Term | Full name | Description |
OSS | Object Storage Service | ApsaraVideo Media Processing transcodes a media file stored in OSS and stores the output file in the specified OSS bucket. |
Bucket | OSS bucket | A bucket is a container for objects stored in OSS. The bucket name can only contain lowercase letters, digits, and hyphens (-). It must be 3 to 255 bytes in length and start with a lowercase letter or digit. For more information, see the definition of an OSS bucket. |
Region | OSS region | A region represents the physical location of an OSS data center. For more information, see the definition of an OSS region. |
Object | OSS object | Objects, also known as files, are the fundamental entities stored in OSS. The object name is a UTF-8 encoded string of 1 to 1,023 bytes in length. It must not start with a forward slash (/) or a backslash (\). For more information, see the definition of an OSS object. |
Local file | Local file | A local file is a media file that has not been uploaded to OSS. |
Input | Job input | The job input includes the input file and other configuration parameters. |
Input file | Input file | An input file is a media file that has been uploaded to OSS. |
Output | Job output | The job output includes a set of parameters, such as the template ID, watermark list, and output file parameters. |
Output file | Output file | An output file is stored in OSS and uniquely identified by the region, bucket, and object. |
Output bucket | Output bucket | The output bucket stores the transcoding output. You must specify the output bucket when you submit a transcoding job in the OSS object transcoding process, and grant the write permission to ApsaraVideo Media Processing over the bucket authorization channel on the resource management page of the ApsaraVideo Media Processing console. |
Output region | Output region | The output region is the physical location where the data center of the output bucket is located. You can specify the output region when you submit a transcoding job in the OSS object transcoding process. |
Template | Transcoding template | A custom template contains a set of transcoding parameters, such as the audio, video, and container parameters. Each custom template is identified by a unique ID. |
Preset template | Preset transcoding template | A preset template is a built-in intelligent transcoding template of ApsaraVideo Media Processing. The template can dynamically adjust transcoding settings based on the features of the input file to provide you with the optimal output under certain bandwidth conditions. Whether a preset template is applicable to an input file depends on the resolution, bitrate, and other properties of the input file. Before you use a preset template for an input file, you must call the SubmitAnalysisJob operation to trigger template analysis and call the QueryAnalysisJobList operation to obtain a list of preset templates applicable to the input file. For more information about the preset templates available to ApsaraVideo Media Processing, see the appendix. |
Watermark template | Watermark template | The properties of a watermark include a variable indicating the watermark content and a set of virtually unchanged parameters, such as the watermark position, offset, and size parameters. These virtually unchanged parameters constitute a watermark template with a unique ID. |
Job | Transcoding job | A transcoding job consists of an input and an output. The job is added to a pipeline and waits to be scheduled by the scheduling engine to the transcoding system. |
Analysis job | Analysis job | A preset template analysis job consists of an input file and analysis settings. It is run to obtain applicable preset templates. |
Snapshot job | Snapshot job | A snapshot job consists of an input file and snapshot settings. It is run to obtain snapshots of the input file based on snapshot settings. |
Media information analysis job | Media information analysis job | A media information analysis job is run to obtain the media information of an input file. |
Pipeline | Job pipeline | A transcoding job must be added to a pipeline so that ApsaraVideo Media Processing can schedule the job to the transcoding system. When a pipeline contains too many jobs, the jobs are queued up. A pipeline can be in active or suspended state. If a pipeline is suspended, ApsaraVideo Media Processing will not schedule transcoding jobs in this pipeline any more unless it is activated again. However, ongoing transcoding jobs are not affected. |
Media repository | Media repository | The media repository is the storage area of all media files. |
Media | Media resource | The media resource is the minimum management unit of the media repository. A media resource contains an input (a multimedia file that uses a combination of video or audio contents) and all relevant outputs (such as the transcoded file and snapshots). Each media resource is uniquely specified by MediaId and has a one-to-one mapping with the corresponding input file. |
Media workflow | Media workflow | A media workflow is a factory that processes media. A media workflow receives a multimedia file from the input media bucket, transcodes the file, and saves the transcoded file to the output media bucket. Each media workflow is uniquely identified by MediaWorkflowId. |
Activity | Media workflow activity | Multiple media workflow activities constitute a media workflow. A media workflow is actually a directed acyclic graph (DAG). Each node in the DAG is called an activity, which may be transcoding, snapshot taking, or metadata acquisition. Each activity in a media workflow has a unique name. |
Media workflow execution | Media workflow execution instance | An instance is generated for each execution of a media workflow. Each instance is uniquely identified by RunId. |
Media bucket | Media bucket | The media repository is associated with multiple media buckets, and all media files are stored in media buckets. Media buckets include input and output media buckets. They are independent OSS buckets and do not overlap each other. |
Input media bucket | Input media bucket | After a multimedia file is added to the input media bucket, the file is automatically added to the media repository. If the file matches the input conditions of a media workflow, the media workflow is automatically run. |
Output media bucket | Output media bucket | The output media bucket stores the output files of a media workflow. |