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Microservices Engine:MSE Ingress FAQ

Last Updated:Apr 03, 2024

This topic provides answers to some frequently asked questions about Microservices Engine (MSE) Ingress gateways.

Q1: Which Ingress versions are supported by MSE cloud-native gateways?

MSE cloud-native gateways support Ingresses of the or version. You can associate cloud-native gateways with Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) clusters of V1.18.0 or later.

Q2: What is the order of Ingress classes parsed by cloud-native gateways?

Cloud-native gateways comply with the Kubernetes Ingress standards. The priority of the Ingress class specified by the Ingress annotation is higher than the priority of the Ingress class specified by Ingress Spec.IngressClassName.

Q3: Do cloud-native gateways support both manual and automatic management of Ingress traffic rules?

Yes, cloud-native gateways support both manual and automatic management of Ingress traffic rules. You can use one of the two methods to define Ingress traffic rules for the associated ACK clusters.

  • Manually define Ingress traffic rules for the associated ACK clusters in the MSE console. We recommend that you use this method.

  • Define Ingress traffic rules for the associated ACK clusters by defining Ingress resources in the ACK console. After you configure Ingress traffic rules, cloud-native gateways can automatically monitor the changes in Ingress resources and make the monitored configurations of the Ingress resources take effect in real time.

You can also use the two methods at the same time. You cannot modify the domain name and route configurations that are parsed from the Ingress resource in the MSE console. The lifecycle of the domain name and route configurations is automatically managed by the Ingress resource in the ACK console. The priorities of traffic rules that are automatically managed by Ingress resources are lower than the priorities of traffic rules that are manually managed in the MSE console.

Q4: Why is the domain name or route of a cloud-native gateway unavailable in the console?

Log on to the MSE console. On the Routes page, click the Routes or Domain Names tab, and move the pointer over Unavailable to view the cause.