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ApsaraDB for MongoDB:View the progress of adding or removing shard nodes

Last Updated:Nov 07, 2023

This topic describes how to view the progress of a task that is initiated to add or remove shard nodes and how to check whether the task is blocked by exceptions.

Background information

If you initiate a task to add shard nodes to a sharded cluster instance or remove shard nodes from the instance, the task may still be in progress for a long time after the task is submitted. The following steps describe how to troubleshoot this issue.

Before you initiate such a task, you must familiarize yourself with the following items:

  • The deployment modes of ApsaraDB for MongoDB replica set instances and sharded cluster instances, and the differences between the replica set and shard cluster architectures. For more information, see Replica set instances and Sharded cluster instances.

  • The basic working principle of the ApsaraDB for MongoDB balancer. For more information, see Manage the ApsaraDB for MongoDB balancer.

  • The data distribution mode of ApsaraDB for MongoDB instances. The instance data is distributed across chunks.

  • The common O&M commands of ApsaraDB for MongoDB sharded cluster instances, such as sh.status().

  • The basic usage of visualization tools, such as mongo shell and mongosh.

Check the task progress

Step 1: Check whether the balancer is enabled

For a task initiated to add or remove shard nodes, the data chunks are migrated only after the balancer is enabled. If the balancer is disabled, the following issues occur:

  • When shard nodes are being added, the data chunks cannot be migrated to the new shard nodes. As a result, the new shard nodes cannot handle business traffic.

  • When shard nodes are being removed, the data of the nodes that you want to remove cannot be migrated. In this case, the task for removing the nodes is blocked.

You must enable the balancer to ensure that data chunks can be migrated as expected. For more information, see Manage the ApsaraDB for MongoDB balancer.

You can use one of the following methods to confirm whether the balancer is enabled:

  • Method 1: Run the sh.status() command

    The following example shows an output returned for the sh.status() command with the balancer enabled:

            Currently enabled: yes
            Currently enabled:  yes
            Currently running:  yes
                    Balancer active window is set between 08:30 and 11:30 server local time

    If “Currently enabled: no” is displayed in the output, the balancer is disabled.

  • Method 2: Run the sh.getBalancerState() command

    • If true is returned for the command, the balancer is enabled.

    • If false is returned for the command, the balancer is disabled.

Step 2: Check whether the time window of the balancer spans a short duration

The balancer manages the speed of migrating data chunks. The balancer migrates data chunks only within a specified time window. If data chunks are not completely migrated within the specified time window, the data migration task continues in the next time window until the migration is completed. If the time window spans a short duration, the progress of the task for adding or removing shard nodes is delayed. For more information about how to modify the time window of the balancer, see Manage the ApsaraDB for MongoDB balancer.

You can use one of the following methods to check the time window of the balancer:

  • Method 1: Run the sh.status() command

    The following example shows an output returned for the command. In this example, the time window of the balancer is from 08:30 to 11:30 (local time) and is three hours in total.

            Currently enabled: yes
            Currently enabled:  yes
            Currently running:  yes
                    Balancer active window is set between 08:30 and 11:30 server local time
  • Method 2: Run the sh.getBalancerWindow() command

    The following example shows an output returned for the command. If an instance has a large number of shards, this method can be used to display the time window more intuitively.

    { "start" : "08:30", "stop" : "11:30" }

Step 3: Obtain the information required to estimate the progress of a task

Before you evaluate a task, you must obtain the operational results of the balancer and the chunk information of a sharded table to be migrated. The operational results of the balancer include statistics on the number of chunks that are migrated and chunks that fail to be migrated.

You can use one of the following methods to obtain the preceding information:

  • Method 1: View the output returned for the sh.status() command

    In the output returned for the sh.status() command, you must focus on the recent operational results of the balancer and the chunk information of a sharded table to be migrated. The following example shows the recent operational results of the balancer:

            Collections with active migrations: 
                    <db>.<collection> started at Wed Sep 27 2023 10:25:21 GMT+0800 (CST)
            Failed balancer rounds in last 5 attempts:  0
            Migration Results for the last 24 hours: 
                    300 : Success

    The following example shows the chunk information of a sharded table to be migrated:

        {  "_id" : "<db>",  "primary" : "d-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx3",  "partitioned" : true,  "version" : {  "uuid" : UUID("3409a337-c370-4425-ad72-8b8c6b0abd52"),  "lastMod" : 1 } }
                            shard key: { "<shard_key>" : "hashed" }
                            unique: false
                            balancing: true
                                    d-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx1      13630
                                    d-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx2      13629
                                    d-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx3      13652
                                    d-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx4      13630
                                    d-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx5      3719
                            too many chunks to print, use verbose if you want to force print

    In the preceding example, d-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx5 indicates a shard node that is added. You can also run the getShardDistribution command on the database where a partitioned table is located to obtain information about the distribution of data chunks. Example:

    use <db>
  • Method 2: Directly read related information from the config database

    Query the statistics on chunks and then aggregate them by shard. Example:

    db.getSiblingDB("config").chunks.aggregate([{$group: {_id: "$shard", count: {$sum: 1}}}])

    Query the chunks on a specified shard and then aggregate them by namespace. Example:

    db.getSiblingDB("config").chunks.aggregate([{$match: {shard: "d-xxxxxxxxxxxxxx"}},{$group: {_id: "$ns", count: {$sum: 1}}}])

    Query the number of chunks that are migrated to a specified shard node within the previous day. Example:

    // Specify the field as the shard whose chunks you want to migrate.
    // Specify the time field as a time range of the ISODate type.
    db.getSiblingDB("config").changelog.find({"what" : "moveChunk.commit", "" : "d-xxxxxxxxxxxxx","time" : {"$gte": ISODate("2023-09-26T00:00:00")}}).count()

Step 4: Estimate the progress and completion time of the task

After you obtain the number of chunks that are migrated from a sharded table and the distribution of data in the current sharded table, you can estimate the overall progress and expected completion time of the task.

Assume that you want to add shard nodes. Before shard nodes are added, the total number of chunks remains unchanged. In addition, the number of shard nodes remains unchanged, which indicates that no tasks are initiated to add or remove shard nodes. When shard nodes are being added, the business workload remains constant, and parameters related to the balancer are set to their default values. The following information can be obtained from the preceding examples shown in Step 3:

  • Five shard nodes are added.

  • 300 chunks are migrated within a time window of the balancer.

  • 58,260 chunks are contained in the <db>.<collection> sharded table. The number of chunks is calculated based on the following formula: 13,630 + 13,629 + 13,652 + 13,630 + 3,719 = 58,260.

The following values can be calculated based on the preceding results:

  • When chunks are evenly distributed across shards, the number of chunks in each shard is 11,652 (58,260/5 = 11,652).

  • Based on the current migration speed, it takes another 26.4 days to complete the migration. The number of days is calculated based on the following formula: (11,652 - 3,719)/300 ≈ 26.4.

  • The process of the task for adding shard nodes is 32% (3,719/11,652 = 32%).


In actual scenarios, the total number of chunks increases as data is continuously written to the instance and as chunk splitting occurs. The preceding assumptions are ideal conditions. The actual time required to complete a task may be longer.

Step 5: Check whether the task is blocked when shard nodes are being removed

If the task initiated to remove shard nodes is blocked, the output returned for the sh.status() command does not contain a message indicating the successful migration of chunks in a previous period, and some chunks are not migrated from shard nodes to be removed. In this case, the task is not completed, and the O&M operations performed on your instance in the ApsaraDB for MongoDB console are affected.

The following example shows an output returned for the sh.status() command.


The preceding issue may be caused by jumbo chunks. This inhibits the progress of removing shard nodes. You can use the following command to confirm whether jumbo chunks exist.

db.getSiblingDB("config").chunks.aggregate([{$match: {shard: "d-xxxxxxxxxxxxxx", jumbo:true}},{$group: {_id: "$ns", count: {$sum: 1}}}])

In most cases, the occurrence of jumbo chunks can be attributed to factors such as an inappropriate or a poorly chosen shard key design, which may include the presence of hotkeys. You can use one of the following methods to troubleshoot the issue on the client:

  • If the major engine version of your ApsaraDB for MongoDB instance is 4.4, you can run the refineCollectionShardKey command to optimize the design of shard keys. To address issues related to jumbo chunks, you can add a suffix to the original shard key to increase the cardinality of the key.

  • If the major engine version of your ApsaraDB for MongoDB instance is 5.0 or later, you can run the reshardCollection command to reshard a specified sharded table based on a new shard key. For more information, see Reshard a Collection.

  • If you are sure that some data can be deleted, you can delete data from corresponding jumbo chunks. This reduces the size of jumbo chunks. After some data is deleted, jumbo chunks shrink to a normal chunk size and then are moved out by the balancer.

  • You can increase the value of the chunkSize parameter to change conditions of determining jumbo chunks. We recommend that you perform operations based on suggestions from Alibaba Cloud technical support.

If the preceding methods do not work, we recommend that you submit a ticket to contact technical support.

Accelerate the progress of a task initiated to add or remove shard nodes

If you want to expedite the overall process of adding or removing shard nodes, you can use one of the following methods:

  • Increase the time window of the balancer. However, chunk migrations can introduce additional load on the instance, which can impact the performance of your business operations. Therefore, we recommend that you evaluate risks before you modify the time window. For more information about how to modify the time window, see Manage the ApsaraDB for MongoDB balancer.

  • Perform moveChunk operations during off-peak hours. For more information, see sh.moveChunk(). Example:

    sh.moveChunk("<db>.<collection>", {"<shard_key>": <value>}, "d-xxxxxxxxxxxxx")
    // example:
    sh.moveChunk("records.people", { zipcode: "53187" }, "shard0019")
  • Submit a ticket to contact technical support to modify related kernel parameters.
