mPaaS (Mobile PaaS) is a mobile development platform originated from AliPay App, providing cloud-to-end one-stop solution for mobile development, testing, maintenance, and operation. mPaaS can effectively lower technological barrier, reduce R&D cost, improve development efficiency and facilitate the enterprise to build a stable high-quality mobile App rapidly.
Dynamic and flexible client capabilities
As a developer, you can effectively improve development efficiency and create an ultimate App experience with the help of the following dynamic and flexible client capabilities:
3 development frameworks: Native development framework, Kylin HTML5 development framework, and Mini development framework.
20+ functional components, such as gateway service, event tracking analysis, user feedback, message push, offline package.
100+ UI controls, including AntUI and AntMobile.
Solid mobile middle office capability
This capability covers the entire lifecycle of the App, provides strong support to ensure a stable and efficient operation of the client, and to perform rapid change and innovation.
Future-oriented research and development: Mini program
Achieves one-development-and-multi-delivery and a smoother user experience. At the same time, Alipay capabilities are fully opened for quickly building new businesses and new ecosystems.
Component functions
To make the development more convenient, mPaaS encapsulates many high-performance components which cover every stage of mobile development. The components can either be used together with the framework to fast develop new Apps or be independently integrated into an existing App.
Operation flow
As a developer, you can use the functions of mPaaS through mPaaS console and mPaaS plugin. A complete process includes the following steps: