Parameter | Description |
Billing Method | By default, Pay-As-You-Go is selected. You can pay for resources after you use them. For more information, see Billing of Internet NAT gateways. |
Resource Group | Select the resource group to which the virtual private cloud (VPC) belongs. For more information, see Resource group overview. |
Tags | Tag Key: Select or enter a tag key. You can specify at most 20 tag keys. A tag key can be up to 64 characters in length and cannot start with aliyun or acs:. It cannot contain http:// or https://. Tag Value: Select or enter a tag value. You can specify at most 20 tag values. A tag value can be up to 128 characters in length. It cannot start with aliyun or acs:, and cannot contain http:// or https://.
Region | Select the region where you want to create the Internet NAT gateway. |
VPC | Select the VPC where you want to create the Internet NAT gateway. After the Internet NAT gateway is created, you cannot change the VPC to which the Internet NAT gateway belongs. |
Associate vSwitch | Select the vSwitch to which the Internet NAT gateway belongs. |
Metering Method | By default, Pay-By-CU is selected. You are charged based on the resources that you use. For more information, see Billing of Internet NAT gateways. |
Billing Cycle | By default, By Hour is selected. Bills are generated on an hourly basis. If you use an Internet NAT gateway for less than 1 hour, the usage duration is rounded up to 1 hour. |
Instance Name | Enter a name for the Internet NAT gateway. The name must be 2 to 128 characters in length and can contain digits, underscores (_), and hyphens (-). The name must start with a letter. |
Access Mode | Select the mode in which you want to create the Internet NAT gateway. The following modes are supported: SNAT for All VPC Resources: If you select this value, the Internet NAT gateway is created in unified access mode. After the Internet NAT gateway is created, all resources in the VPC can access the Internet by using the SNAT feature of the NAT gateway. If you select SNAT for All VPC Resources, you must also specify an EIP. Configure Later: If you select this option, you can configure the Internet NAT gateway in the console after you complete the payment. If you select Configure Later, only the Internet NAT gateway is created. No SNAT entry is created.
In this example, SNAT for All VPC Resources is selected. |
EIP | Select an EIP for the Internet NAT gateway. The following modes are supported: |