Complete sample code;
import com.aliyun.mps.sdk.utils.InitClient;
import com.aliyuncs.DefaultAcsClient;
import com.aliyuncs.exceptions.ClientException;
import com.aliyuncs.mts.model.v20140618.SubmitJobsRequest;
import com.aliyuncs.mts.model.v20140618.SubmitJobsResponse;
* ***** Usage notes ******
* This sample code provides examples on how to set opening and ending scenes during video merging in multiple scenarios.
* ***** Methods ******
* mergrUrlListJob: merges multiple video clips in sequence.
* mergrConfigFileJob: merges video clips by using the Object Storage Service (OSS) path of a configuration file.
* openAndTailJob: embeds opening parts at the beginning of the input video or adds ending parts to the end of the input video.
* For more information about parameters, see "Parameter details" at
public class MergeTransCodeJobs {
/** The ID of the ApsaraVideo Media Processing (MPS) queue. To view the ID of an MPS queue, log on to the MPS console and choose Global Settings > MPS Queue and Callback in the left-side navigation pane. */
private static String pipelineId = "bee7a5b9*********a0cbf";
/** The ID of the template. For more information about preset templates, see "Preset template details" at */
private static String templateId = "S00000001-200010";
public static void main(String[] args) throws ClientException {
// Initialize the client.
DefaultAcsClient client = InitClient.initMpsClient();
SubmitJobsResponse response;
try {
response = mergrUrlListJob(client);
System.out.println("RequestId is:" + response.getRequestId());
System.out.println("JobId is:" + JSON.toJSON(response.getJobResultList().get(0).getJob().getJobId()));
} catch (Exception e) {
* Merge multiple video clips in sequence and set opening and ending scenes.
* @param client
* @return
* @throws Exception
public static SubmitJobsResponse mergrUrlListJob(DefaultAcsClient client) throws Exception {
SubmitJobsRequest request = new SubmitJobsRequest();
// Construct output parameters.
JSONArray outputs = new JSONArray();
// Configure a job input. Make sure that the media file used as the job input resides in the same region as the client.
JSONObject input = new JSONObject();
input.put("Bucket", "<your bucket name>");
input.put("Location", "oss-cn-beijing");
// Configure a job output.
JSONObject output = new JSONObject();
try {
input.put("Object", URLEncoder.encode("mps-test/demo/test.mp4", "utf-8"));
String outPutObject = URLEncoder.encode("mps-test/demo/merge-out.mp4", "utf-8");
output.put("OutputObject", outPutObject);
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("input URL encode failed");
output.put("TemplateId", templateId);
// Construct data for video clipping.
JSONObject clip = new JSONObject();
// Cut the video from 1.000s to 5.030s.
clip.put("TimeSpan", "{\"Seek\":\"00:00:01.000\",\"Duration\":\"5.30\"}");
// Cut the video from 1.000s to 5.030s that remains from the end of the video.
//clip.put("TimeSpan", "{\"Seek\":\"00:00:01.000\",\"End\":\"5.30\"}");
// true: The video clips are merged for a transcoding job after editing.
clip.put("ConfigToClipFirstPart", true);
// Construct data for video merging.
JSONArray mergeList = new JSONArray();
JSONObject merge = new JSONObject();
merge.put("MergeURL", "" + URLEncoder.encode("mps-test/demo/test2mp4", "utf-8"));
merge.put("Start", "00:00:03.000");
merge.put("Duration", "00:00:13.000");
output.put("Clip", clip);
output.put("MergeList", mergeList);
// The OSS bucket that stores the output file.
request.setOutputBucket("<your bucket name>");
// The region in which the output OSS bucket resides. Specify the region in the oss-cn-**** format. Example: oss-cn-beijing.
// PipelineId
return client.getAcsResponse(request);
* Merge video clips by using the OSS path of a configuration file and set opening and ending scenes.
* @param client
* @return
* @throws Exception
public static SubmitJobsResponse mergrConfigFileJob(DefaultAcsClient client) throws Exception {
SubmitJobsRequest request = new SubmitJobsRequest();
// Construct output parameters.
JSONArray outputs = new JSONArray();
// Configure a job input. Make sure that the media file used as the job input resides in the same region as the client.
JSONObject input = new JSONObject();
input.put("Bucket", "<your bucket name>");
input.put("Location", "oss-cn-beijing");
// Configure a job output.
JSONObject output = new JSONObject();
try {
input.put("Object", URLEncoder.encode("mps-test/demo/test.mp4", "utf-8"));
String outPutObject = URLEncoder.encode("mps-test/demo/merge-out.mp4", "utf-8");
output.put("OutputObject", outPutObject);
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("input URL encode failed");
output.put("TemplateId", templateId);
// Construct data for video clipping.
JSONObject clip = new JSONObject();
// Cut the video from 1.000s to 5.030s.
//clip.put("TimeSpan", "{\"Seek\":\"00:00:01.000\",\"Duration\":\"5.30\"}");
// Cut the video from 1.000s to 5.030s that remains from the end of the video.
clip.put("TimeSpan", "{\"Seek\":\"00:00:01.000\",\"End\":\"5.30\"}");
// true: The video clips are merged for a transcoding job after editing.
clip.put("ConfigToClipFirstPart", true);
output.put("Clip", clip);
// The OSS path of the configuration file must be an HTTP URL.
output.put("MergeConfigUrl", "");
// The OSS bucket that stores the output file.
request.setOutputBucket("<your bucket name>");
// The region in which the output OSS bucket resides. Specify the region in the oss-cn-**** format. Example: oss-cn-beijing.
// PipelineId
return client.getAcsResponse(request);
* Embed opening parts at the beginning of the input video as the opening scene and add ending parts to the end of the input video as the ending scene.
* @param client
* @return
* @throws Exception
public static SubmitJobsResponse openAndTailJob(DefaultAcsClient client) throws Exception {
SubmitJobsRequest request = new SubmitJobsRequest();
// Construct output parameters.
JSONArray outputs = new JSONArray();
// Configure a job input. Make sure that the media file used as the job input resides in the same region as the client.
JSONObject input = new JSONObject();
input.put("Location", "oss-cn-beijing");
input.put("Bucket", "<your bucket name>");
// Configure a job output.
JSONObject output = new JSONObject();
try {
input.put("Object", URLEncoder.encode("mps-test/demo/test.mp4", "utf-8"));
String outPutObject = URLEncoder.encode("mps-test/demo/test-open-tail.mp4", "utf-8");
output.put("OutputObject", outPutObject);
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("input URL encode failed");
output.put("TemplateId", templateId);
JSONArray openingList = new JSONArray();
JSONObject opening = new JSONObject();
opening.put("OpenUrl", "" + URLEncoder.encode("mps-test/demo/open.mp4", "utf-8"));
opening.put("Start", "3");
opening.put("Width", "680");
opening.put("Height", "480");
JSONArray tailSlateList = new JSONArray();
JSONObject tailSlate = new JSONObject();
tailSlate.put("TailUrl", "" + URLEncoder.encode("mps-test/demo/tail.mp4", "utf-8"));
tailSlate.put("BlendDuration", "2");
tailSlate.put("Width", "680");
tailSlate.put("Height", "480");
tailSlate.put("IsMergeAudio", true);
tailSlate.put("BgColor", "White");
output.put("OpeningList", openingList);
output.put("TailSlateList", tailSlateList);
// The OSS bucket that stores the output file.
request.setOutputBucket("<your bucket name>");
// The region in which the output OSS bucket resides. Specify the region in the oss-cn-**** format. Example: oss-cn-beijing.
// PipelineId
return client.getAcsResponse(request);