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ApsaraDB for Memcache:Supported protocols and commands

Last Updated:Aug 08, 2023

Any client that is compatible with the Memcached protocol can access ApsaraDB for Memcache services. You can use any Memcached client supporting SASL and Memcached Binary Protocol based on your application features.


  • Memcached Binary Protocol

  • SASL authentication protocol


ApsaraDB for Memcache supports the following commands for operations.

Operation code Operation command Remarks
0x00 Get -
0x01 Set -
0x02 Add -
0x03 Replace -
0x04 Delete -
0x05 Increment -
0x06 Decrement -
0x07 Quit -
0x08 Flush The time accuracy of Memcache is at the second level.
0x09 GetQ -
0x0a No-op -
0x0b Version
0x0c GetK -
0x0d GetKQ -
0x0e Append -
0x0f Prepend -
0x10 Stat Not supported
0x11 SetQ -
0x12 AddQ -
0x13 ReplaceQ -
0x14 DeleteQ -
0x15 IncrementQ -
0x16 DecrementQ -
0x17 QuitQ -
0x18 FlushQ -
0x19 AppendQ -
0x1a PrependQ -
0x1b Verbosity Not supported
0x1c Touch -
0x1d GAT -
0x1e GATQ -
0x20 SASL list mechs -
0x21 SASL Auth -
0x22 SASL Step -

Commands supported by text protocol

  • get
  • gets
  • set
  • add
  • replace
  • append
  • prepend
  • cas
  • delete
  • quit
  • incr
  • decr
  • touch
  • flush_all
  • version