This topic describes the best practices for creating indexes in ApsaraDB for MongoDB, including analyzing index efficiency, optimizing index options, and creating efficient indexes for specific queries.
How create indexes
ApsaraDB for MongoDB supports multiple types of indexes. You must select an index type based on your scenario.
Use single-key indexes
If you perform only single-key queries in the use of ApsaraDB for MongoDB, we recommend that you create a single-key index.
Use compound indexes
If you perform single-key and multi-key queries in the use of ApsaraDB for MongoDB, we recommend that you create a compound index that supports a combination of up to 32 keys. For example, you can run the following command to create a compound index that contains the category and item fields.
db.products.createIndex( { "category": 1, "item": 1 } )
Use text indexes
A conventional index is used to match the value of a field. If you want only to match specific words in a field that contains a lot of text, you must use a text index for text matching. For more information about text indexes, see Text Indexes on Self-Managed Deployments.
Specify index collations
If you want to use indexes for string comparisons, you must specify the same collation for query operations. If you specify a different collation for the query operations, indexes that have collations do not support the string comparisons of index fields.
For example, a collection has the category "fr"
index on the myColl
field in the following string created based on a collation:
db.myColl.createIndex( { category: 1 }, { collation: { locale: "fr" } } )
You specify the same collation as the index to use the index for the following query operation:
db.myColl.find( { category: "cafe" } ).collation( { locale: "fr" } )
The following query operation that uses a "simple"
binary collation by default cannot use the index:
db.myColl.find( { category: "cafe" } )
For compound indexes whose index prefix keys are not a string, an array, or an embedded document, query operations for which you specify a different collation can still use the index to support the comparisons of index prefix keys. For more information about collations, see Collation Locales and Default Parameters.
Analyze indexes based on slow query logs
ApsaraDB for MongoDB optimizes indexes to reduce the number of scanned collections. Therefore, you must focus on the DocsExamined and KeysExamined metrics in slow query logs. For more information about how to view slow query logs, see View slow query logs.
DocsExamined: the number of documents scanned for a query request. A large metric value indicates that a large number of non-index entries need to be scanned. In this case, we recommend that you create an index for a field with a large number of scanned documents.
KeysExamined: the number of keys scanned in a specific index. If the metric value is large but the returned nreturned value is small, a large number of index keys are scanned to obtain the data that meets specified query conditions, which indicates that the index is inefficient. In this case, you must adjust the index or create another index.
The following index analysis logic applies:
Full-collection scan (keywords: COLLSCAN and DocsExamined)
COLLSCAN indicates a full-collection scan. After you perform an operation, such as query, update, or delete, you can find the COLLSCAN keyword when you view slow request logs. We recommend that you create indexes for the fields that you want to query.
The DocsExamined field indicates the number of documents scanned for a query request. A larger field value indicates higher CPU resources occupied by this request.
Inappropriate indexes (keywords: IXSCAN and keysExamined)
The keysExamined field indicates the number of index keys scanned for a request that uses an index. A larger field value indicates higher CPU resources occupied by this request.
If you create an index that is inappropriate or matches a large amount of data, the index cannot reduce CPU overheads or accelerate the execution of a request.
If you find the SORT keyword in slow query logs, you can use an index to optimize sorting performance. For more information, see The ESR (Equality, Sort, Range) Rule.
How optimize indexes
Use covered queries
Covered queries return results directly from indexes without accessing the source document, which is very efficient. To determine whether a query is a covered query, you can run the explain()
command. If the explain()
command returns the totalDocsExamined field whose value is 0, the query is covered by a specific index.
If the output of explain()
does not contain totalDocsExamined field, we recommend that you use the executionStats
or allPlansExecution
mode for queries. Example: explain("executionStats")
or explain("allPlansExecution")
When you try to implement a covered query, the_id field always returns by default. This is a common trap. You must explicitly exclude it from the query results or add it to the index.
ApsaraDB for MongoDB needs to access the fields of a shard key in a sharded cluster instance. Therefore, a covered query can be implemented only if the shard key is part of the index. In most cases, we recommend that you include the shard key as part of the index.
Remove redundant indexes
Indexes are resource-intensive. The indexes can consume RAM and disk resources even when compression is used in the WiredTiger storage engine of ApsaraDB for MongoDB. In addition, as fields are updated, the related indexes must also be maintained, which adds additional CPU and disk I/O loads. Therefore, we recommend that you carefully evaluate and delete indexes that you no longer need.
Recommend compound indexes
A compound query that contains multiple fields in different order is also a type of query. You need only to create an index. For example, you need only to retain the
{a:1, b:1}
or{b:1, a:1}
index.Redundant indexes can be caused by the inclusive relationship: For example, the following queries are used:
db.myCol.find({"b": 2, "c": 3})
db.myCol.find({"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3})
Query 2 contains the fields in Query 1. You can use only one index to meet the requirements of these two queries, and place the fields of the included query on the leftmost side. This way, the index is in the following order:
{b: 1. c: 1. a: 1}
.Redundant indexes caused by the combination of an unique index and other fields. For example, the following queries are used:
db.myCol.find({"a": 1, "b": 1})
db.myCol.find({"a": 1, "c": 1})
If the value of the a field is unique, it is useless to create an index for the fields except the a field in these two queries. You need only to create the
{a: 1}
Recommend non-equivalent indexes
Do not create a non-equivalent composite query index for some queries. Example:
db.myCol.find({"a": {$gte: 1} , "b": {$lte: 1}})
In this non-equivalent query that contains multiple fields, only the leftmost field can be indexed. This indicates that only the a field is indexed. You need only to create an index for the a field.
You can use a combination of equivalent and non-equivalent queries. Example:
db.myCol.find({"a": {$gte: 1} , "b": 1})
In this case, we recommend that you put the equivalent query on the left. This indicates that you must create the
{b: 1, a: 1}
Recommend $or-type query indexes
$or-type queries require you to create an index for each condition. Example:
db.myCol.find({$or: [{"a": 1, "b": 1}, {"c": 1, "d": 1}]})
You must create optimal indexes for the two conditions (f) in the $or queries, namely {a: 1, b: 1}
and {c: 1, d: 1}
, not {a: 1, b: 1, c: 1, d: 1}
Recommend sort query indexes
You need only to create an index for different sort queries that contains the same field. Example:
You need only to create the
{a: 1}
index.You can use a multi-field sort query. Example:
db.myCol.find({}).sort({"a":1, "b": -1})
{a: 1, b: 1}
index is invalid. However, the{a: 1, b: -1}
index is valid. Therefore, you must create the valid index.You can use a combination of equivalent, non-equivalent, and sort queries. Example:
db.myCol.find({"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": {$gte: 1}}).sort({"d": 1, "e": -1})
You can create an index whose fields are in the following order:
, namely{a: 1, b: 1, d: 1, e: -1, c: 1}
.You can use a combination of $or-type and sort queries. Example:
db.myCol.find({$or: [{"a": 1, "b": 1}, {"c": 1, "d": 1}]}).sort({"e": -1})
The query can be split into two subqueries:
db.myCol.find({"a": 1, "b": 1}).sort({"e":-1})
anddb.myCol.find({"c": 1, "d": 1}).sort({"e":-1})
. According to the rule of a combination of equivalent, non-equivalent, and sort queries, you must create the{a: 1, b: 1, e: -1}
and{c: 1, d: 1, e: -1}
Use a mapping to obtain only the required fields
If you only need some fields in a document, you can use a mapping to obtain only the required fields for better performance.
For example, if you only need the timestamp, title, author, and abstract fields in a query for the posts collection, you can run the following query command:
db.posts.find( {}, { timestamp : 1 , title : 1 , author : 1 , abstract : 1} ).sort( { timestamp : -1 } )
Use hint() to obtain a specific index
In most cases, the query optimizer chooses the best index for a particular operation. In special cases, you can also use the hint()
method to force ApsaraDB for MongoDB to use a specific index.
For example, you can use the hint()
method for performance testing or queries for which you must select a field. You can also use the method for queries for a field that is included in multiple indexes.
Use partial indexes
You can use partial indexes to reduce the size and performance overhead of indexes. That means that a created index contains only the fields that can be queried.
For example, a collection contains the a, b, c
fields. If the query condition that you specify contains only the a
field, you can create a partial index only for the a