Obtains the operational log of jobs based on a specified instance ID. The log includes the URL of Logview. You can view the log details of jobs in Logview.
Note You can open the Logview only for the instances that are created in the last three
days. For instances that have been created for more than three days, you can only
obtain their Logview URLs but cannot open them.
wait <instance_id>;
instance_id: the ID of an instance. Each instance ID is unique.
-- Query the operational log of jobs for the instance whose ID is 20170925161122379gxxxxxx.
wait 20170925161122379gxxxxxx;
The following result is returned: ID = 20170925161122379g3xxxxxx
Log view:
Job Queueing...
resource cost: cpu 0.05 Core * Min, memory 0.05 GB * Min
alian.bank_data: 41187 (588232 bytes)
alian.result_table: 8 (640 bytes)
Job run time: 2.000
Job run mode: service job
Job run engine: execution engine
instance count: 1
run time: 1.000
instance time:
min: 1.000, max: 1.000, avg: 1.000
input records:
TableScan_REL5213301: 41187 (min: 41187, max: 41187, avg: 41187
output records:
StreamLineWrite_REL5213305: 8 (min: 8, max: 8, avg: 8)
instance count: 1
run time: 2.000
instance time:
min: 2.000, max: 2.000, avg: 2.000
input records:
StreamLineRead_REL5213306: 8 (min: 8, max: 8, avg: 8)
output records:
TableSink_REL5213309: 8 (min: 8, max: 8, avg: 8)
Related statements
- SHOW: Views the information about an instance. The information includes StartTime (accurate to the second), RunTime (in seconds), Status, InstanceID, Owner, and Query statements.
- STATUS: Views the status of a specified instance.
- TOP INSTANCE: Views the information about instances that are running in a project.
- KILL: Stops a specific instance.
- DESC INSTANCE: Obtains job information based on a specified instance ID. The information includes SQL, Owner, StartTime, EndTime, and Status.