Conflict description
If you are using mPaaS along with the Alibaba SDKs, you may experience utdid conflicts. In such a case, please refer to the following solutions.
Remove the mPaaS utdid library and use the utdid provided by other Alibaba SDKs.
Confirm the version of the utdid SDK used by mPaaS so that you can select the same or a similarly reviewed version.
Get the
information for the utdid SDK used by mPaaS.''
Remove mPaaS utdid SDK.
AAR method
configurations { all*.exclude group:'', module: 'utdid-build' }
Portal & Bundle
mpaascomponents { excludeDependencies = [ "" ] }
Add the API package.
Baselines and lower
If you are using the utdid-related API, download the JAR package, and import (compile/implementation) to the project for compilation.
Baseline and later versions
No action is required.