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Mobile Platform as a Service:Manage simple push messages

Last Updated:Mar 24, 2022

The Simple push records tab page shows the relevant information of simple push messages created in the last 30 days., and you can query the historical messages. The list only displays the messages pushed through the console. For the messages pushed by calling simple push API, you can query the message details by device/user ID or custom message ID.

View push details

  1. Log in to the mPaaS console, select your app, and enter the Message Push Service > Message management > Simple push records page.

  2. In the search box displayed in the upper right corner, enter a complete device ID, user ID or customer message ID to search for the message. The message with the specified target ID and customer message ID will be displayed in the message list.


    You can only search for simple push messages created in the last 30 days.

    Messages are sorted in descending order by creation time by default. The information displayed in the list includes:

    • Customer message ID: It is customized by user or automatically generated by system.

    • Push time: It refers to the time when the message was pushed, accurate to seconds.

    • Push mode: It indicates that the message was pushed immediately upon creation or was pushed in schedule.

    • Push dimension: It indicates that the message was pushed by user, Android device or iOS device.

    • Target ID: user ID or device ID.

    • Message title: the title of a message.

    • Creation time: The time when the message was successfully created, accurate to seconds.

    • Push status: Shows the push status of a message. To learn the status codes and corresponding description, see Message push status codes.

  3. To view the push details of a message, click the Expand button (+) of the target message on the list.

    Then the following information appears:

    • Message ID: It refers to the unique identifier of a message automatically generated by MPS.

    • Offline retention period: It refers to the time when a message expires. If a message has not been sent successfully, MPS will resend it after the device is connected or a user binding request is initiated. However, if the message expires, MPS will not resend it.

    • Display type: Shows that the message is a plain text message, a big text message or a rich text message.

    • Extension parameters: Shows the extension parameters added during message creation.

    • Message content: message body.

Revoke messages

It is supported to revoke the messages that have been pushed in past 7 days. For more information, see Message revocation.

Silent messages will be immediately withdrawn once you revoke them, and the client-side users have no sense about that. For non-silent messages, stop pushing the ones not arriving user devices, and cancel presenting the ones that have arrived the user devices but not appeared.


The messages with "Failed" push status cannot be revoked.