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Alibaba Cloud Model Studio:Import data

Last Updated:Sep 05, 2024

This topic describes how to import unstructured data and structured data to Alibaba Cloud Model Studio.


Unstructured data


  • A category is created. You can also import data to the default category.

  1. Log on to the Alibaba Cloud Model Studio console.

  2. In the left-side navigation pane, click Data Management.

  3. Click the Unstructured Data tab.

  4. Select the category to which you want to import data.


  5. Click Import Data and the Import Data page appears.

  6. Select an import method.


    • Upload Local File: Select a local file to upload. The pdf, doc, or docx formats are supported. A single file can be up to 100 MB in size or contain up to 1,000 pages. You can upload up to 200 files and uploaded files are displayed below the section. Then, click Confirm. image

  7. Click Confirm. Then, the system automatically imports the files. The imported files are displayed in the category after a period of time. image

  8. After the data is imported, you can click Details in the Actions column to preview the parsed data.

Structured data

  1. Log on to the Alibaba Cloud Model Studio console.

  2. In the left-side navigation pane, click Data Management.

  3. Click the Structured Data tab.

  4. Configure a table.

    1. Click Create Table and the Create Table page appears.

    2. Enter a table name.

    3. Specify the schema of the table.

      Column Name is required and Description is optional.


      The table schema that you specify must be the same as the schema of the data table to be imported. Otherwise, the import fails. For example, if the data table to be imported has two columns, you must specify two corresponding column names. Click New Columns or Delete in the Actions column to add or delete columns.


    4. Click OK.

      You can view the data table in the Table Management pane.


  5. Import data.

    1. In the Table Management pane, click the table that you create.

    2. Click Import Data.

    3. Drag a file in Excel or CSV format to the section or click image to select a file to upload.

    4. After the file is uploaded, click Preview to preview it.

    5. Click Confirm.


What to do next

After you import the data, you can apply the data to a knowledge index. For more information, see Knowledge index.