This topic describes data types.
Property parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Format | AliyunFormatInfo | The format information. |
Streams | AliyunStreamsInfo | The stream information. |
Format information parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
NumStreams | String | The total number of media streams. |
NumPrograms | String | The total number of program streams. |
FormatName | String | The short name of the container format. |
FormatLongName | String | The full name of the container format. |
StartTime | String | The start time. |
Duration | String | The total duration. |
Size | String | The size of the file. |
Bitrate | String | The total bitrate. |
Stream information parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
VideoStreamList | AliyunVideoStream[] | The list of video streams. |
AudioStreamList | AliyunAudioStream[] | The list of audio streams. |
SubtitleStreamList | AliyunSubtitleStream[] | The list of subtitle streams. |
Video stream information parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Index | String | The sequence number of the video stream. The value indicates the position of the video stream in all video streams. |
CodecName | String | The short name of the encoding format. |
CodecLongName | String | The full name of the encoding format. |
Profile | String | The codec profile. |
CodecTimeBase | String | The codec time base. |
CodecTagString | String | The tag string of the encoding format. |
CodecTag | String | The tag of the encoding format. |
Width | String | The former number in the video resolution. The number indicates the video width. |
Height | String | The latter number in the video resolution. The number indicates the video height. |
HasBFrames | String | Specifies whether the video stream contains bidirectional frames (B-frames). |
Sar | String | The sample aspect ratio (SAR). |
Dar | String | The display aspect ratio (DAR). |
PixFmt | String | The pixel format. |
Level | String | The codec level. |
Fps | String | The frame rate, which is a number. |
AvgFPS | String | The average frame rate. |
Timebase | String | The time base. |
StartTime | String | The start time. |
Duration | String | The duration. |
Bitrate | String | The bitrate. |
NumFrames | String | The total number of frames. |
Lang | String | The language. For more information, see FFmpeg documentation and ISO-639. |
Rotate | String | The video rotation angle. |
Audio stream information parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Index | String | The sequence number of the audio stream. The value indicates the position of the audio stream in all audio streams. |
CodecName | String | The short name of the encoding format. |
CodecLongName | String | The full name of the encoding format. |
CodecTimeBase | String | The codec time base. |
CodecTagString | String | The tag string of the encoding format. |
CodecTag | String | The tag of the encoding format. |
SampleFmt | String | The sampling format. |
Samplerate | String | The sampling rate. |
Channels | String | The number of sound channels. |
ChannelLayout | String | The output layout of the sound channels. |
Timebase | String | The time base. |
StartTime | String | The start time. |
Duration | String | The duration. |
Bitrate | String | The bitrate. |
NumFrames | String | The total number of frames. |
Lang | String | The language. For more information, see FFmpeg documentation and ISO-639. |
Subtitle stream information parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Index | String | The sequence number of the subtitle stream. The value indicates the position of the subtitle stream in all subtitle streams. |
Lang | String | The language. For more information, see FFmpeg documentation and ISO-639. |
Transcoding template parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Id | String | The ID of the transcoding template. |
Name | String | The name of the template. |
Container | AliyunContainer | The container configuration. |
Audio | AliyunAudioCodec | The audio codec configuration. |
Video | AliyunVideoCodec | The video codec configuration. |
TransConfig | AliyunTransConfig | The general transcoding configuration. |
MuxConfig | AliyunMuxConfig | The transmuxing configuration. |
State | String | The status of the template. Valid values: Normal and Deleted. |
Container parameter
Parameter | Type | Description |
Format | String | The container format. Valid values: flv, mp4, ts, m3u8, gif, mp3, ogg, and flac. |
Audio codec parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Codec | String | The audio codec format.
Profile | String | The codec profile of the audio file. Valid values when the Codec parameter is set to aac: aac_low, aac_he, aac_he_v2, aac_ld, and aac_eld. |
Samplerate | String | The sampling rate.
Bitrate | String | The audio bitrate of the output file.
Channels | String | The number of sound channels.
Video codec parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Codec | String | The video codec format.
Profile | String | The codec profile. Valid values: baseline, main, and high.
Bitrate | String | The average bitrate of the video.
Crf | String | The constant rate factor, which is the default quality control setting.
Width | String | The width.
Height | String | The height.
Fps | String | The frame rate.
Gop | String | The maximum number of frames between two keyframes.
Preset | String | The preset video algorithm.
ScanMode | String | The scan mode. Valid values: interlaced and progressive. |
Bufsize | String | The size of the buffer.
Maxrate | String | The maximum video bitrate.
BitrateBnd | AliyunBitrateBnd | The average bitrate range of the video. |
PixFmt | String | The pixel format for video color encoding. Valid values: standard pixel formats such as yuv420p and yuvj420p. |
General transcoding parameter
Parameter | Type | Description |
TransMode | String | The transcoding mode.
Average bitrate range parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
Max | String | The upper limit of the total bitrate.
Min | String | The lower limit of the total bitrate.
Parameter | Type | Description |
Bucket | String | The name of the OSS bucket. The value must be 3 to 63 bytes in size. |
Location | String | The ID of the OSS region. The value can be up to 64 bytes in size. |
Object | String | The name of the OSS object. The value can be up to 1,024 bytes in size. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
JobId | String | The ID of the job. |
Input | AliyunJobInput | The information about the job input. |
Output | AliyunOutput | The information about the job output. |
State | String | The status of the job.
Code | String | The error code returned when the transcoding job fails. |
Message | String | The error message returned when the transcoding job fails. |
Percent | String | The transcoding progress. Valid values: [0,100]. |
UserData | String | The custom data. |
PipelineId | String | The ID of the pipeline. |
CreationTime | String | The time when the job was created. |
MNSMessageResult | AliyunMNSMessageResult | The message sent by Message Service (MNS) to notify the user of the job result. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
Bucket | String | The name of the OSS bucket of the job input. The value must be 3 to 63 bytes in size. |
Location | String | The ID of the OSS region of the job input. The value can be up to 64 bytes in size. |
Object | String | The name of the OSS object of the job input. The value can be up to 1,024 bytes in size. |
Audio | AliyunInputAudio | The audio configuration of the input media file. |
Container | AliyunInputContainer | The container configuration of the input media file. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
Format | String | The audio format of the input media file.
Parameter | Type | Description |
Channels | String | The number of sound channels of the input media file. Valid values: [1,8]. |
Samplerate | String | The audio sampling rate of the input media file.
Parameter | Type | Description |
OutputFile | AliyunOSSFile | The information about the output file. |
TemplateId | String | The ID of the template. |
WaterMarkList | AliyunWaterMark[ ] | The list of watermarks. |
Clip | AliyunClip | The information about the media clip. |
Rotate | String | The video rotation angle. Valid values: [0,360). |
Properties | AliyunProperties | The media properties. |
Priority | String | The priority of the job in the corresponding pipeline.
Container | AliyunContainer | The container configuration. If this parameter is specified, the parameter setting of the AliyunContainer parameter for the template specified by the TemplateId parameter is replaced by this parameter setting. |
Video | AliyunVideoCodec | The video codec configuration. If this parameter is specified, the parameter setting of the AliyunVideoCodec parameter for the template specified by the TemplateId parameter is replaced by this parameter setting. |
Audio | AliyunAudioCodec | The audio codec configuration. If this parameter is specified, the parameter setting of the AliyunAudioCodec parameter for the template specified by the TemplateId parameter is replaced by this parameter setting. |
TransConfig | AliyunTransConfig | The general transcoding configuration. If this parameter is specified, the parameter setting of the AliyunTransConfig parameter for the template specified by the TemplateId parameter is replaced by this parameter setting. |
MuxConfig | AliyunMuxConfig | The transmuxing configuration. If this parameter is specified, the parameter setting of the AliyunMuxConfig parameter for the template specified by the TemplateId parameter is replaced by this parameter setting. |
UserData | String | The custom data. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
TimeSpan | AliyunTimeSpan | The time span of the clip. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
Seek | String | The start time. |
Duration | String | The length of the clip. |
End | String | The length of the ending part to cut off.
Parameter | Type | Description |
Segment | AliyunSegment | The segment configuration. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
Duration | String | The length of the segment.
Parameter | Type | Description |
Success | String | Indicates whether the job was successfully submitted. Valid values: true and false. |
Code | String | The error code returned when the job fails to be created. |
Message | String | The error message returned when the job fails to be created. |
Job | AliyunJob | The information about the job. If the job fails to be submitted, no job ID is generated. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
InputFile | AliyunOSSFile | The watermark input file. |
WaterMarkTemplateId | String | The ID of the watermark template. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
Id | String | The ID of the watermark template. |
Name | String | The name of the watermark template. |
Width | Number | The width.
Height | Number | The height.
Dx | Number | The horizontal offset.
Dy | Number | The vertical offset.
ReferPos | String | The position of the watermark.
Type | String | The type of the watermark. Valid values: Image and Text. Note Set the value to Image. |
State | String | The status of the watermark template. Valid values: Normal and Deleted. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
Id | String | The ID of the pipeline. |
Name | String | The name of the pipeline. |
Speed | String | The type of the pipeline.
State | String | The status of the pipeline. Valid values: Active and Paused.
NotifyConfig | String | The MNS notification configuration. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
Id | String | The ID of the metadata analysis job. |
Input | AliyunOSSFile | The information about the job input. |
State | String | The status of the job. Valid values: Analyzing, Success, and Fail. |
Code | String | The error code returned when the metadata analysis job fails. |
Message | String | The error message returned when the metadata analysis job fails. |
Properties | AliyunProperties | The media properties. |
UserData | String | The custom data. |
CreationTime | String | The time when the job was created. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
Id | String | The ID of the template analysis job. |
Input | AliyunOSSFile | The information about the job input. |
AnalysisConfig | AliyunAnalysisConfig | The job configuration. |
TemplateList | AliyunTemplate[ ] | The list of matched preset templates. |
State | String | The status of the job. Valid values: Submitted, Analyzing, Success, and Fail. |
Code | String | The error code returned when the template analysis job fails. |
Message | String | The error message returned when the template analysis job fails. |
Percent | String | The transcoding progress. Valid values: [0,100]. |
Priority | String | The priority of the job in the corresponding pipeline.
UserData | String | The custom data. |
PipelineId | String | The ID of the pipeline. |
CreationTime | String | The time when the job was created. |
MNSMessageResult | AliyunMNSMessageResult | The message sent by MNS to notify the user of the job result. |
Snapshot job parametersParameter | Type | Description |
Id | String | The ID of the snapshot job. |
Input | AliyunOSSFile | The information about the job input. |
SnapshotConfig | AliyunSnapshotConfig | The snapshot configuration. |
Count | String | The number of snapshots that were taken. |
State | String | The status of the snapshot job. Valid values: Snapshoting, Success, and Fail. |
Code | String | The error code returned when the snapshot job fails. |
Message | String | The error message returned when the snapshot job fails. |
UserData | String | The custom data. |
MNSMessageResult | AliyunMNSMessageResult | The message sent by MNS to notify the user of the job result. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
OutputFile | String | The OSS output file of the snapshot job. |
TileOutputFile | String | The OSS output file of the tiling job. |
Time | String | The start time for taking snapshots. Unit: milliseconds. |
Interval | String | The interval for taking snapshots.
Num | String | The number of snapshots to take. If this parameter is specified, snapshots are taken at intervals. |
Width | String | The width of the output snapshot. Valid values: [8,4096]. |
Height | String | The height of the output snapshot. Valid values: [8,4096]. |
FrameType | String | The type of the snapshot. Valid values:
Default value: normal. |
TileOut | String | The tiling configuration. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
Code | String | The error code returned when the job fails. |
Message | String | The error message returned when the job fails. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
ErrorCode | String | The error code returned when the job fails. |
ErrorMessage | String | The error message returned when the job fails. |
MessageId | String | The ID of the success message. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
Name | String | The name of the workflow activity. Note The name of an activity in a media workflow is unique. |
Type | String | The type of the media workflow activity. Valid values: Start, Snapshot, Transcode, Analysis, and Report. |
JobId | String | The job ID, such as the analysis job ID, transcoding job ID, or snapshot job ID, generated when the activity is executed. |
State | String | The status of the activity. Valid values: Running, Success, Fail, and Skipped.
StartTime | String | The start time of the activity. |
EndTime | String | The end time of the activity. |
Code | String | The error code returned when the activity fails. The specific error code appears if the activity status is Fail. |
Message | String | The error message returned when the activity fails. The detailed error message appears if the activity status is Fail. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
MediaWorkflowId | String | The ID of the media workflow. |
Name | String | The name of the media workflow. |
Topology | String | The topology of the media workflow. |
State | String | The status of the media workflow. Valid values: Inactive, Active, and Deleted. |
CreationTime | String | The time when the media workflow was created. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
Bucket | String | The name of the OSS bucket. |
Location | String | The ID of the OSS region. |
Object | String | The name of the OSS object. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
InputFile | InputFile | The input file of the media workflow. |
UserData | String | The custom data. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
RunId | String | The ID of the execution instance. |
Input | MediaWorkflowExecutionInput | The input file of the media workflow. |
MediaWorkflowId | String | The ID of the media workflow. |
Name | String | The name of the media workflow. |
MediaId | String | The ID of the media file. This media file ID is associated with all information generated by the media workflow. |
ActivityList | Activity | The list of activities that are executed in the media workflow. |
State | String | The status of the execution instance.
CreationTime | String | The time when the execution instance was created. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
Format | FormatInfo | The format information. |
Streams | StreamsInfo | The stream information. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
NumStreams | String | The total number of media streams. |
NumPrograms | String | The total number of program streams. |
FormatName | String | The short name of the container format. |
FormatLongName | String | The full name of the container format. |
StartTime | String | The start time. |
Duration | String | The total duration. |
Size | String | The size of the file. |
Bitrate | String | The total bitrate. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
VideoStreamList | VideoStream[] | The list of video streams. The list contains a maximum of four items. |
AudioStreamList | AudioStream[] | The list of audio streams. The list contains a maximum of four items. |
SubtitleStreamList | SubtitleStream[] | The list of subtitle streams. The list contains a maximum of four items. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
Index | String | The sequence number of the video stream. The value indicates the position of the video stream in all video streams. |
CodecName | String | The short name of the encoding format. |
CodecLongName | String | The full name of the encoding format. |
Profile | String | The codec profile. |
CodecTimeBase | String | The codec time base. |
CodecTagString | String | The tag string of the encoding format. |
CodecTag | String | The tag of the encoding format. |
Width | String | The former number in the video resolution. The number indicates the video width. |
Height | String | The latter number in the video resolution. The number indicates the video height. |
HasBFrames | String | Specifies whether the video stream contains B-frames. |
Sar | String | The SAR. |
Dar | String | The DAR. |
PixFmt | String | The pixel format. |
Level | String | The codec level. |
Fps | String | The frame rate of the output file. |
AvgFPS | String | The average frame rate. |
Timebase | String | The time base. |
StartTime | String | The start time. |
Duration | String | The duration. |
NumFrames | String | The total number of frames. |
Lang | String | The language. |
NetworkCost | NetworkCost | The network bandwidth consumption. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
PreloadTime | String | The amount of preload time. |
CostBandwidth | String | The maximum bandwidth that was consumed. |
AvgBitrate | String | The average bitrate. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
Index | String | The sequence number of the audio stream. The value indicates the position of the audio stream in all audio streams. |
CodecName | String | The short name of the encoding format. |
CodecLongName | String | The full name of the encoding format. |
CodecTimeBase | String | The codec time base. |
CodecTagString | String | The tag string of the encoding format. |
CodecTag | String | The tag of the encoding format. |
SampleFmt | String | The sampling format. |
Samplerate | String | The sampling rate. |
Channels | String | The number of sound channels. |
ChannelLayout | String | The output layout of the sound channels. |
Timebase | String | The time base. |
StartTime | String | The start time. |
Duration | String | The duration. |
Bitrate | String | The bitrate. |
NumFrames | String | The total number of frames. |
Lang | String | The language. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
Index | String | The sequence number of the subtitle stream. The value indicates the position of the subtitle stream in all subtitle streams. |
Lang | String | The language. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
MediaId | String | The ID of the media file. |
File | File | The input file. |
Title | String | The title of the media file. |
Description | String | The description of the media file. |
CateId | String | The ID of the category to which the media file belongs. |
CateName | String | The name of the category. |
Tags | String[] | The tags of the media file. |
RiskFactor | String | The risk factor.
CoverURL | String | The URL of the thumbnail. |
PublishState | String | The publishing status of the media file. Valid values:
RunIdList | String[] | The list of media workflow execution instances. |
CreationTime | String | The time when the media file was created. |
Duration | String | The duration. |
Format | String | The format. |
Size | String | The size. |
Bitrate | String | The bitrate. |
Fps | String | The frame rate. |
Width | String | The width. |
Height | String | The height. |
PlayList | Play[] | The playlist. |
SnapshotList | Snapshot[] | The snapshot list. |
MediaInfo | MediaInfo | The media information. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
CateId | String | The ID of the category. |
ParentId | String | The ID of the parent category. The value for the top-level category is -1. |
CateName | String | The name of the category. |
Level | String | The level of the category. The value for the top-level category is 0. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
URL | String | The URL of the file. |
State | String | The status of the file. Valid values: Normal and Deleted. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
MediaWorkflowId | String | The ID of the workflow that generates the playback file. |
MediaWorkflowName | String | The name of the workflow that generates the playback file. |
ActivityName | String | The name of the workflow activity. |
Duration | String | The duration. |
Format | String | The format. |
Size | String | The size. |
Bitrate | String | The bitrate. |
Fps | String | The frame rate. |
Width | String | The width. |
Height | String | The height. |
File | File | The playback file. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
MediaWorkflowId | String | The ID of the workflow that generates the snapshot. |
MediaWorkflowName | String | The name of the workflow that generates the snapshot. |
ActivityName | String | The name of the workflow activity that generates the snapshot. |
File | File | The snapshot. |
Type | String | The type of the snapshot. Valid values: Single and Sequence. |
Count | Number | The number of snapshots. This parameter is valid only when the Type parameter is set to Sequence. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
Bucket | String | The name of the media bucket. |
Type | String | The type of the media bucket. Valid values: Input and Output. |