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Mobile Platform as a Service:Client license specification

Last Updated:Jul 11, 2024

mPaaS V10.1.68.10 or later for Android and mPaaS V10.1.68.13 or later for iOS require Alibaba Cloud accounts to complete validity verification. mPaaS is no more available for Alibaba Cloud accounts that fail the validity verification. To continue to use mPaaS capabilities without interruption, perform the following steps to ensure that you can pass the identity verification.

  1. Make sure that mPaaS is activated.

  2. Download the configuration file again from the mPaaS Console. Make sure the downloaded .config file contains the following four properties:

    • mpaasConfigVersion

    • mpaasConfigEnv

    • mpaasConfigPluginExpired

    • mpaasConfigLicense

  3. Import the newly downloaded configuration file to the project.

    • If your project is an Android project, upgrade to 2.8.4 or later and use the Android Studio mPaaS plug-in to re-import the .config file.

    • If your project is an iOS project, re-import the .config file to the project.

  • Make sure that the value of the packageName parameter in your Android project or the bundleId parameter in your iOS project is the same as that of the packageName or bundleId parameter in the .config file.

  • The .config file is automatically generated in the mPaaS console. Do not modify the content of the .config file. If you need to modify the content of the .config file for special reasons, please search for the group number 31591197 with DingTalk to join DingTalk group for further communication.