "InUse" } ] }, "topologyReportId": "tpr-21cf60002715491b8****" } }

Indicates whether the network path is reachable. Valid values:

  • true: The network path is reachable.
  • false: The network path is unreachable.

The time when the network path was created. The time follows the ISO 8601 standard in the yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ format. The time is displayed in UTC.


The unique ID (UID) of the Alibaba Cloud account.


The request ID.


The parameters of the network path.

{ "sourceId": "i-bp100g5pbp6kj4p9****", "sourceType": "ecs", "targetId": "i-t4n4ltwgbbomzb0g****", "targetType": "ecs" }


Sample success responses


  "NetworkPathId": "np-2a1332214fa346b6****",
  "NetworkReachableAnalysisId": "nra-8607514e71c1484****",
  "NetworkReachableAnalysisStatus": "finish",
  "NetworkReachableAnalysisResult": "{\n  \"errorCode\": \"\",\n  \"networkAclData\": {\n    \"networkAclItems\": [\n      \n    ]\n  },\n  \"nraId\": \"nra-f2c8701a36424094****\",\n  \"requestId\": \"B931F8A0-620E-5230-B77F-3BD7F612****\",\n  \"routeData\": {\n    \"routeItems\": [\n      \n    ]\n  },\n  \"securityGroupData\": {\n    \"policy\": \"accept\",\n    \"securityGroupItems\": [\n      {\n        \"description\": \"default_sg_access_rule\",\n        \"matchedRule\": {\n          \"bizProtocol\": \"ALL\",\n          \"creatingTime\": \"2022-11-10T03:24:49Z\",\n          \"description\": \"\",\n          \"destinationCidr\": \"\",\n          \"destinationGroupId\": \"sg-wz980j96p8y99co5****\",\n          \"direction\": \"egress\",\n          \"policy\": \"Accept\",\n          \"portRange\": \"-1/-1\",\n          \"priority\": \"1\",\n          \"sourceCidr\": \"\",\n          \"sourceGroupId\": \"\"\n        },\n        \"policy\": \"accept\",\n        \"resourceId\": \"eni-wz92ce4saz1jzazg****\",\n        \"securityGroupId\": \"sg-wz980j96p8y99co5****\"\n      },\n      {\n        \"description\": \"user_acl_drop_rule\",\n        \"matchedRule\": {\n          \"bizProtocol\": \"\",\n          \"creatingTime\": \"\",\n          \"description\": \"\",\n          \"destinationCidr\": \"\",\n          \"destinationGroupId\": \"\",\n          \"direction\": \"\",\n          \"policy\": \"\",\n          \"portRange\": \"\",\n          \"priority\": \"\",\n          \"sourceCidr\": \"\",\n          \"sourceGroupId\": \"\"\n        },\n        \"policy\": \"\",\n        \"resourceId\": \"eni-wz97vry93t6z4lbd****\",\n        \"securityGroupId\": \"sg-wz980j96p8y99co****\"\n      }\n    ],\n    \"securityGroupReportId\": \"sgr-4479d23bb37241aab****\"\n  },\n  \"status\": \"security_group_checking_target\",\n  \"topologyData\": {\n    \"positive\": {\n      \"linkList\": [\n        {\n          \"id\": \"i-wz91dk7bor557hp93zyv-->eni-wz92ce4saz1jzazg****\",\n          \"source\": \"i-wz91dk7bor557hp9****\",\n          \"target\": \"eni-wz92ce4saz1jzazg****\"\n        },\n        {\n          \"id\": \"eni-wz92ce4saz1jzazgi13d-->vsw-wz9slpwdcppwfrnee****\",\n          \"source\": \"eni-wz92ce4saz1jzazg****\",\n          \"target\": \"vsw-wz9slpwdcppwfrnee****\"\n        },\n        {\n          \"id\": \"vsw-wz9slpwdcppwfrneebcrp-->eni-wz97vry93t6z4lbd****\",\n          \"source\": \"vsw-wz9slpwdcppwfrnee****\",\n          \"target\": \"eni-wz97vry93t6z4lbd****\"\n        },\n        {\n          \"id\": \"eni-wz97vry93t6z4lbdgmfi-->i-wz91dk7bor557hp9****\",\n          \"source\": \"eni-wz97vry93t6z4lbd****\",\n          \"target\": \"i-wz91dk7bor557hp9****\"\n        }\n      ],\n      \"nodeList\": [\n        {\n          \"aZone\": \"cn-shenzhen-d\",\n          \"bizInsId\": \"i-wz91dk7bor557hp9****\",\n          \"id\": \"i-wz91dk7bor557hp9****\",\n          \"level\": 1,\n          \"matchedRoute\": {\n            \"nextHopSet\": [\n              \n            ]\n          },\n          \"nodeType\": \"VM\",\n          \"regionNo\": \"cn-shenzhen-st3-a01\",\n          \"regionNoAlias\": \"cn-shenzhen\",\n          \"trafficLogs\": [\n            \n          ]\n        },\n        {\n          \"aZone\": \"cn-shenzhen-d\",\n          \"bizInsId\": \"i-wz91dk7bor557hp9****\",\n          \"id\": \"i-wz91dk7bor557hp9****\",\n          \"level\": 3,\n          \"matchedRoute\": {\n            \"nextHopSet\": [\n              \n            ]\n          },\n          \"nodeType\": \"VM\",\n          \"regionNo\": \"cn-shenzhen-st3-a01\",\n          \"regionNoAlias\": \"cn-shenzhen\",\n          \"trafficLogs\": [\n            \n          ]\n        },\n        {\n          \"aZone\": \"cn-shenzhen-d\",\n          \"bizInsId\": \"vsw-wz9slpwdcppwfrnee****\",\n          \"cidr\": \"\",\n          \"id\": \"vsw-wz9slpwdcppwfrnee****\",\n          \"level\": 2,\n          \"matchedRoute\": {\n            \"nextHopSet\": [\n              \n            ]\n          },\n          \"nodeType\": \"VSW\",\n          \"regionNo\": \"cn-shenzhen-st3-a01\",\n          \"regionNoAlias\": \"cn-shenzhen\",\n          \"trafficLogs\": [\n            \n          ]\n        },\n        {\n          \"bizInsId\": \"eni-wz92ce4saz1jzazg****\",\n          \"id\": \"eni-wz92ce4saz1jzazg****\",\n          \"ip\": \"\",\n          \"mac\": \"00:XXXX:3e:16:7c:50\",\n          \"matchedRoute\": {\n            \"nextHopSet\": [\n              \n            ]\n          },\n          \"nodeType\": \"ENI\",\n          \"regionNo\": \"cn-shenzhen-st3-a01\",\n          \"regionNoAlias\": \"cn-shenzhen\",\n          \"status\": \"InUse\",\n          \"trafficLogs\": [\n            \n          ]\n        },\n        {\n          \"bizInsId\": \"eni-wz97vry93t6z4lbd****\",\n          \"id\": \"eni-wz97vry93t6z4lbd****\",\n          \"ip\": \"\",\n          \"mac\": \"00:XXXX:3e:14:70:c2\",\n          \"matchedRoute\": {\n            \"nextHopSet\": [\n              \n            ]\n          },\n          \"nodeType\": \"ENI\",\n          \"regionNo\": \"cn-shenzhen-st3-a01\",\n          \"regionNoAlias\": \"cn-shenzhen\",\n          \"status\": \"InUse\",\n          \"trafficLogs\": [\n            \n          ]\n        }\n      ]\n    },\n    \"reverse\": {\n      \"revLinkList\": [\n        {\n          \"id\": \"i-wz91dk7bor557hp93zys-->eni-wz97vry93t6z4lbd****\",\n          \"source\": \"i-wz91dk7bor557hp9****\",\n          \"target\": \"eni-wz97vry93t6z4lbd****\"\n        },\n        {\n          \"id\": \"eni-wz97vry93t6z4lbdgmfi-->vsw-wz9slpwdcppwfrnee****\",\n          \"source\": \"eni-wz97vry93t6z4lbd****\",\n          \"target\": \"vsw-wz9slpwdcppwfrnee****\"\n        },\n        {\n          \"id\": \"vsw-wz9slpwdcppwfrneebcrp-->eni-wz92ce4saz1jzazg****\",\n          \"source\": \"vsw-wz9slpwdcppwfrnee****\",\n          \"target\": \"eni-wz92ce4saz1jzazg****\"\n        },\n        {\n          \"id\": \"eni-wz92ce4saz1jzazgi13d-->i-wz91dk7bor557hp9****\",\n          \"source\": \"eni-wz92ce4saz1jzazg****\",\n          \"target\": \"i-wz91dk7bor557hp9****\"\n        }\n      ],\n      \"revNodeList\": [\n        {\n          \"aZone\": \"cn-shenzhen-d\",\n          \"bizInsId\": \"i-wz91dk7bor557hp9****\",\n          \"id\": \"i-wz91dk7bor557hp9****\",\n          \"level\": 1,\n          \"nodeType\": \"VM\",\n          \"regionNo\": \"cn-shenzhen-st3-a01\",\n          \"regionNoAlias\": \"cn-shenzhen\",\n          \"revMatchedRoute\": {\n            \"revNextHopSet\": [\n              \n            ]\n          }\n        },\n        {\n          \"aZone\": \"cn-shenzhen-d\",\n          \"bizInsId\": \"i-wz91dk7bor557hp9****\",\n          \"id\": \"i-wz91dk7bor557hp9****\",\n          \"level\": 3,\n          \"nodeType\": \"VM\",\n          \"regionNo\": \"cn-shenzhen-st3-a01\",\n          \"regionNoAlias\": \"cn-shenzhen\",\n          \"revMatchedRoute\": {\n            \"revNextHopSet\": [\n              \n            ]\n          }\n        },\n        {\n          \"aZone\": \"cn-shenzhen-d\",\n          \"bizInsId\": \"vsw-wz9slpwdcppwfrnee****\",\n          \"cidr\": \"\",\n          \"id\": \"vsw-wz9slpwdcppwfrnee****\",\n          \"level\": 2,\n          \"nodeType\": \"VSW\",\n          \"regionNo\": \"cn-shenzhen-st3-a01\",\n          \"regionNoAlias\": \"cn-shenzhen\",\n          \"revMatchedRoute\": {\n            \"revNextHopSet\": [\n              \n            ]\n          }\n        },\n        {\n          \"bizInsId\": \"eni-wz97vry93t6z4lbd****\",\n          \"id\": \"eni-wz97vry93t6z4lbd****\",\n          \"ip\": \"\",\n          \"mac\": \"00:XXXX:3e:14:70:c2\",\n          \"nodeType\": \"ENI\",\n          \"regionNo\": \"cn-shenzhen-st3-a01\",\n          \"regionNoAlias\": \"cn-shenzhen\",\n          \"revMatchedRoute\": {\n            \"revNextHopSet\": [\n              \n            ]\n          },\n          \"status\": \"InUse\"\n        },\n        {\n          \"bizInsId\": \"eni-wz92ce4saz1jzazg****\",\n          \"id\": \"eni-wz92ce4saz1jzazg****\",\n          \"ip\": \"\",\n          \"mac\": \"00:XXXX:3e:16:7c:50\",\n          \"nodeType\": \"ENI\",\n          \"regionNo\": \"cn-shenzhen-st3-a01\",\n          \"regionNoAlias\": \"cn-shenzhen\",\n          \"revMatchedRoute\": {\n            \"revNextHopSet\": [\n              \n            ]\n          },\n          \"status\": \"InUse\"\n        }\n      ]\n    },\n    \"topologyReportId\": \"tpr-21cf60002715491b8****\"\n  }\n}",
  "Reachable": true,
  "CreateTime": "2023-03-16T07:11:27Z",
  "AliUid": 0,
  "RequestId": "DEE0FEAF-59AE-5CDD-AA07-626BC365D571",
  "NetworkPathParameter": "{\n  \"sourceId\": \"i-bp100g5pbp6kj4p9****\",\n  \"sourceType\": \"ecs\",\n  \"targetId\": \"i-t4n4ltwgbbomzb0g****\",\n  \"targetType\": \"ecs\"\n}"

Error codes

HTTP status codeError codeError messageDescription
400SizeExceeds.ZonesThe length of the specified available zones exceeds the limit.The specified number of zones exceeds the upper limit.
400SizeExceeds.DiskCategoriesThe length of the specified disk categories exceeds the limit.The specified number of disk categories exceeds the upper limit.
400OperationDenied.ZonesConflictThe specified available zones do not belong to the same region.The specified zones do not belong to the same region.
400IllegalParam.ZoneIdThe specified available zone (%s) is invalid.The specified zone (%s) is invalid.
400IllegalParam.StepMinutesThe specified sampling interval (%s) is invalid.The specified sampling interval (%s) is invalid.
400IllegalParam.BeginTimeThe specified begin time (%s) is invalid.The specified start time (%s) is invalid.
400IllegalParam.EndTimeThe specified end time (%s) is invalid.The specified end time (%s) is invalid.
400Mismatch.BeginTimeAndEndTimeThe specified begin time must be earlier than the end time.The specified start time must be earlier than the end time.
400OperationDenied.NetworkReachableAnalysisThe operation is not allowed because of invalid parameters.The request has invalid parameters. The current operation is not allowed.
404ResourceNotFound.NetworkReachableAnalysisThe specified resource of %s is not found.The specified network path ID %s is invalid.

For a list of error codes, visit the Service error codes.

Change history

Change timeSummary of changesOperation
2024-01-19The Error code has changedView Change Details